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Twin Flames: The Separation Phase

How to optimize the separation phase.

By Lo NYCPublished 3 years ago 12 min read

In my other article about Twin Flames I wrote about the twin flame activation, which is when you meet your twin and you become awakened to your true consciousness so your life starts to change and your interests change to become more spiritually aligned and you just feel different because you met your perfect energetic match and some of the twin flame journey signs like that. So now I'm gonna talk about the next phase of the journey which is called the separation phase from my perspective as the Divine Feminine counterpart of the connection. Within the twin connection there is the Divine Feminine and the divine masculine. Each counterpart either has one of these energies that is more prevalent than the other. For me, i’m the more feminine energy in my connection. The goal during the separation phase is to blend peacefully the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves because everything starts from within before it can manifest outside of us.

The activation phase into love vibration and consciousness happens first, the triggering phase happens next, and the separation phase initiates next because the triggering phase brings up every emotion you can think of, making participating in the connection exhausting. Being around your twin makes you feel amazing .. until it doesn’t .. because the journey blends so many extreme emotions which cause the twins to fluctuate between loving vibes and low vibe emotions like frustration and dissatisfaction within themselves. The high vibe feelings initiated by being with your perfect energetic match are strong, but the insecurities connected to the deep rooted wounds that are also exposed could be stronger. Sometimes these low vibe fears can overtake the high vibe ones for a period of time, leading to confusion within the dynamic and introduces the need to separate. These low vibe feelings develop because of the mirroring feature of the twin flame template. It’s honestly not even describable the way that your twin exposes things within you and how this impacts your life as a whole and especially how it puts pressure on your twin connection. The twins usually can’t connect the dots as to what is really going on for them but typically one of the twins, usually the divine masculine, has to remove themselves from the situation and resists being triggered to reevaluate their life because they’re comfortable and aren’t feeling motivated to grow just yet.. Because it’s scary. And that’s just a general observation of this side of the coin because I'm not on that side.

So the root of the frustration for the divine feminine stems from basically feeling high when you’re with your twin, to feeling low when you’re not with them regularly and those moments apart can feel really lonely even when you’re surrounded by your friends and family. It’s hard to even put into words what it feels like but that’s exactly what needs to be healed. That reliance on your twin isn’t sustainable and instability drives the healing process towards releasing the separation level consciousness that fuels the lonely feelings. Being a twin is a paradox because they are your other half, but you have to cultivate feeling whole without them or this journey will be harder and take longer than it needs to. Healing this is critical for the health of your connection.

Honestly, the twins don’t know what’s going on when the mirroring starts reflecting the repressed parts of themselves that need to be identified and then healed, and that’s when the divine interferes and guides the twins to separate, amicabley or not. For the divine feminine, after some time spent in grief and the initial shock of entering into the separation phase subsides, the divine will then guide this person to heal the repressed wounds identified by their twin. It’s an intuitive guidance that drives the twins together initially and it’s the same guidance that drives them to separate to heal on their own because most healing journeys require solitude. Twins can really only be together sustainably once they're healed to an extent depending on the specifics of your soul contract.

The best way to heal during separation is to surrender. Surrender to what is happening, accept it, and believe that everything happens for the highest good of all. The separation phase is the preparation phase and understanding that and establishing faith in your highest self changes everything. Preparation not only for a more sustainable version of your twin connection in the real world, but for you, for your life, for you best self showing up 24/7 - so do that. Feeling angry and disappointed might happen initially, but the divine will interfere and guide you to work on yourself and evaporate those feelings. And once you do shift your perspective and recognize that now while in separation that you have all of this time to work on you - you will naturally begin to develop gratitude for this phase because during this phase of the journey you’ll rediscover yourself and evaluate everything you’ve been through since meeting your twin and being spiritually activated and grow it all. Some people call this evaluation the dark night of the soul. It seems grim to me to call it that but it is what it is. Twins have to heal - it just is what it is and it’s what we signed up for and meeting your twin is what triggers that healing. It’s very confusing but yeah. Developing gratitude for something you didn’t want is going to save you during this phase. Sadness and anger based feelings coming from your ego self are evident but you have to move through that by having faith in the divine and faith in your own highest self that everything is happening for your best self development. So you’ll be guided to consume spiritually related, high vibrational content, listen to uplifting music, read books about spiritual development .. i read the alchemist, finding meaning, calling in the one, and other, you’ll be interested in watching youtube videos about spiritual development and just as you were when you initially meet your twin before the connection begins to distract you from these new interests. So you’re back to learning more and staying focused on this again.

And remember this: your twin is your divine mirror and you’re constantly mirroring each other - so if you’re learning more about yourself and confident that you’re optimizing this time for your best personal development, your counterpart probably needed to use this time in solitude also but in their own way. Yes you are one soul but you are two different people and each twin experiences things differently but they are rooted in the same factors.

Maximize this separation phase by making healthy choices for yourself and working towards a high vibration. Detach from your twin as much as you can because although it’s hard, detaching is the only thing that fuels your own personal progress. And you’re a mirror - so if you’re progressing, they are too.

Let’s shift gears and talk about what happens during separation sometimes. What if you date somebody else or marry somebody else? Well you can - you totally can but you’re still connected to your twin but that doesn’t mean you can’t fall in love with somebody else. The love with this person will just be a different breed but if that’s cool with you and you feel like you are being authentically you, then that is all that matters. The twin flame journey still played a role in you connecting with this alternative partner so you have to cultivate gratitude for your twin’s role in it. And that’s what unconditional love is. You have to become unconditional love in order to accept everything you and your twin went through and love them for activating you and for being a part of this journey into yourself. The journey is about you and so if you’ve met them and you’re working on self development and that’s what leads you to your partner who isn’t your twin, still thank your twin for helping you to get you there. It still counts. And you are always a twin so you can manage to cultivate twin flame energy within any relationship dynamic. It won’t be exactly the same and this other person won’t be your exact energetic match, but you will be able to live this way on your own which is yours to own individually. Don’t invest everything in your twin, you both agreed to a specific mission and it will lead where it was meant to. You won’t know what your exact soul contract entails until you surrender and trust and have faith in the way that your life is unfolding with or without them.

