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To lose weight and belly fat, follow these five steps:

By Hashan chamaraPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

Step 1: Significantly reduce your alcohol consumption. One pint of beer contains the same number of carbs as seven pieces of bread (which is a lot of carbs), not to mention the sugar and calories in one pint. If you're serious about losing weight, I recommend quitting alcohol totally.

Step 2 : Keep track of what you consume; diet accounts for more than half of weight loss, so keep track of what you eat. It's a no-fly zone when it comes to fast food. Fruit juice and carbonated beverages are likewise off limits; trust me, water suffices. Drink plenty of water while we're on the subject (especially when working out). Drink a glass of water before, after, and during the day (2 - 3 liters is a healthy amount if you're attempting to lose weight). Sugar is the killer; in fact, if you don't consume any sugar, consuming fatty foods will help you burn fat (it's called the 'Keto diet,' So, What should you eat? Vegetables and low-calorie foods - it's easy to overlook the food with a red color pasted over the proportion of fat/sugar, but it's also easy to pick up the low-calorie food, pick it up, and put it in your basket. Getting the nutrients you need into your body by blending fruits and/or vegetables and preparing a drink is a smart way to do it. You do, however, require fat; as I previously stated, fat and no sugar will truly burn fat. Avocado, dark chocolate, fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt, berries, green tea, chocolate skim milk, and citrus are all high in fat but high in nutrition. Surely at least one of these goods appeals to you. The importance of fats is in knowing which fats to eat and when to take them - eat good fats on a regular basis, daily but spread out throughout the day. Find good dishes to try - eating healthy food doesn't have to be dull. Look up various meal recipes online and try them out to discover what you enjoy and don't like. And don't forget: NO SUGAR.

Step 3: Exercise. Go to the gym, which is probably the most obvious of the three. A monthly gym membership costs no more than £20. They're everywhere, and unless you live in a really remote location, a gym is generally within a 15-minute drive away. If you could tell me why you can't join a gym, I could tell you how ridiculous your explanation is. There is literally no reason not to join a gym, and if you continue to believe otherwise, there is no purpose in reading this. So, now that you've joined a gym, what should you do? Cardio is the most effective way to lose weight. If you want to lose weight in general, avoid any of the "loss belly fat fast" plans and instead go on runs, go to the gym, and use the cardio machines. Weight loss in the gym is quite simple; it is not easy, but it is simple. Run on treadmills and other cardio machines during the first 6 to 12 months. This form of activity, together with the diet and other procedures outlined in this article, will result in you losing a significant amount of weight in the first year. Set a one-year goal for yourself and do everything you can to achieve it. Start using machines that emphasize on weight loss and cardio, but also contain muscle training, such as a rowing machine, once the initial piece of fat is gone. Consult a gym instructor to learn which machines are appropriate for both. After you've lost the fat, you can concentrate on gaining muscle (which we will talk about in the next topic).

Step 4: Get some rest. Sleep is one of the most crucial factors in growing muscle and losing weight, yet it is often disregarded when it comes to any type of exercise. There are numerous scientific reasons why sleep is an important component of exercise, including hormone levels, glucose levels, and energy levels; however, all you need to know is one basic factor: go to bed before 12 a.m. and wake up naturally. If you can't wake up naturally because of work or school, go to bed at least 8 hours before your alarm goes off. 8 to 1o hours of sleep is ideal, but some individuals require more and some require less; it is all a matter of determining how much sleep you require. You will lose more weight and grow more muscle if you sleep more. Simple. Take a snooze if you're tired at home. Finally, if you're weary, don't stay up late binge-watching Netflix or on your phone. The importance of rest cannot be overstated.

Step 5 : This is the final and most straightforward step. Be patient; nice things need time to arrive into your life. Don't give up, and above all, stay inspired. Watch encouraging YouTube videos, add motivational speeches to your gym playlist, and do whatever it takes to get out of the house and moving. Every day is crucial. I guarantee you will see results quickly; nevertheless, giving up when you don't see results will tire you; you must persevere. The more you practice it, the easier it becomes; as time passes, you will get more information and drop more weight. In the end, it's all worth it.

So there you have it: 5 easy weight-loss steps you can start today. All of the points are summarized below.

There will be no booze.






About the Creator

Hashan chamara

In Sri Lanka's best fitness club, I work as a fitness trainer. As a result, I can provide you with the skills and assistance you need to achieve your health and fitness goals.

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