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Why I Decided to Not Be Like Everyone Else!

March to the beat of your own drum.

By Nicole (Nikki) M.Published 7 years ago 3 min read
“To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you somebody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” - E. E. Cummings,

In a world, full of “carbon copy” people, I decided to be me! I refuse to conform to being who others tell me I should be. Instead, I stand on my own two feet, marching to the beat of my own drum.

As a child, all I wanted more than anything else was to fit in. The funny thing about fitting in though is, you either do or you don’t - there isn’t a lot of in-between. Another thing that I find particularly interesting about the “it crowds,” is you don’t get to decide whether you are a part of it, they decide for you.

During my childhood, I struggled with bullying and always felt like a social outcast. I never understood why I didn’t fit in. I looked like everyone else, heck I wore the latest styles and listened to popular music. Whatever the reason, I was not accepted as part of the popular crowd. Looking back now, I am glad that I was never accepted into their group. The people that were part of the “it crowds” were bullies, trouble makers and they tried to build themselves up - by putting others down. A lot of these kids did drugs, smoked and came from broken homes, which is sad if you stop and think about it.

As I sat watching the world pass me by, I realized how much society and the media try to shape us into being clones of one another. In order to sell products and services, the media essentially dictates what’s in and what’s not. Can you imagine having this much power and influence over the world? We are all like puppets dangling on strings, with so many outside influences shaping our decisions.

Having worked many years in the retail industry, I watched people of all ages flock to the shopping mall to buy the latest popular products. Whether it be a new technology gadget, toy or clothing style; people from all walks of life feel the urgency to be on-top of the latest trend. I have literally witnessed customers fight with one another, to get the last product in stock. If you can only picture how ridiculous it looks to watch two grown adults fight over a commercialized product.

Styles and trends come and go, as soon as the company meets its targeted quota. Once their quota is met, they decide what will be the next hot trend. It is absolutly ludicrous to think about how much money people spend on products; not because they like them, but because the media tells them it is what they should be wearing or using. Another incredibly smart marketing scheme companies use is, fazing out old products with new slightly updated versions. To get customers to buy the new item, they cease producing and selling the older versions. Companies make the new add-ons and features only compatible with the updated version, in-order to increase sales. The updated version, is usually no better than the original, most of the time it is worse. However, people will literally line up around the city, to be the first to get their hands on the new model. Once the craze is over, the product will typically get reduced in price until it becomes obsolete and then a newer model will come onto the market. This vicious cycle continues repeatedly, as they watch consumers throw away their hard-earned cash to keep up with trends.

When we stop conforming to these social norms and expectations, we reclaim our individuality. In a field of flowers, why be a dandelion when you can be a wild flower?

Don’t believe me, that being different is better? Check out, my short list below:

  1. It helps improve self esteem! When you no longer feel the need to impress others and are true to yourself, you will feel the joy of life.
  2. Unleashes creativity! When you stop following others and begin matching to the beat of your own drum, the sky becomes your limit for possibilities.
  3. Become kinder! When you stop trying to be who you think others expect you to be, you will have a deeper compassion for others, who feel like they don’t belong.
  4. Greater chance at reaching your full potential! Without the pressures from society weighing you down, there is alot more time to focus on fulfilling your dreams and pursuing your passion.
  5. Last, but not least - When you are true to yourself, you will always find happiness. Don’t mistake who you are, for who you have learned to be!

advicehumanitymental health

About the Creator

Nicole (Nikki) M.

I'm a free-spirit, deep thinker and continuous learner. My hope is that my stories will evoke emotion, educate and inspire. Thank you for being apart of my creative journey!

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    Nicole (Nikki) M.Written by Nicole (Nikki) M.

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