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WellMe Collagen

WellMe Collagen Refresh Reviews

By matthew bsaauerPublished about a year ago 12 min read

If you are experiencing hair loss, premature skin aging, joint pain and discomfort, weak hair, and slow muscle growth, chances are your collagen production in the body has declined. You need collagen boost to enhance youthful skin, healthy skin, joints, hair, and nails.

WellMe Collagen is a natural formula that boosts collagen production in the body. It contains vitamins, minerals, and Type I and III collagen peptides for healthy joints, muscles, hair, skin, and nails.

Keep reading the following WellMe Collagen review to know more about the formula.

What is WellMe Collagen?

WellMe Collagen is a dietary formula that supports joint health by improving your body's natural collagen production. The collagen formula reverses the effects of aging, giving you healthy and youthful skin free from wrinkles and fine lines.

WellMe Collagen Refresh Formula – Official Website Link – Click Here

➥ Product Name - {Collagen Refresh} (WellMe Collagen Refresh)

➥ Benefits - “Aids Healthy Joints And Bones "

➥ Category - Collagen Refresh

➥ Availability – Online

➥ Rating: - 5.0/5.0 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The doctor-formulated supplement enhances muscle growth, strengthens bones and joints, and improves hair, skin, and nail health. The main ingredient in WellMe Collagen is Collagen which is known for its anti-aging effects, organ protection, joint support, and improvement of heart health. It also contains nine essential amino acids, the building blocks for joints, hair, skin, and nails.

Unlike other collagen products that provide animal collagen for temporary effects, WellMe Collagen supports your body to produce its own Collagen. The premium ingredients in the collagen supplement promote healthy joints enabling you to move around, have a strong balance and coordination, and improve flexibility.

WellMe Collagen contains all types of Collagen, which work together for skin, muscle, tendon, and bone health. The manufacturer uses certified-grass fed and pasture-raised cows to make hydrolyzed Collagen divided into small peptides for easy digestion and absorption.

The formulation of WellMe Collagen uses GelcoPEP technology, making the powder easy to mix with water, beverages, smoothies, or shakes. Each ingredient in WellMe Collagen is science-backed and free from GMOs, soy, gluten, antibiotics, chemicals, additional hormones, BPA, nuts, and crustaceans.

WellMe Collagen provides faster results as it is easily absorbed in the body. A 180-day satisfaction guarantee backs each WellMe Collagen.

How Does WellMe Collagen Work?

Collagen is the main protein that comprises connective tissue like tendons, ligaments, skin, hair, and muscles. The protein offers structural support, skin elasticity, and muscle, joint, and bone strength.

Collagen production declines with age, causing the skin to lose its elasticity and heightening the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, and dullness. It also causes weak and brittle bones, hair loss, and joint pain. The best way to replenish your collagen levels is to improve your body's ability to produce more Collagen.

Extracellular Triple Helical Collagen (refreshed Collagen) is the joint-supporting Collagen that supports joint and skin health. You can get Collagen from animal sources, but it's less effective than Refreshed Collagen.

For smooth and flexible joints, you need internal production of Refreshed Collagen. The WellMe Collagen formula is designed to enable your body to produce Collagen for healthy joints. The ingredients in the doctor-formulated supplement fortify your cartilage, provide strong balance and coordination, support healthy inflammatory responses, and improve flexibility.

WellMe Collagen has three types of Collagen essential in skin hydration, supporting the immune system, and enhancing bone and joint health. The formula has minerals and vitamins that help DNA synthesis and keratin production, which is responsible for the growth of hair and nails.

Vitamins C and E in WellMe Collagen are rich in antioxidants that neutralize the free radicals that cause skin and hair damage. Neutralizing the free radicals slows down aging and replenishes your skin. WellMe Collagen repairs damaged skin cells caused by oxidative stress and free radicals and give you new and healthy cells.

