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Understanding Manifestation and Law of Attraction

Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you’ll hold it in your hand.

By Rakshit ShahPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 8 min read
Understanding Manifestation and Law of Attraction
Photo by Cesira Alvarado on Unsplash

We all have the ability to MANIFEST whatever we desire. The TRUTH is, we can create any reality for ourselves—either deliberately (consciously) or by allowing (unconsciously). One thing I have grown to learn and understand is this: Everyone is practicing the Law of Attraction—consciously or unconsciously. The Law of Attraction is not reserved for some “special people.” Even before I heard of Law of Attraction I have been manifesting things—my deep-diving into Law of Attraction is just a plus! Before now, I used to think that the Law of Attraction experts had it all to themselves and that it was all peachy-keen for them! Upon closer inspection, I found out that they had their own challenges too.

The only difference that counts in manifesting is your “tool.” The sharpness of your tool determines the speediness of your manifestations. By tools, I mean your “beliefs, thoughts, attitude, feelings and choices. Those whom we call Law of Attraction “experts” have “sharper tools”. There are those who are not called Law of Attraction experts, but are manifesting maven on their own rights; they know how to work the magic of “behind the scene” to get what they want. And I fall into this second category. As a truth, No One is excluded from the hiccups of this 3D! Here is what Katy Perry said:

When I am in between records, sometimes I doubt myself. I’ll be like ‘Did I just get lucky, or did I mass-manipulate the world into thinking that seven songs were worth a number-one position?’ And then I go back into the studio and I start writing, and the true essential oil of who I am comes bubbling back up and reminds me that it’s always been inside of me, that nobody can take this away no matter what comment anyone makes.

When I am in between records, sometimes I doubt myself. I’ll be like ‘Did I just get lucky, or did I mass-manipulate the world into thinking that seven songs were worth a number-one position?’ And then I go back into the studio and I start writing, and the true essential oil of who I am comes bubbling back up and reminds me that it’s always been inside of me, that nobody can take this away no matter what comment anyone makes.

-Katy Perry

Now, when it comes to manifesting our dreams, we face barriers. Sometimes, it is not all about not having the financial capacity. It could be a barrier from the energetic aspect: beliefs, thoughts, and subliminal whatever… We are all from the Stars and made in the image of God/Source/Almighty of which are highest vibrations all-round us. Why can’t we always be reflecting and radiating the higher vibrations? Why do the gremlins and gargoyles trip us up with unworthiness philosophy, negative thoughts, and such when we are on our way to manifest our dreams? Why do we have to contend with the gremlins and gargoyles in order to be in a place of Higher Vibrations which makes it easier for our dreams to manifest? I wondered about it. For example, a lion gives birth to a lion and the young lion reflects 100% the characteristics of its source of life without deviating; then why is it hard for us humans who are higher in intelligence than animals not reflect, manifest, and radiate vibrations of God/Source/Universe. Sometimes, we battle with self-sabotage and limiting beliefs just because we are aiming to manifest a dream or thinking big to sprout the life we love.

The TRUTH is Source Energy is all-encompassing. It’s the “all-that-is” and so naturally, all must include everything. Yes, including the gremlins and gargoyles! We are part of Source or the Universe. We are Infinite Spirit Beings, and part of our infinite experience is playing this Earth Game as human beings. A distinguishing characteristic of this Earth Game (as opposed to many of the infinite games or experiences we can and do have as infinite beings) is free will. As physically incarnated human beings, we have free will to create our reality here.

Naturally, with all have Free Will in the Earth Game, we experience a wide variety of results. Some behaviors we consider to be bad or even horrendous, understandably. But from the perspective of Source Energy, it’s all part of our growth. When you encounter someone behaving in a way that does not feel loving, how do you respond? It takes a lot of spiritual backbone to respond with love to someone who has strayed far from love. And yet, this is our challenge in this very challenging Earth Game.

Yes, we are all here co-creating together in the same reality sandbox, and yet, each being’s reality is personal to them. It’s a paradox. Embracing paradox is a fantastic skill that allows you to feel more peaceful, not pushing for resolution. Acceptance and Love are higher vibrational states that ripple outward and give other people permission (if they’re wanting it) to choose Love over Fear to manifest whatever their desire is! All we can do is be the ideal versions of ourselves, and by doing so, we can inspire other people who are ready to be inspired.

About the gremlins and gargoyles within—the negative thoughts, limiting beliefs. It’s our entanglement with others, and that’s part of what makes the Earth Game so challenging. All these thought-forms exist, but are not necessarily our own! They are not actually personal to us. They are part of the group-think consciousness. We can embrace each thought as “truth” for us, or let it pass like clouds in the sky. It takes intention and practice to cultivate sufficient awareness of the mind’s contents. The challenging nature of this Earth Game is what makes it so popular! We come here with a sporting attitude, as spirits. Finding your way back to what’s true; to let yourself truly through.

