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Why Motivation is Key to Weight Loss?

motivation role in weight loss

By Happy Life OfficialPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

What do you think of when you hear the word motivation?

Being psyched to get up and go to work in the morning?

Cheering on your favorite sports team during the big game?

Hopefully, it doesn’t take you back to high school history class because motivation plays an essential role in weight loss. Here’s why...

The Importance of Willpower

Willpower might seem like a character trait, but it’s a finite resource.

As we burn through it, we become increasingly more likely to give in and eat that donut or skip that workout.

Our willpower isn’t just helpful for avoiding snacks and keeping us from our couch; it also makes us more effective at work and helps us face challenges confidently.

How to Get Motivated

Finding motivation can sometimes be difficult, but there are a few strategies you can use to spark that initial push.

Try setting daily or weekly goals for yourself and tracking your progress as you work toward them.

You could also hire a personal trainer or join a class—helping other people may make you more motivated to get in shape!

And don’t forget about rewards: If you reach your goal, treat yourself to something special.

External Motivators

What’s been proven for motivation’s role in weight loss is that external motivators like a health scare, an upcoming event, or following a loved one who has lost Weight can cause positive change.

They often take determination, though. Think of it as someone giving you money to lose weight.

It will probably happen, but you might be more likely to lose weight if you first set a goal. You are your own best motivator!

The Importance of Accountability

One of the biggest reasons people give up on weight loss or fitness plans is that they don’t have accountability.

If you have no one holding you accountable, it’s too easy to quit. However, if you set a goal and tell ten friends about it, you will keep at it.

When people hold each other accountable for their goals, they are much more likely to succeed in achieving them.

Having a support system is crucial when you are trying to lose weight. A few good ways to find an accountability partner include:

  • Joining an online forum.
  • Ask your family members.
  • Even starting your group where you meet once a week and weigh in together.

Find someone who will check in with you regularly so that they can encourage you when times get tough.

The encouragement of others can make all the difference!

How Long Does it Take to Lose Weight?

Calculate how long it will take you to lose Weight by setting reasonable goals and time frames.

If you lose weight too quickly, you will likely gain back more pounds than you lost initially, leading to a chronic cycle of yo-yo dieting.

If losing 10 pounds seems like a daunting goal, try breaking your timeline into smaller segments of 1-2 pounds per week.

After six months, you may have lost 10-15 pounds! Keep in mind that it may take longer if you are overweight or have tried other diets in the past without success.

For example, if you weigh 250 pounds and want to lose 15 pounds in one month, aim for 2-3 pounds per week instead.

This approach allows for slow but steady progress while also helping to prevent plateaus along your journey.

Keep track of all weight loss efforts using an app or spreadsheet to see how much progress has been made over time.

Do You Need Willpower if you have an Appetite Suppressant Pill?

Diet pills can help you shed those extra pounds quickly and safely.

But, like any other diet pill, they can’t be used as a substitute for willpower.

If you struggle with self-control regarding food, then diet pills are not for you.

Instead, it would be best to focus on healthy habits such as eating less and exercising more.

Planning your Diet and Exercise Routine

To lose weight, you’ll need a combination of a healthy diet and exercise.

When it comes to diet, don’t focus on just calories—you want an overall balanced plan.

Make sure your plan includes vegetables, fruits, grains, and protein like chicken or fish.

Exercise regularly by doing moderate exercises for 30 minutes a day, such as brisk walking or cycling. Keep track of your progress to stay motivated!

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About the Creator

Happy Life Official

I write about relationships, health, happiness, and much more to ease your life routine.

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