The Ingredients in WellMe Collagen

WellMe Collagen has 100% natural ingredients in their purest and most potent forms. Each component is formulated in the right ratio for maximum effectiveness. Here are the active ingredients in WellMe Collagen:

Copper 2mg

Sodium 20mg

Calcium 6mg

Potassium 13mg

Vitamin B3 20mg

Vitamin C 426mg

Vitamin D2 32mcg

Vitamin E 100mg

Hydrolyzed Bovine Collagen 1000mg

Polypodium Leucotomos 150mg

Marine Collagen Peptides 500mg

Eggshell Membrane Collagen 500mg

Sodium Hyaluronate 40mg

Ingredients in WellMe Collagen


Copper is a primary mineral that supports organ, tissue, and cell function. The mineral is crucial for collagen production by improving the production of prolyl hydroxylase enzyme, which is involved in the creation of Collagen. Besides, copper helps maintain skin elasticity by taking part in the formation of elastin.

The mineral stimulates the enzyme lysyl oxidase’s production, which increases connective tissue strength and joints and supports firm skin. Additionally, copper is responsible for melanin production, which prevents damage by sunlight and helps strengthen the collagen fibers in the connective tissues.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C supports hydroxyproline production, a building block for internally Refreshed Collagen. A lack of Vitamin C in the body can cause minimal collagen production. Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and environmental toxins that break down Collagen.

Vitamin C prevents premature aging, which is associated with the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and saggy skin. The ingredient helps the body create new Collagen and keeps it intact and firm for a long time.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E supports the disappearance of scars and stretchmarks from pregnancy and reduces wrinkles. The vitamin helps strengthen the collagen fibers, preventing damage and trauma. Strong collagen fibers provide long-lasting structure and make them resistant to breaking down.

Polypodium leucotomos (Calaguala Powder)

The fern extract has various skin-supporting benefits, including collagen production. Polypodium leucotomos helps strengthen the collagen fibers and improve the skin's resilience when exposed to sunlight.

Type I and Type III Collagen

WellMe Collagen has a blend of Type I and III collagen peptides that fortify the body's natural collagen production.

Hydrolyzed Bovine Collagen

Hydrolyzed bovine Collagen is a Type I collagen peptide that boosts internal collagen production for healthy bone density and inflammatory response and helps maintain comfortable movement. According to studies, Hydrolyzed bovine Collagen can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines within 30 days and reduce the appearance of cellulite on the skin. Additionally, the hydrolyzed Collagen supports nail growth and smoothness and lessens nail breakage by up to 42%.

Eggshell Collagen Peptides

Eggshell collagen peptides are a Type III collagen essential for reducing skin discoloration and redness. In a 2017 study, eggshell collagen peptides were found to improve skin tone and flawlessness and enhance skin elasticity by up to 12%, thus helping the skin maintain its natural shape.

Marine Collagen Peptides

Marine collagen peptides are a source of Type I Collagen. It is low in molecular weight, making it easy to absorb in the body to support joint and skin health. A 2018 study showed that women who used marine collagen peptides had occasional joint pain, the appearance of crow's feet was reduced by 15%, and skin hydration increased by up to 28%. In addition, the women had a smoother and more youthful appearance in 12 weeks.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is crucial for skin and joint health. WellMe Collagen works with collagen peptides to cushion and lubricate your body tissues. Hyaluronic acid supports the production of synovial fluid, which is important in preventing joint and cartilage damage.

A 2015 research revealed that hyaluronic acid could reduce joint pain, make you look younger, and enhance the effects of Collagen in the body.

The Benefits of WellMe Collagen

Support joint health- WellMe Collagen has a high concentration of collagen peptides that support joint health by reducing stiffness, strengthening the joints, and reducing pain and discomfort. The formula increase production of synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints, thus preventing damage.

Promote muscle growth and recovery- collagen protein is the building block for muscle growth. WellMe Collagen contains amino acids that support muscle growth and recovery.

Support hair and nail health- Collagen is crucial in maintaining healthy skin and hair. Some of the ingredients in WellMe Collagen help in the production keratin, which is important in nails and hair health. Keratin helps keep your hair, nails smooth and hydrated, and prevents damage.

