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20 Questions To Ask Yourself At The End Of The Year

These questions are a great way to clear your mind. They will help you better understand yourself, understand what is going wrong in your life, and find your way to a happy and meaningful existence in the new year and beyond.

By Michail BukinPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
20 Questions To Ask Yourself At The End Of The Year
Photo by jose aljovin on Unsplash

1. What are my values ​​in life?

Think about what is most important to you in life. For example, kindness, sincerity, peace of mind and responsiveness. Or, say, creativity, diligence and independence. Your values ​​show what kind of person you want to be. They should be guided by everything that you do.

2. What am I striving for?

To answer this question, focus not on specific small goals (move to another city, advance your career, learn to draw), but on what you generally want to experience and do in your life (inspire others, express yourself through creativity, get maximum vivid impressions, explore the world deeper).

3. Under what conditions do I feel most productive and happy?

Someone is charged with energy from communicating with others, while someone needs to be alone with their thoughts for a long time. Some people like to spend time at home, while others cannot live without business trips and travel. Some feel comfortable when there are clear instructions and control from above, while for others, creativity and the ability to make decisions on their own are important.

What is your ideal environment? In what atmosphere (at home and at work) do you feel cheerful, happy and able to move mountains, and in which, on the contrary, do you feel weak and irritated? Try not only to answer these questions, but also think about what and how you could change to improve the situation.

4. What do I enjoy doing?

What are you willing to do every day? What activities fill you with joy and energy?

Perhaps you, like many other people, consider your hobbies to be something not very important, so you devote time to them as a residual. But your life will become much more pleasant, meaningful and interesting if you start doing what you like every day.

Constantly improve in your favorite business - and you will achieve brilliant results. It is possible that one day you will even be able to make money on your hobby.

5. Am I going there?

Think about where you will be in five, ten, twenty years if you keep going in the same direction as now. What will you do? What success will you achieve? Will your dreams come true?

6. Does fear of uncertainty stop me?

Many hold on to a job they don't love, an unsatisfactory lifestyle, or an unhappy marriage because they fear dim prospects, uncertainty, and financial instability. We are afraid to take risks, even if everything finally got to us. But familiar, familiar and understandable is not always the best choice.

Uncertainty is not so terrible at all. Try to see it not as a risk and danger, but as an exciting opportunity. Deciding to change is like embarking on an exciting journey along an unfamiliar route, where many interesting discoveries await you.

7. Am I doing something to achieve my goals?

We can dream about something for years. Hope that one day everything will change and a completely different life will begin. But this will not happen if you sit back. “What exactly am I doing to get what I want?” is a great question to ask yourself from time to time.

8. How do I respond to setbacks?

Failure can make you weak or make you stronger. And it just depends on how you treat them.

For some, every defeat is a stigma. “I’m probably just not smart enough”, “I don’t have enough talent”, “I have a terrible temper.” Those who think in this way can be unsettled by any minor problem.

Others perceive mistakes and failures as an integral part of life experience. They ask themselves: “What lessons can I learn from this situation?”, “What can be done differently next time?”, “How can I use the information received as a basis for development?”

It is not difficult to guess which of these people is more successful in life. If you are inclined towards the first type of thinking, reconsider your attitudes.

9. What would I like to improve in myself?

Do you think you were born with unchanging character traits and abilities? Psychology professor Carol Dweck is convinced that this is not the case. According to her, almost any qualities and talents can be developed.

First you need to determine what exactly you want to improve in yourself (maybe you lack professional skills or, for example, the ability to control your anger), and then work long and hard on it.

10. How much time am I wasting?

Of course, we need rest and entertainment. You can afford to scroll through the feed on the social network, watch a series or go to a party with friends. But in everything you need to know the measure.

If you spend too much time on trifles and constantly put off important things until later (for example, spend all evenings and weekends in front of the TV instead of learning English), this can prevent you from living and developing fully.

11. Who do I communicate with?

The people we associate with pushing us to do things that are good, like self-improvement or exercise regularly, as well as things that are bad. If most of your friends constantly complain about their lives and do nothing to change it, then you will consider this the norm. If you are surrounded by only gossips, then you will begin to slander.

Consider who is around you. Are these people helping you get better and achieve your goals, or are they holding you back? Remember: you have the right to choose who you associate with.

12. Who inspires me?

This question will help you better understand what you want to achieve in life.

Think of three people you know that you admire. It can be your colleagues, classmates, friends, family members, teachers, neighbors. What are they doing? Why do you consider them special?

Now think of three famous people you admire. For example, about political leaders, athletes or artists. For what merits do you consider them great?

13. What am I grateful for in life?

We would be much happier if we learned to notice the good things we already have. Make a list of things that make you feel grateful. Reread it every time your day is not going well or you are overwhelmed by negative thoughts.

14. In what mood do I usually wake up in the morning?

If almost every morning you experience depression, irritation or anxiety, then something is going wrong. Analyze different areas of your life (work, family, leisure, health, personal growth, finances, and so on). Which of them cause a feeling of dissatisfaction? What specifically can you do to change the situation for the better?

15. How do I influence other people?

Do you inspire, stimulate, give joy? Or, on the contrary, cause negative emotions in people? Be honest with yourself.

Often we push away friends, relatives, acquaintances with our behavior, without even realizing it. But you can analyze the reactions of others and draw conclusions.

Think about it. By learning to understand how others perceive you, you will be able to build stronger and healthier relationships with people.

16. How long has it been since I learned something new?

Sometimes we plunge headlong into the monotony of gray everyday life and forget how much there is around interesting and unknown. Don't make this mistake.

Follow the events, attend various seminars, lectures, master classes and conferences. Try to constantly discover new areas of knowledge for yourself (maybe some online course will hook you - take it). At least once a week, see what's going on in your professional topic.

Never stop learning. By acquiring new knowledge and skills, you train your brain, broaden your horizons, get more opportunities to change something in your life, and simply make your everyday life brighter.

17. When was the last time I read a book?

Books develop imagination, teach, inspire, allow you to escape from problems, help us improve. Read more! This is the best gift you can give yourself.

18. Am I in control of my life or am I going with the flow?

Very few of us are in full control of our lives, making conscious decisions and playing by our own rules.

Too often we do what other people want us to do. Sometimes we blame the circumstances and do not believe that we can change something. And more often, we simply perform the usual rituals on the machine, without even noticing how our everyday lives fly by. Time to wake up and take control!

19. If you told me that in a year I would not be, what would I do for the next 12 months?

It seems to us that we still have plenty of time left, so we postpone a lot for later - trips, events, important conversations, meetings. And very often we don't do what we planned. Now imagine that you will not be in a year. What would you like to do during this time? Go ahead, there won't be another chance!

20. Do I take good care of my health?

Health is one of the most important components of a happy life (this year is more relevant than ever). But most often we are so focused on work, household chores, family that we completely forget to take care of ourselves. We neglect sleep, snack on unhealthy foods, do not give the body physical activity for weeks, and ignore the distress signals that our body sends.

self help

About the Creator

Michail Bukin

Creative Writing Expert and Ambitious Stutterer

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