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25 Sources Of Energy For Those Who Are Tired

New Year's Eve is in full swing. Projects are not closed, gifts are not bought, the tree is not dressed up. Where do you get the energy to get things done before the end of the year and leave the energy for the New Year's party?

By Michail BukinPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
25 Sources Of Energy For Those Who Are Tired
Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

1. Silence.

Attention shapes our reality. If we focus on the noise, it will absorb all the attention as well as the energy. Be quiet and you will see how your mind clears up.

2 . The word "no".

If you constantly say “yes” when you feel like saying “no”, it takes energy not only through extra work, but also through resentment (from feeling that you were used to).

3 . Idea generation.

Learning, new ideas and discoveries turn into an energy resource. But the feeling of guilt and reproaches, on the contrary, is depleting, because the already limited energy reserves are used to hide mistakes and generate a bad mood.

4 . Caffeine.

To get the most benefit from coffee or caffeinated beverages, follow two rules: limit the amount and do not drink them immediately after waking up. Coffee will invigorate if you drink a cup in the afternoon.

5 . Daytime sleep.

15-20 minutes of sleep can turn one day into two! The main thing is not to sleep too long, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

6 . Timely food.

Starvation and intense physical or mental stress are incompatible things. When you don't get enough food, your brain "eats" itself. This process is called autophagy. With it, the body tries to make up for the lack of food in a desperate attempt to prevent exhaustion. So if you care about your brain cells, adequate nutrition is vital.

7 . Low carb diet.

A large amount of sugar leads to sharp jumps in energy - and a temporary surge can be followed by weakness and apathy. If you really want to have a snack between meals, eat fruits, nuts, muesli

8. Jumping or brisk walking.

Exercise makes the heart and lungs work faster to deliver more nutrients in the blood to every part of the body. At this point, the muscles use maximum energy.

9 . Land.

Walk barefoot on the ground for a couple of minutes every day. Another option is to buy a conductive workspace mat and conductive bed sheets. By grounding yourself, you reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and repair your body from stress. That's why you feel energized when you walk barefoot on the grass or on the beach.

10 . Cold.

Mitochondria "live" in cells, which produce energy. The state of the mitochondria determines how you feel - alert or tired. There is no more effective way to recharge mitochondria in such a short time than cold. Wash your face with ice-cold water or go outside for a breath of frosty air.

11. Sunlight.

Light serves as a signal for the hypothalamus and all interconnected organs and glands to wake up and be alert. In addition, daylight adjusts our biological clock: you will fall asleep faster in the evening if you visit the sun during the day, which means that you will sleep better and be alert in the morning.

12 . Quick cleaning.

When tiredness piles on you, and even your head does not work well, try first of all to get rid of the garbage on the table and in the office. Nine times out of ten, a quick cleaning helps recharge.

13. A clear plan of action.

Knowing what you want to do in a day, you focus on what you want, understand what obstacles may stand in the way, and develop a strategy to cope with them. This means that a simple action plan will save you a lot of energy throughout the day.

14 . Gratitude.

By focusing on what you can thank the world for even in difficult moments, you transform your life experience and enjoy the soft energy through which you perceive all events.

15 . Forgiveness.

Resentment is a heavy burden, and yet people are reluctant to forgive. Remember that you are forgiving for your own sake, because forgiveness changes how you feel about yourself. The other person doesn't even need to know that you've forgiven them.

16. Right morning.

How you start the day determines how productive you are until the evening. Someone makes the bed so that in their head it sounds: “First thing - Done!” Someone partially or completely performs elements of the Miracle Morning method. The main thing is to do something useful for yourself personally.

17 . Environment.

Communication is an exchange of energies. Choose nice people and charge with positive and good mood.

18. Contemplation of nature.

It is believed that even viewing photos of nature has a relaxing effect on people and relieves stress - the main obstacle to energy.

19. Inspirational Goals.

Nothing drains energy like outdated goals. Going the wrong way is not just wasting time, it means that you are damaging what is really important in your life. Once a year or more often, review your long-term goals and set new ones.

20. Your "carrot".

Carrot is a reward for hard work. For example, you plan to finish everything by six in the evening in order to go to the pool or to fitness. The thought of a pleasant deed can literally infect with energy.

21 . Breathing exercises.

Once a day, choose a time when you can turn off your cell phone, not answer urgent calls, texts, or emails, and focus on your breathing practice. Exercise will calm your mind and body and help you appreciate feelings and thoughts more deeply.

22 . Delegation.

If possible, pass on to others all the things that weigh on you. Time will be released, and with it, energy.

23 . Favorite music.

Turn on an energetic track, and life will shine with new colors. If you're at home, sing out loud!

24 . Contemplation of beauty.

Subscribe to creative people, find paintings by your favorite artists on the Internet, or go to an exhibition - art uplifts and energizes.

25 . Good book.

Reading is an impetus to new thoughts and ideas, which, in turn, inspire to accomplishment.


About the Creator

Michail Bukin

Creative Writing Expert and Ambitious Stutterer

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