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Water spinach

Water spinach and call water spinach, vine vine vegetables, Juncai, through the heart of vegetables, inadvertent vegetables, empty tube vegetables, bamboo leaf vegetables, there are many kinds of eating, raw cooked can, can do soup, stir fry, coleseed.

By HeatherPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Water spinach

Water spinach and call water spinach, vine vine vegetables, Juncai, through the heart of vegetables, inadvertent vegetables, empty tube vegetables, bamboo leaf vegetables, there are many kinds of eating, raw cooked can, can do soup, stir fry, coleseed.

【 Classification of water cabbage 】

Water cabbages can be divided into green stem water cabbages and white stem water cabbages according to different colors, and can be divided into small leaf water cabbages and large leaf water cabbages from the leaf size.

Water spinach with green stems and thin leaves

Green stems and leaves of water spinach are green, fried out of the color is very beautiful, taste fresh and fresh.

White stem slender leaf water cabbage

White stem thin leaf water cabbage has an advantage, that is, less fiber, crisp taste with soft. If there are old people and children with bad teeth at home, it is best to buy white stem water cabbage to eat.

Water cabbage with green stems and large leaves

Green-stemmed, broad-leaved water cabbage is more common in Guangdong and Guangxi. It is somewhat chewy, not crisp and juicy enough, and not fragrant enough.

White stem large leaf water cabbage

Relatively rare, said to be a Hong Kong breed. It's very similar in texture and taste to white stem and thin leaf water cabbage, with very little fiber and a very soft texture, which is easy to fry.

【 Nutritional Value of water cabbage 】

Water cabbage is alkaline food, and contains potassium, chlorine and other elements to regulate the balance of water, food can reduce the acidity of the intestinal tract, prevent intestinal flora dysregulation, beneficial to cancer prevention.

Water cabbage contains niacin, vitamin C can reduce cholesterol, triglyceride, has the effect of reducing fat and losing weight.

Water spinach chlorophyll has "green elf" said, can clean tooth caries in addition to halitosis, healthy skin.

Water cabbage crude cellulose content is rich, this kind of edible fiber is cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, mucilage and pectin composition, has the promotion of intestinal peristalsis, detoxification.

Water cabbage cool, vegetable juice to Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus and other inhibitory effect, can prevent infection. Accordingly, if the summer often eats, can resist heat, cool blood detoxification, prevention and cure dysentery.

Water cabbage shoots in the protein content is 4 times higher than the same amount of tomatoes, calcium content is more than 12 times higher than tomatoes, and contains more carotene.

【 Therapeutic and Medicinal Value of water Cabbage 】

Detoxification: water cabbage in the crude fiber content is very rich, composed of cellulose, lignin and pectin. Pectin can accelerate the excretion of toxic substances in the body, lignin can improve the activity of macrophages swallowed bacteria, sterilization and anti-inflammatory, can be used to treat sores, carbuncles, etc.;

Defecation and cancer prevention: water cabbage in a large amount of cellulose, can improve intestinal peristalsis, accelerate defecation, for the prevention and treatment of constipation and reduce intestinal cancer has a positive effect;

Strengthen the constitution, clean teeth caries: water cabbage is rich in vitamin C and carotene, its vitamin content is higher than Chinese cabbage, these substances help to enhance the constitution, disease prevention and disease resistance. Water spinach chlorophyll, can clean tooth caries, moisturizing the skin;

Reduce blood sugar: Water cabbage contains insulin components and can reduce blood sugar, can be used as a good therapeutic vegetables for diabetic patients.

Traditional Chinese medicine records, water spinach cool, pound into juice after taking food poisoning, external use can also play a role in deswelling, detoxification fire.

Based on the above benefits, summer can eat water spinach, nutritious, but also can resist heat.

Eat water cabbage should pay attention to, it belongs to the cold, slippery food, so physical weakness, spleen and stomach deficiency cold, diarrhea people should not eat more.

Water cabbage has the role of detoxification detumescence, especially in the summer heat, if improper diet poisoning phenomenon, we may choose to eat water cabbage to alleviate.


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