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Which Vitamin is Good For Hair Growth?

According to research, deficiencies of specific vitamins may lead to hair loss or thin and brittle hairs.

By Ellie SchneiderPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

Healthy-looking hair is a sign of beauty and good health. Like our body, our hairs also need a variety of vitamins and nutrients to be healthy and to grow faster. Eating a well balanced diet that contains essential nutrients is necessary to maintain hair health. However, there is no evidence that suggests that individual vitamin is beneficial for hair growth.

According to research, deficiencies of specific vitamins may lead to hair loss or thin and brittle hairs. Therefore it is recommended to consume enough of each vitamin in the regular diet that keeps your hair healthy.

Researchers did various studies and this is how the various nutrients might support hair growth:-

● Vitamins B

● Vitamin E

● Vitamin D

Through this article, you will get information about how these vitamins can promote strong, healthy hair and their contribution to hair growth.

As we discussed above that various nutritional deficiencies are linked to hair loss. In fact, factors such as hormones, genes and age, genetics and also affect person-to-person hair growth. Below mentioned are 5 vitamins that may be important for hair growth.

Vitamin A

Our body’s skin cells need vitamin A for growth. These skin cells help in the fastest growth of tissue in the human body. Also, Vitamin A helps skin glands make an oily substance which is known as sebum. It moisturizes our scalp and keeps hair healthy and strong.

On the other hand, Vitamin A deficiency may lead to several problems, which include hair loss and itching. Therefore, it’s essential to get vitamin A according to your body’s requirements. Because enough Vitamin A can also lead to hair loss.

You can get Vitamin A from:-

● Sweet potatoes

● Carrots

● Pumpkins

● Spinach

● kale

These foods have beta-carotene, which further turns into vitamin A. You can also get Vitamin A from animal products such as milk, eggs, and yogurt.

SUMMARY- Vitamin A is essential for keeping our scalp moisturized. It promotes hair growth. You can get Vitamin A from these sources- carrots, spinach, kale, sweet potatoes, and some animal foods.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is essential to strengthen our metabolism and nervous system. It is considered the best vitamin for hair growth. It is also known as biotin. According to Studies, hair loss is linked with biotin deficiency. However, various websites and beauty professionals claim that Vitamin B helps in strengthening and conditioning the hair.

The B complex vitamins are: B1 or thiamin, B2 or riboflavin, B3 or niacin, B5 or pantothenic acid, B6 or pyridoxine, B7 or biotin, B9 or folate, B12 or cobalamin.

Some common food sources of B complex vitamins are:

● whole grains

● Vegetables- including dark and leafy green vegetables)

● Meat such as beef liver and poultry

● Fish

● whole eggs

● beans and legumes

● nuts

● avocados

Although people in the USA also consider dietary supplements best for Vitamin B to meet their body requirements

Here are some factors that can make supplementation necessary are-

● Older age

● People who follow a plant-based diet

● Pregnant women

● People at certain medications

These people may are at higher risk of getting deficiency of complex B vitamins. Biotin is the best alternative for hair loss treatment if people suffering from a deficiency. However, people face deficiency rarely because it occurs in a wide range of foods naturally.

In addition, animal foods are also a good source of vitamin B12 which is helpful in hair growth. So if you’re vegetarian you can consider taking Vitamin B Supplement.

SUMMARY- Vitamin B is useful in carrying oxygen and nutrients to our scalp which further leads to potential hair growth. Vitamin B-rich foods include whole grains, leafy greens meat, seafood, etc.

Vitamin C

Do you know that free radical damage can block the growth of your hair? Vitamin C is considered a powerful antioxidant that protects oxidative stress that causes free radicals. In addition, your body needs Vitamin C to create a protein that plays important role in hair structuring. In fact, Vitamin C also helps our body in absorbing iron which is a necessary mineral for hair growth.

You can find Vitamin C in these fruits:-

● Strawberries

● Peppers

● Guavas

● Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemon

SUMMARY- Vitamin C is useful for hair growth and help prevent hair from aging. Good sources of Vitamin C include peppers, guavas, citrus fruits, and strawberries.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency leads to alopecia. Alopecia is a technical term used for hair loss. Vitamin D plays a major role in the production of hair. According to research, it is found out that most people don’t get enough vitamin D. Therefore it is a good idea to intake Vitamin D-rich food and keep your body in direct contact with sun rays.

Vitamin D rich common food sources are:

● fatty fish

● cod liver oil

● some mushrooms

● fortified foods

SUMMARY- Vitamin D’s actual role in hair growth is not clear in studies, but it is found that Vitamin D deficiency leads to hair loss. Therefore you should increase vitamin D levels through direct sun exposure, eating certain foods, and Vitamin D supplements to meet body requirements.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is also an antioxidant that helps in preventing oxidative stress from the body. According to a study, people having hair loss problems experienced a 34.5% increase in hair growth after getting Vitamin E supplements for 8 months.

Vitamin E rich common food sources are:-

● Sunflower seeds

● Almonds

● Spinach

● Avocados.

SUMMARY- Vitamin E helps in preventing boost hairs growth and prevent oxidative stress which can lead to free radicals. Vitamin E good sources are- almonds, spinach, sunflower seeds, and avocados.

The Bottom Line

A balanced diet is the best source of getting vitamins for hair growth. If you fail to get enough diet then you can consider dissolvable vitamins. According to research, supplements work best in individuals suffering from vitamin deficiency. Remember, large doses of vitamins and minerals can be harmful to your body and may have side effects. So consult with your dietitian or doctor before considering them. In the end, eating a real-food–based balanced diet is necessary for fitness.

self care

About the Creator

Ellie Schneider

Proud Mom and Nutritionist

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