Our Higher Selves know all about all of this stuff and they’re totally fine with it. Though we suffer greatly while inside the Earth Game when we leave, it’s just like stepping off a crazy roller coaster. So the sooner we adopt that laid-back higher self attitude, the happier we can be in the Earth Game, right here and right now. If we can view all experience through the eyes of Source/Universe, rather than through the filters of human “judgmentalism”, then we see only beauty and spiritual expansion, and we experience acceptance and appreciation of all of it. Not that it’s easy to do so 100% of the time. It’s to be expected that we waver and pop in/out of these different perspectives because that’s part of the game too!

A lot of time, we hear the Law of Attraction “experts” tell us “ ask Belief, Receive,” but I want to let you know that it does not always happen that way! It is really difficult to describe what has to happen in the Etheric Realm first before our dreams can manifest here on earth physically. And I remind you that the Intangible precedes the Tangible! “Everything, every moment is a manifestation of something…”

The art of manifestation of our dreams and desires into reality is Alchemy. It cannot be measured. For example, if someone sets their intention and uses a vision board with the necessary vibrational alignment; in the end, he manifests his desires. It is the same as someone who sets his intentions and submits the request to the Undines or someone who sets her intention and puts the request to the Gnomes. What matters most is that in the end, they all manifested their desires!

Different approach; same result—hence the old saying: “there are many ways to kill a rat. As Ikkyu (the Japanese philosopher) so eloquently puts it: “Many paths lead up the mountain; but at the top, we look at the same bright moon.” The Universe is unlimited! And it can deliver our “goods” in different ways. Whenever you set your intention you must always use this affirmation to close it up: “I accept this_____ or something even better.”

For instance, you set the intention to buy a Lexus Jeep. Don’t just focus on that Lexus Jeep; close it up with the above phrase. Now, what if the Universe wants to give you a Bugatti? I am sure you certainly will not reject a Bugatti! Even if you don’t have the means. Remember the Universe works in diverse ways. A relative or an uncle in a faraway land could just be nudged by the Universe to shower you some love and he could wake up one morning and say “Ah! My dear cousin let me send him Bugatti! Anything is possible!

If you have set your intention to manifest anything, please detach from the outcome. Be grateful for what you have first. Gratitude is attitude. Don’t tell the Universe how it should come! The Universe knows better than you. Desperation, neediness, and attachment are repellent energy. You must also remember divine timing.

As Sarah Prout said, “Manifestation unfolds in PERFECT Divine Timing; everything is in God’s clock.”

When you have set your intentions and your “goods” has not yet arrived, understand these points:

  1. Maybe you are not well aligned vibrationally. That is where the “tools” come in.
  2. The Universe wants to give you something even better and it is cooking and conspiring it from the Etheric Realm where the magic starts. Remember, if it does not happen in the Higher Realms first, there is NO WAY it can happen here physically.
  3. Maybe not yet time. Due to the fact that there are some sorts of resistance preventing you—maybe karma, negative (family) pattern, etc. which you must clear so that you can manifest your dreams.

As you go about manifesting your dreams, remember to take inspired action and surrounding yourself with like-minded people who will support you in manifesting your dreams.

“A person is a person through another person.” -Brenda Fassie.

No one has achieved success without the mentoring, support, and wisdom of others because it takes a village to raise a child.

The Secret did not cover all the facts about manifesting. It only presented the Law of Attraction as the be-all-end-all of creating our reality and manifesting our desires.

Reality Creation/Manifesting is a two-way thing: you decide what you want to manifest and your Higher Self/God/Universe/Angels decides how and when it should come. Here is what Abraham said, (a non-physical entity channeled by Ester Hicks) “You cannot make anything happen. Universal forces have been kept in place for all of that. Your job is to determine what you want.”

Now, don’t get it wrong. Abraham is not saying we cannot create our own reality. Rather he is saying that we must co-create with the Universe to have the reality we want. And how will you be able to manifest without the help of the Universe? For you to be able to manifest your desires or sprout the life you love; you must befriend your higher Self/Angels/Spirit Guides/Universe/God or by whatever name you want to call it. They dwell in the domain of the “how.” The how is where the power is and they know the way more than you do!

Thank you for reading the article, have a good day!

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Originally Published on Medium.


About the Creator

Rakshit Shah

I am Computer Engineer and love to make websites and software. I am really eager to know about anything. I am curious to read and write cool stuff.

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