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What will happen to your body if you eat sweet potatoes every day?

A Sweet Potato a Day... Keeps the Doctor Away!

By Narichica HandyPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by ivabalk on Pixabay: Photo by Lawrence Aaron: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-display-of-red-and-yellow-potatoes-in-plastic-buckets-6611287/

Sweet potatoes are not only sweet and super tasty, but they can also work wonders for your health! I mean, who doesn't love a vegetable that can do double duty? From keeping your gut happy to giving you a glowing complexion, sweet potatoes are a true powerhouse of nutrition.


So, let's dig into what happens to your body when you much on these root veggies every day — you'll be amazed at how sweet potatoes can give you a total body makeover.

1. Healthy and stable blood sugar levels

Sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index, which means they release sugar into the bloodstream slowly, providing a steady stream of energy and preventing blood sugar spikes. Additionally, they are rich in fiber, which aids in slowing down digestion, along with nutrients such as pectin and potassium that support stable blood sugar levels. So, regularly incorporating sweet potatoes into your diet can help reduce the risk of diabetes and related health problems.

2. Improved digestion and gut health

As mentioned earlier, sweet potatoes are an excellent source of dietary fiber: both soluble and insoluble. The soluble fibers (primarily in the form of pectin) absorb water to soften your stool, while insoluble fibers (primarily in the form of cellulose) add to the bulk of your stool. This speeds up food movement through your digestive system and reduces the chances of constipation.

The fibers in sweet potatoes also act as a prebiotic, which means it feeds the good bacteria in your gut. This is important for breaking down food and preventing digestive disorders such as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

3. Radiant skin and healthy hair

Sweet potatoes are loaded with beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A contributes to healthy skin, as it helps to protect against damage from the sun, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and promotes skin cell turnover. In addition, Vitamin A helps to produce sebum, which is the natural oil that moisturizes your skin and hair scalp, preventing them from becoming dry and brittle.

The vitamin C in sweet potatoes helps to fight off free radicals, which can damage the skin and cause premature aging. It also helps to boost collagen production, which is essential for boosting hair growth and maintaining skin elasticity.

4. Good heart and blood pressure health

Sweet potatoes are a great source of potassium, a mineral that helps to regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering the amounts of sodium in the body. Moreover, the fiber found in sweet potatoes lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, further reducing the risk of heart disease.

Sweet potatoes are also low in fat and calories, making them a good addition to a heart-healthy diet. They help you feel full for longer periods, which can prevent overeating and weight gain, both of which can contribute to heart disease.

5. Healthy eyes for sharp vision

Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, a nutrient that is essential for maintaining proper eye function, especially in low-light conditions. This nutrient can also help protect against various eye issues such as dry eyes and eye infections. Additionally, the vitamin C found in sweet potatoes helps to prevent cataracts, macular degeneration, and exposure to harmful UV rays. Not getting enough of these vitamins can result in vision loss, night blindness, and other eye-related problems.

6. Strong immune health

The vitamins A and C in sweet potatoes work wonders in strengthening your immune system. Vitamin A helps in maintaining the mucous membranes — found in the lining of the tissues in the nose, mouth, throat, etc. — that serve as a barrier against pathogens, irritants, and other harmful substances. And vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps in reducing inflammation and fighting free radicals. Together, both vitamins combat infections and other harmful invaders, while also playing a crucial role in the production of white blood cells to protect the body from diseases.

7. Low risk of cancer

Eating foods rich in beta-carotene, such as sweet potatoes, reduce your risk of lung and colon cancer. Research suggests that beta-carotene has a positive effect on lowering the risk of lung cancer, while the fiber in sweet potatoes can aid in reducing the risk of colon cancer by promoting healthy digestion and reducing inflammation in the gut. This study shows that anthocyanins (compounds that are most common in purple-colored sweet potatoes) can help prevent the development of colorectal cancer.


Overall, incorporating sweet potatoes into your daily diet can provide you with a variety of nutrients that work together to boost your health and well-being. So, add some sweet potatoes to your plate today and give your body the nutrition it needs to stay healthy and strong.

Read my previous article here:


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