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What Is Self-Care and How Do You Do It?

Start caring for yourself better than you have before!

By Alexis ThomasiPublished 6 years ago 6 min read

Self-care—this is a subject that is being talking about constantly, but I do not think it is entirely clear how to do this or what it even means. How do you practice self-care? What is self-care?

Personally, when I hear this phrase, it makes me think of women at a spa lying on a lounge chairs with cucumbers on their eyes and creamy green face masks. Can I afford to do that every time I am feeling stressed or weighed down? NO. Absolutely not, and that is a big fat no for most of us. Who has the time or money to do that all the time? Maybe Beyoncé, but not the rest of us. So what can we do to practice self-care? Well firstly, and most importantly, we need to make the time to find out the things that work best to melt the stress!

We all have it, stressful things that go on in our daily lives. Some days, weeks and months are worse than others. Many of us have a complex that our stress is the worst of all. We all can fall into this Chicken Little mindset, where the sky is falling and we panic and stress about everything around us. In reality, there are so many other people on the planet that have much worse to deal with than anything you or I do.

Despite this truth, it does not mean that your stresses aren’t worth exploring and fixing or dealing with what you cannot change. So what do we do when the woes of our lives are bogging us down? Usually, the options are pressing on, trying to ignore it, or dwelling; none of which are healthy options. Self-care is about being healthier and finding ways of making yourself feel better in times of struggle. This does not mean avoiding or ignoring your stresses, it more so means acknowledging them, acknowledging your feelings, and giving yourself a mental break if you need it.

I myself have some issues with self-care because it takes time out of the things I have to do, i.e. usually the things that are stressing me out. But this is a misinterpretation of what self-care is and should be. Self-care is the act of literally taking care of yourself, mind and body. How is that not important for everyday life? Your mind and body should be well rested to be able to be productive and get the things you have to get done finished or started. If I think about myself, there are times I work really well under pressure so I have convinced myself stress is good, but anxiety is not. If you are anxiety-ridden, doing your best work and figuring out creditable solutions to issues is very difficult. This is why knowing yourself is very important, it allows you to identify what you need in these tricky situations.

So here’s a list of things that can help you start caring for yourself!

1. Meditation

I know this is another thing that is very ‘in’ right now to speak about and say you are doing. I know the word mediation conjures up images of Buddhist monks or floating people over pillows humming but this is not really what meditation is for most people. There are many different ways of meditating. The one I like most is guided or mantras. Guided meditations are all over YouTube. Basically, you listen to someone speak who tells you what to think about and how to relax your body. Usually there are nature sounds, and you are told that you can lie down or sit up. For mantra meditation, it is a literal mantra that you can pick to repeat to yourself. That is typically something you want to focus on. Examples: I am strong, I am worthy, and I am courageous; everything happens for a reason; I will be ready for tomorrow/today/etc, and so on.

2. Exercise

Anyone who knows anything about exercise KNOWS it is good for you. Yes, of course there are copious amounts of health benefits, but there are also emotional benefits. I am sure everyone reading this knows the word endorphins, but just in case… Endorphins are a group of hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system that have a number of physiological functions. Endorphins have been proven to help with depression and stress. Simply going for a walk or a jog when you are stressed can help release endorphins and melt the stress away, or at least some of it! Yoga is a really good option, which goes along with meditation too! Meditating while running is also an option, one that I personally could not enact, but is a viable option for people who enjoy running!

3. A Long Shower/Bath

Who doesn’t love to be in a steamy shower or warm bath? We all have taken a longer than normal shower, whether it was purposeful or not! Why not plan something like that for you to relax in. If you love baths, then make it bubbly or put one of those fizzy balls in it! Maybe light some candles and play some music while you soak. If baths aren’t your thing then take a long hot shower! You can sing in it, have a long conversation with yourself, or listen to the water washing over you. Either way, the point is relaxation and treating yourself to something you like!

4. Napping

This one is definitely something I love to do. Whoever said naps were for children was sorely mistaken. Naps are for stressed out adults who need a minute to decompress! So set a timer and float into dreamland!

5. Reading

Reading is a great way to get out of your world and into another. It is a beneficial activity for your mind and a good way to unwind. So pick up the book that you have been meaning to finish, or start, and let it whisk you away into literary paradise.

6. Journaling

Write down your feelings. Write down what is stressing you out. Put everything you are thinking and feeling on a piece of paper. It is cathartic and therapeutic. It is also helpful to see things on paper so you can see what you can do tackle those feelings or stresses.

7. Unplug

Turn off your phone, your computer, the TV and all of forms of distractions. Take time for yourself. Sit in silence without those things for just ten or fifteen minutes and see how much more relaxed you feel. Cut out the BS, unplug from the social world, and just be with you.

8. Be Still

Sit still and quiet for ten minutes. Just let yourself be. Don’t do anything else but sit. Breathe and take a few minutes off from the real world to just connect with your own mind and body.

9. Go to Bed Early (My Favorite!)

Go to bed early. Set a time to get into bed and even if you just lay there, it is still time for yourself. Sleep is extremely important for your outer and inner health, so make a plan to get things done and get to bed early to get some extra Z’s!

10. Treat Yourself

Almost everyone has heard of ‘treat yo self,’ but this is not exactly what I mean. I do not mean go on a shopping spree and buy a bunch of thing you do not need. You can, however, go buy one thing you have really been wanting, or go get yourself a treat like a piece of chocolate or a bowl of ice cream. But please avoid emotional eating. This is a trap I have found myself in many times. I want to make myself feel a little better and I end up feeling worse because instead of eating two pieces, I ate the whole sleeve. Not only does this make you feel crappier than you did fifteen minutes ago, but it also defeats the literal purpose of self-care, which is being nice to yourself and getting healthier.

This list of ten are just some suggestions, you can take them or leave them. I do implore you to make a list of your own, though, so when the time comes and you are at your maximum stress level, you can help your mind and body feel a little better!

self care

About the Creator

Alexis Thomasi

I have a lot of opinions and I love to share them!

I enjoy writing, exercising, singing, and food!! So let's talking about it ;)

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