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Words of Inspiration

Inspirational words from a higher source

By John LedgarPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

Having suffered with anxiety since 2013, I had tried many things to help me manage the negativity and self defeating thoughts I had. In 2018 after my marriage broke down, I returned to meditation and eventually began to write down the thoughts I had as a sort of self therapy.

Below are a collection of the thoughts that challenged my beliefs at the time and started a rolling catalyst that has led to growth and healing.

“Happiness, at the expense of others, is not happiness.

Happiness because of others, is not happiness.

Happiness, as a result of happiness, is true happiness.

Thus, strive to be happy in all you do as a result of doing it happily.”

I wrote this whilst I was in a very downward feeling state, only days after my wife left me. Just focusing on what happiness was to me helped me get through the days that followed. The other things that helped was reconnecting with family which I had become estranged from during my marriage and returning to the Spiritualist Churches I once frequented. These two relationships helped to ease the burden I felt as a result of the separation.

“Fear, anger, bitterness are self defeating demons.

To embrace, is to lose yourself in otherness.

So let go of fear, anger, bitterness.

Instead embrace calmness, love and empathy.

As it is only the light that can chase away the darkness, so is it that calmness, love and empathy can chase away the negative.”

Having lived for so long in self defeating thoughts, I needed to remind myself of who I am and how I want to live. I’m a positive guy, who loves life and spending time in service to others. Until I was able to embrace the calmness, love, and empathy, I was not going to be able to face my demons. As I am spirit in a physical body, I still struggle with these demons. However, I am slowly gaining the upper hand; which is evident by the stronger pull and attacks of those demons.

“Anger, fear, aggression. These lead down a path of destruction.

Not necessarily of the physical, but more importantly the spiritual and the mind.

Release feelings that serve to break down and embrace love, acceptance and patience.

For it is through unconditional love, acceptance of what has been and patience for what is to be, that we can learn to be happy and content in the now.”

Still doing a lot of soul searching, I have come to realise that I need to practice living in the now. That is what I was discovering in the above thoughts. For too long I had been concerned with the past (can’t change it, only how I think and feel about it) or the future (though understandable whilst going through a separation, we cannot change what will happen in the future. It is only the present that we can influence). I have realised that I must focus on the present, for it is the present that creates our future. I’m not sure who said it, or where I read or heard it, up recently I heard the following quote: “The past and the future are a lie, are not real. It is only the present that is real.”

I shall leave you with these thoughts, and may they help inspire you towards a much happier and fulfilling life.

Much Love and Light to you all.

About John

I am an Intuitive Spiritual Healer who channels the healing energy of Spirit to those I am working with. I also practice trance, proof of survival and use my intuition to help others.

I’m a home grown Aussie, born and raised in Frankston. I have always been interested in whether there is more to life than the physical.

Whilst studying psychology in year 11, I had a quite magical experience during a relaxation mediation exercise.

Knowing that my Grandma meditated and taught people I asked her to teach me. She made me a guided meditation cassette (yes a cassette, that’s how old I am).

I used that cassette for many years daily.

I then began to attend the Mornington Spiritual Church, at their fortnightly meetings runs by the Reverend Bob Ferguson. I had a lot of great experiences there during this time.

Subsequently I began to frequent Seaford Spiritual Church and Dromana, all depending on who was on platform.

I joined several developmental circles, learnt Reiki level one and regularly practiced Spiritual Healing under the guidance of Reverend Bob.

After going to university and getting a Bachelor of Art, with a major in history, I began working with children as a literacy intervention aide. During this time, I met the first love of my life, who I’d spend the next 20 years with.

In this time I have returned to development circles, have learnt the tarot, Pellowah, the raindrop technique and emotional clearing with Young Living Essential Oils.

Currently I am studying Spiritualism through the VSU (Victorian Spiritualist Union), study Holistic Counselling through Health and Harmony; all whilst working full time as a Kindergarten Teacher.

I hope my words bring you much joy, happiness and inspiration.

Love and Light


About the Creator

John Ledgar

Father of 3

Energy healer

Spiritual healer

Studying Spiritualism and Holistic counselling

Love using essential oils, listening to music and a good camp fire

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