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Yoga Poses

The trend of health and wellness is expanding right now.

By Nikhil ShahPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Image by Canva

People are beginning to understand the value of taking care of their bodies earlier in life and developing the habit of engaging in a regular exercise regimen. There are many new forms of exercise that are becoming popular, but nothing compares to yoga.

Yoga, a traditional Indian practice, derives its name from the Sanskrit word "yug," which simply means the union of the universal consciousness with our individual consciousness. Yoga is connected to both the physical and mental well-being of the body. For devotees, it has evolved into a way of life that focuses not only on the physical aspects of their being but also on the mind and soul. Yoga aims to purify and restore both the inside and outside of the human body. This explains why it has gained so much more traction among fitness professionals and health-conscious people.

It is crucial to understand the various factors that can cause weight gain because people are becoming more concerned about their health and the various metabolic disorders that can arise from an unhealthy lifestyle. An unhealthy diet would be the first. However, it's also important to take into account that some of our body functions may be malfunctioning. It's wonderful that yoga can address and resolve all of those problems.

To help you get back in shape, we've put together a list of five straightforward yoga poses you can try.

1. The Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar

This pose is arguably the most fundamental and popular asana in yoga. There are twelve different poses in it, each of which concentrates on a different area of the body. With just this one pose, you can strengthen your muscles, joints, and entire skeletal system.

The Sun Salutation, when performed quickly, can be a great cardio workout that stretches your abdominal muscles and helps you lose belly fat. Regular, vigorous deep breathing ensures that the lungs are adequately ventilated and that the blood is adequately oxygenated. It promotes healthy digestion and aids in metabolism acceleration. The proper operation of the intestines and the release of suffocated gases in the system are ensured by this yoga pose's increased blood flow through the digestive tract. Imagine receiving all of those advantages from just one posture. Can you even begin to comprehend what else we have in store for you?

2. The Warrior Pose Or Virabhadrasana

Isn't it odd that a warrior's name is used to describe a yoga pose? It's all about peace and positivity, after all. True enough. You must keep in mind, though, that the Bhagavad Vita, one of the most significant yoga texts, is really a dialogue between two warriors.

Whatever the case, the three poses known as Warriors I, II, and III are probably the most frequently used in modern yoga. They are probably more approachable for most bodies and less intimidating than some of the other yoga postures, which is why. However, they work wonders for flexing and strengthening your arms, legs, back, and shoulders, among other body parts. Because so many muscles are used, it energizes the entire body and supports healthy circulation and respiration.

3. The Triangular Pose Or Trikonasana

The Trikonasana is unique because, in contrast to other poses, it necessitates that you keep your eyes open in order to maintain your balance while holding the pose. Trikona, which means three angles in Sanskrit, and asana, which means pose, are terms that the body literally creates.

Regular Trikonasana practice can reduce stress and anxiety in the body, calm the mind, and promote healthy blood flow to the brain. It helps to strengthen the arms, thighs, hips, and back. Everything is in one posture. Additionally, if you've been experiencing indigestion, trying out this pose might be the cure for you. And last but not least, it targets and burns body fat that has accumulated in the waist and thigh regions. Amazing!!!

Desire all that? Now strike the triangle position.

4. The Upward Plank Or Purvottanasana

Okay, we get it if you've seen the pictures and are a little hesitant to try. Keep in mind that it takes time to perfect poses, and that's okay. Before you can perform the pose on your own, start by practicing it while supported by a chair.

At first, it might seem challenging to complete, but we assure you that the advantages this pose can provide for your body will satisfy you. Your shoulders, wrists, spine, and back are all greatly benefited from this posture. It works the muscles in those areas while also involving the core to strengthen and fortify them. Your front ankles are relieved, and any stress or tension is gone. Additionally, posture is known to clear the mind, so after using it a few times, you should feel more imaginative and open to the future's new possibilities.

5. The Boat Pose Or Paripurna Navasana

Getting stability while performing this posture can help you calm down and align your mind, body, and emotions despite the potential difficulty and effort involved. Because the core is kept engaged while holding the pose, the boat pose is excellent for toning and strengthening the abdominal muscles. Therefore, if you've been itching for a six-pack, this pose is exactly what you should be honing.

All of the digestive organs are massaged and put to work by the motion necessary to achieve the proper posture, which also promotes proper digestion. The hamstrings, the spine, and the hip flexors are all stretched and strengthened. The pose also helps the body release accumulated stress. Your balance and confidence should both significantly improve if you can maintain the pose while extending your hands out in front of you.

If you’re a woman who has struggled with weight loss, you owe it to yourself to read these Samantha's weight loss journey and how she loses 237 pounds to 136 pounds you can read this weight loss journey by clicking here.


About the Creator

Nikhil Shah

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