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5 Steps for Operating the Business of You

How to get on with the business of You

By Kay Johnson-ClennonPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Stop waiting for approval

Stop waiting for everyone’s support and approval and get on with the business of you.

Feeling like a victim of life?

Do you feel like a victim of life? Is life happening to you and you feel like you have limited choices? Is your job sucking the life out of you? Or maybe you are trying to find a job or afraid to leave the job that you currently have.

You know that you deserve better and you want more. However, you are afraid to take that step and a make change. You are afraid to start that business. You are afraid that you will not have the support and approval of your loved ones.

Below are 5 steps you can take to learn how to stop waiting for everyone’s support and approval and get on with the business of you.

What is the business of you?

The business of you is the ability to have choices about how you live your life. Money can not buy you love. However, it buys the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the roof over your head, the device on which you are currently reading this story. With money comes freedom and choices.

You have talents and skills that the world wants – we all do. If you want to use these talents and skills to do something different, you have to start thinking like an entrepreneur when it comes to your life. Thinking like an entrepreneur will help you to design a life that has more of the things that you want.

5 steps for operating the business of you

Step 1

Gather close family and friends and ask them:

“What do I do well that I can not see for myself?“

Most times we can not see for ourselves what our skills and talents are. So it may be easier to ask others who know us well.

Step 2

Develop your communication skills.

Communication is the means by which we impart or exchange information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.

Start learning how to present your passions clearly and concisely to make it easier for people to understand what it is that you do.

Step 3

Follow through.

Do you have a lot of unfinished projects? Do you often give up when the going gets rough? Pick something that you are going to do and try to stick to it and follow through even when the road gets rocky.

Step 4

Ask for help.

To take charge of your life, you will need to surround yourself with the right people. You could join a community of like-minded individuals such as a mastermind group. You could also get someone to keep you accountable.

Step 5

Develop the courage and willingness to take risks.

Stop waiting on someone to choose you, whether it is a client or an employer. You choose you. One fundamental principle of finance is “the higher the risk, the higher the potential return”. It takes risk and a lot of courage to leave the corporate world and to say to your family and friends that you would like to pursue something different.

Concluding words

At the foundation of all this, you must make self care your #1 priority. Your personal life affects your financial life. To grow your financial life, you must grow spiritually.

If all this sounds like too much work, ask yourself, and honestly answer these questions:

Am I currently doing work that I am passionate about or am I doing something that someone wants or tells me to do?

Am I taking good care of my wealth?

Do I have a solid plan for my finances?

If you have answered yes to all these questions, then well done, you are ahead of the game.

If most of your answers were no, then you need to get a handle on your financial health. If you do not, then you will not make decisions that best feed your soul.

self help

About the Creator

Kay Johnson-Clennon

I’m a Wife | Mother | Author | Associate Actuary

Find out more here:

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