But anyways, back to working on yourself. Once you work on yourself cleansing your energy from negativity and releasing your old wounds, the energy between the twins is cleaner and flows a lot more easily. The energy impacts both counterparts so the more your cleanse yours, the more theirs is cleansed as well. But this also operates on the other end of things so the more you damage your energy by engaging in low vibes, the more negative residue will be left in the connection which elongates the separation phase. You have to connect to yourself and the more you do, the healthier you’ll connect to your twin because your twin is you. And that actually applies to everybody because if you really understand the foundation of spirituality, we are all one. Everything you do doesn’t affect just you - which is one of my favorite lines from a Brent Faiyaz song called Skyline so shoutout to Brent. But he’s right - we are all one. And that’s what the twin flame journey teaches you.

Surrender teaches you how to have faith that you are doing what you are meant to do and just know that you might not know what the outcome is supposed to be because our missions could be a million different things. Be open to the endless possibilities and surrender. Lose the pursuit to control because it helps. Remove your ego from the equation. Forget all of the low vibrational templates that you have been introduced to and have been programmed to be aligned to by society because the twin flame journey is not normal and doesn’t fall into any of those templates and if you try to fit a square peg into a round hole, you’re going to be highly disappointed. Work on yourself for you and trust yourself. And then once you start to actively pursue the things that are meant for you, the universe will confirm your pursuit by showing you signs and synchronicities over and over and you’ll just know that you’re on the right path. You’ll start to see positive results that have nothing to do with your twin and you’ll develop this unconditional love and gratitude for where meeting your twin led you and for your twin because of how you’re thriving. And this could include meeting a soul mate who you fall in love with - ya never know. And if your twin dates somebody else, be grateful for that person too because we are all in this together.

So what are some of the signs and synchronicities you might be seeing once you give in to the journey? Well you’ll develop this unconditional love for your twin that you thought wasn’t possible because of separation. You might not understand why you feel like this for them because you’re separated but it will just be. And let that continue to fuel you towards manifesting the life of your dreams. Unconditional love feels so good.. The emotion literally physically opens your heart and causes low vibe feelings to feel so foreign and it’s just too good to give up once you get there. The launch pad of the unconditional love is your twin, but this feeling spreads and makes life feel more magical overall.

More synchronicities I noticed were things popping up on my social media that were all leading me in the right direction. I just started seeing things that confirmed i was going in the right direction and it had nothing to do with my twin, it was for me and feeling connected to myself. My friendships were getting stronger and I was showing up comfortably and less anxious because I am more secure in myself. I wouldn’t trade that feeling for anything - even for skipping the separation phase. I started to meet other twins too which was super dope. My ability to identify other twins has gotten crazy strong and two of the people i met were over social media and i have cultivated friendships with both of them and it’s nice to have their support because people who aren’t on the twin flame journey will never understand what you’re going through. And that’s how it’s supposed to be. As a twin your job is to introduce new templates and break old templates set by society to show people that you didn’t get what you initially wanted but you still have unconditional love and gratitude for this person and it opens you up and opens other people up to alternative ways of living life and the understandings of how relationship work. Embracing this piece of the journey helps to change the narrative around the connection and really helps take the pressure off of this person.

Twins will always be mirroring each other but both members will be on different parts of the journey at the same times. Things you realized and recognized could take them years to realize. But trust that just as the divine was guiding you, the divine is also guiding them and everything is unfolding under divine timing. There are so many factors to consider on this journey and everybody has busy lives so certain things take time to manifest into the physical and you have to surrender to that sense of faith. And I say that to myself as much as I'm sharing that. I’ve gone on to achieve so much understanding of what life means while being on this journey that has nothing to do with my twin. My friendships with certain soul family members have reached levels that i never thought were possible and it’s because i feel so connected to myself and i understand that there are no coincidences so i’m maximizing all of my connections because now my heart chakra is truly open.

Staying high vibe is really important whether or not you’re on the twin flame journey so keep your vibes high by listening to uplifting music, having valuable conversations with your friends, lift people up, work out, make healthy choices and become your best self. It’s especially important for twins to stay high vibe because that’s the point of the entire journey. The twin flame journey is not supposed to make you depressed and make you give up on yourself. It is supposed to do the exact opposite for you independently. You don’t lose your purpose because this person isn’t with you for a period of separation. You need to step into your purpose more because of that. And expect that they are doing the same because you both needed this reality check. And i’m not speaking for my twin specifically because i don’t know but i’m just talking about it from what i’ve learned about what it means to be on this journey. Take the time to experiment and discover what your true purpose is and you’ll find it and you’ll know. For me it was reading the akashic records and starting this podcast. And it’s going to keep changing as i keep trying out new things and showing up authentically. And yeah, am i sharing a lot on this podcast - you’re right, i am. And i feel really vulnerable about it but everybody who has shared about their journey with me, it has helped a lot so here i am. Not because i feel like I have all of the answers, but I hope my articles are helpful too.

So if you’re in separation right now, just know that i am rooting for you and sending good vibes to all of the twins working hard to raise the vibration of the planet by being sources of unconditional love.

Please don’t be afraid to challenge the templates and societal norms that exist around you. We’re meant to transmute and cultivate unconditional love for everybody, every thing, and every experience that you’ve ever been through. Keep growing, keep shining your light, and keep learning. You’re going to make mistakes but learn from them and do better next time.


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