Balance gut and liver health- some of the active ingredients in WellMe Collagen help your liver and gut function properly. They provide a strong gut lining, heal the gut lining, and support regular bowel movements.

Enhance skin health- type I, type III collagen peptides, and hyaluronic acid support skin health by improving elasticity and hydration and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The WellMe Collagen formula prevents skin damage by ensuring you have more melanin.

Prevent skin, hair, and nail damage- WellMe Collagen has vitamins rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and toxins that cause premature aging and skin blemishes. The collagen formula leaves your skin, hair, and nails healthy and disease-free.

How to Use WellMe Collagen

WellMe Collagen is in the form of powder; the recommended dosage is one scoop daily in a glass of water and stirred with a spoon. Mix WellMe Collagen with your favorite beverage or add the powder to a smoothie or shake. Take two scoops of WellMe Collagen daily if you want faster and stronger results. If you take two servings daily, you will need two jars of WellMe Collagen monthly.

WellMe Collagen formula has a naturally sweetened berry lemonade flavor, making it easy to drink. You will start feeling results in your joints and skin between 1 and 4 weeks. However, you should know that everyone's body works differently and respond to nutrients differently.

For maximum results, use six jars of WellMe Collagen to allow the internal collagen boosters enough time to stimulate your body's natural collagen production.

The collagen formula is highly effective and works without causing any negative side effects. It is important to consult your doctor before using WellMe Collagen if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a pre-existing medical condition. WellMe Collagen is suitable for both men and women.


Easy to use- blend WellMe Collagen into anything without changing the flavor. The manufacturing process of WellMe Collagen uses advanced technology that makes the powder simple to mix into the beverage of choice.

Toxins free- WellMe Collagen is free from antibiotics, GMOs, additional hormones, gluten, soy, nut, BPA, and crustaceans.

State-of-the-art manufacturing- WellMe Collagen is produced using cutting-edge technology in an FDA-registered, climate-controlled, and GMP-certified facility in the USA

Premium ingredients- WellMe Collagen contains 100% natural ingredients from the earth's purest and most potent source. The components are in the exact dosage for maximum effectiveness.

One-time payment- your WellMe Collagen order is a one-time-payment; there is no auto-billing or any hidden charges

Money-back guarantee- a 180-day money-back guarantee covers each WellMe Collagen purchase and ensures you get a 100% refund if you are unhappy with the product.

More saving on multiple orders- you get more savings when you order 3 or 6 WellMe Collagen jars. For six jars, you get a discount of more than 70%. The usual price is $79, but you get it at $39 per jar.

Science-backed ingredients- each component in WellMe Collagen is backed by scientific research and proven to reverse the effects of aging.

Dissolves easily- WellMe Collagen powder dissolves easily in water when you stir with a spoon.

No side effects- WellMe Collagen formula is 100% safe and free from harmful side effects.

Top-rated collagen formula- WellMe Collagen has over 800 positive reviews online, which makes it one of the most preferred collagen formulas in the market.

Sweet flavor- the collagen formula has a naturally sweetened berry lemonade flavor that is tasty. The flavor stays intact after mixing with beverages and does not leave an aftertaste.


Not vegan-friendly- WellMe Collagen supplement is derived from animal sources and, therefore, unsuitable for vegans.

Varying results- different bodies will react to specific nutrients differently, causing varying results.

Online availability- the best way to order legit WellMe Collagen is online on the official website, as there is no offline availability

About WellMe

WellMe is a brand that provides a wide range of products to help women live happier and healthy lives. The company offers doctor-formulated products and research-backed ingredients that support your specific health needs at any age.

The founder of WellMe is Andrea Taylor, a certified nutritionist and fitness trainer dedicated to helping women worldwide live their best lives. She provides effective solutions and promises sustainable results.

Andrea is a cancer survivor who experienced both the highs and lows of the wellness spectrum. She runs an award-winning gym in Southern California and has been featured in major fitness magazines such as FLEX, Muscle and Fitness, Ironman, and Inland Empire.

