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2024 The Year of The Breakthrough

Letting myself be seen and heard through writing and publishing daily on Vocal.

By Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17Published 4 months ago Updated 4 months ago 7 min read
2024 The Year of The Breakthrough
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Day 21/366 days of writing and publishing in 2024.

When I was a child, writing was my passion. I would spend hours crafting poems and pouring my thoughts into my journal. As I entered my twenties, I found inspiration in the stories I encountered while tending bar, and I began writing short stories. The 29 years I spent in the industry provided me with countless characters and memories that fueled my creativity. During my thirties, I delved into the world of dating and even toyed with the idea of turning my disastrous experiences into a book of short stories titled "Bad Dating."

However, fate had other plans for me when I met my future ex-boyfriend. Our five-year relationship brought an end to my writing inspiration, leaving my bad dating stories unfinished. (A good thing) In 2019, I embarked on a life coaching program, and it was there that I met a fellow writer and published author. Recognizing my potential, I hired her to help me develop my skills as a writer. It was around that time that I discovered Medium and landed writing gigs in two other publications. In my search for more opportunities, I stumbled upon Vocal in 2021.

My journey on Vocal has been a slow one until now, as I primarily focused on my first creative modality, painting. Painting will always be my first love. But I understand how writing can enhance it.

Towards the end of 2023, I participated in a hula hoop contest and realized that pushing myself outside of my comfort zone accelerated my growth. This revelation sparked an idea within me—I decided to challenge myself to enter a contest every week in 2024, whether it be for art, photography, writing, or other modalities that speak to me. I wrote about it here.

In November of 2023, a thought struck me: "What if I put my writing out there as much as my art?" With newfound determination, I made a commitment to write and publish one piece per day on Vocal throughout 2024. A new goal and aspiration to work towards. Although writing is not my primary focus, I believe that stretching myself in this way will lead me to uncharted territories. As a personal trainer and life coach at my J.O.B., I understand the value of constantly pushing oneself, and I aim to apply that mindset to my writing journey. By viewing it as an adventure and playful experiment, I believe I can achieve remarkable growth, not only in my writing but also in my personal development.

While I mostly find myself writing poetry and pieces about art, music, food, cocktails, and motivation—worlds I have immersed myself in—I am drawn to writing challenges because they force me to problem-solve and engage my brain in different ways. I have a desire to explore fiction further, as I once wrote an edgy fiction piece (a challenge inspired it and you can read it here) that allowed me to discover hidden parts of myself. I was scared to write it but I learned so much about myself in the process. There are always skills to hone, and I aspire to improve my ability to articulate my natural storytelling abilities through the written word.

My plan is to write one piece a day for the entire year, a commitment that both excites and scares me. I am aware that unforeseen circumstances may arise, preventing me from publishing on certain days. In those instances, I will make up for it by publishing two pieces the following day. Regardless, my goal remains to have a total of 366 pieces by the end of the calendar year. Imperfections will be accepted, and I will adapt as needed, for life is all about embracing change.

I acknowledge the need to dedicate more time to reading other creators' pieces. Balancing a 40-hour workweek, painting for over 20 hours, and maintaining a fitness routine and meal prep leaves little time for reading. However, I believe it is essential to establish a structured system that allows me to engage with other creators' works and identify potential collaborators. I have already begun reading the pieces of those who have subscribed to me, as a way to reciprocate the support they have shown me.

Writing challenges hold a special place in my heart. They challenge me to think in different ways and solve puzzles through my writing. Participating in these challenges has not only revealed new aspects of my writing but also helped me explore genres and topics I would have otherwise overlooked. I anticipate writing extensively about how music inspires my artwork, and I hope to tap into networks of creators from various fields who have yet to discover the power of writing. Whether they are musicians, mixologists, artists, or individuals in the wellness industry, I believe writing can serve as a catalyst to enhance their other endeavors. It is my belief that writing is not a limitation but rather a partner that dances alongside other modalities, allowing one to shine even brighter. The prospect of this excites me tremendously.

When I reflect on my journey as a writer, I can't help but feel a surge of excitement and passion. Writing has been my constant companion, a faithful friend that has allowed me to express myself in ways I never thought possible. From the tender age of childhood, when my love for writing first blossomed, to the present moment, where I stand on the precipice of a new chapter in my creative journey, I am filled with a sense of wonder and possibility.

As I recount the stories of my past, the characters and memories that have shaped me, I am reminded of the power of storytelling. It is a force that transcends time and space, connecting us all on a deeper level. And it is this connection, this shared human experience, that fuels my desire to write and share my words with the world. And I believe we all have this power within us.

I have come to realize that writing is not limited to a select few. It is not reserved for the literary elite or the naturally gifted wordsmiths. No, writing is a gift that resides within each and every one of us. It is a spark waiting to be ignited, a voice longing to be heard. And it is my fervent belief that by sharing my own journey, by baring my soul through my daily pieces I write this year, I can inspire others to embark on their own writing adventures.

Perhaps you have felt the stirrings of a story within yourself. Maybe you have a tale to tell, a message to share, even a recipe or playlist that’s inspired you in some way, or a world waiting to be born on the page. I implore you to take that leap of faith, to embrace the power of writing as a means of self-expression and exploration. It may feel daunting at first, like stepping into the unknown, but trust me when I say that the rewards are immeasurable.

Writing has the ability to unlock hidden depths within us, to reveal facets of our being that we never knew existed. It is a journey of self-discovery, a path that leads to a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us. And as we navigate this path, we find solace in the act of creation, in the knowledge that our words have the power to touch hearts, to evoke laughter, to inspire change, and to leave an incredible mark on the world.

So, I invite you to pick up your pen or open that blank document on your screen. Let your thoughts flow freely, unencumbered by self-doubt or fear of judgment. (Don’t worry about editing. There are programs and people to help with that!) Write with abandon, write with passion, write with the idea that your voice matters. And remember, it is never too late to start. The blank page is a canvas waiting to be filled, a world waiting to be explored. Embrace the adventure, embrace the possibilities, and let your words soar. It’s all play and experimentation. If you remember that it will take the pressure off.

Together, let us embark on this journey of self-expression and creativity. Let us celebrate the beauty of the written word and the power it holds to transform lives. And let us inspire others to discover the joy of writing, to unearth their own stories, and to share their unique perspectives with the world.

The time is now. The world is waiting for your words, your ideas, and your gifts to be shared.


About the Creator

Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17

Multidimensional Creative-preneur

Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Artist, Writer. Formerly in restaurant business for 3 decades. Soul expression is my ❤️ language. Spirituality,music, art, food and creativity fuel my life. IG @jenergy17

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  • L.C. Schäfer4 months ago

    The bit that stands out is that you didn't write while with your ex. Nor did I. In hindsight I probably should have seen that was a flag at the time.

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