All WellMe products are manufactured in the USA in an FDA-approved, climate-controlled facility following Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). The company's address is:

8500 Normandale Lake Blvd, Suite 350,

Bloomington, MN 55437

For product support contact customer service by emailing [email protected] or call 1-(800) 473-2115

WellMe Collagen Customer Reviews

There are over 800 positive reviews from WellMe Collagen users. Ashely says after taking WellMe Collagen, she went for weeks without her ankle hurting, had to wake up early and work, and has experienced overall health improvement.

Discover what our customers have to say - click here for reviews!

Nicole Green says that after using the WellMe Collagen formula, "I found that I had more energy throughout the day. I wasn't getting tired or sluggish. I also felt like I wasn't getting sick at all. I can tell that my hair has definitely gotten stronger. My nails have as well. They're not breaking like they used to."

Jenifer Cornoyer says that her skin looked fresher, and she received compliments about her skin, had more energy, and her joints were no longer stiff and tight.

Melissa Hines says, "WellMe Collagen is really working for me, and I would recommend this to anyone to try it. It has helped significantly on my head, like frown lines, just from drinking this!"

From the many positive reviews, it is safe to say that many customers prefer WellMe Collagen and recommend others to take the formula.

Pricing and Money-Back Guarantee

WellMe Collagen is available on the official website at hugely discounted prices. Purchasing the formula on the website prevents you from dealing with middlemen complications. There are different pricing options depending on your budget:


One jar of WellMe Collagen (1-month supply) at $59 per bottle + $9.95 USA shipping fee

Three jars of WellMe Collagen (3-month supply) $49 per bottle + $9.95 USA shipping fee

Six jars of WellMe Collagen (6-month supply) $39 per bottle + free USA shipping

Click Here to Get WellMe Collagen At Discounted Price!!!

Your WellMe Collagen order is a one-time payment with no auto-billing or hidden charges. For US locations, you will receive your package at your doorstep within 5-7 business days. Orders outside the US may take up to two weeks to arrive.

Here are the steps involved in WellMe Collagen shipping:

Your WellMe Collagen is placed

WellMe Collagen is located in the manufacturing facility

WellMe Collagen passes through quality control checks

The formula arrives at the fulfillment center, is packed then shipped

A selected courier service delivers the formula to your doorstep

Kickstart your journey to a better living

WellMe Collagen comes with a 180-day "empty bottle" money-back guarantee. It allows you to try the product for six months, and if you are unhappy with the results, you can get a complete refund, no matter the package you choose.

Contact the customer service team by emailing [email protected] to get your refunds processed. For returns, include your full name, email address, and order confirmation number and send the unopened bottles to WellMe, 285 Northeast Ave, Tallmadge, OHIO 44278, USA.


WellMe Collagen is a highly effective collagen support formula that boosts your body's collagen production. It has type I and III collagen peptides that improve joint, bone, muscle, skin, hair, and nail health.

The collagen formula promotes a youthful appearance by eliminating wrinkles and fine lines and improving skin elasticity. WellMe Collagen is rich in the building blocks of healthy muscles. It contains vitamins and minerals that nourish your skin, nails, joint, and hair.

WellMe Collagen ensures your body constantly produces the joint-supporting Collagen known as Extracellular Triple Helical Collagen, which refreshes your joints. Unlike other collagen supplements in the market, WellMe Collagen provides long-term results.

The powdered collagen formula boosts your gut health, fights free radicals, improves immunity, and promotes muscle recovery. The formula is easily absorbed in the body. You must take one scoop daily and enjoy a tasty lemonade flavor.

WellMe Collagen is produced in a safe FDA-registered and GMP-certified facility in the USA. A 180-day satisfaction guarantee covers each WellMe Collagen purchase.

(OFFICIAL DEAL) Click Here to Order WellMe Collagen from Its Official Online Store!


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    MBWritten by matthew bsaauer

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