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The Truth About How to Lose Weight Without Exercise

Losing weight without exercise sounds like a pipedream, but there are healthy ways to do this

By Samira TasnimPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The Truth About How to Lose Weight Without Exercise
Photo by Alexandra Tran on Unsplash

Exercising can be challenging, especially if you’re unfit or don’t enjoy exercise. However, you don’t need to run around a park or hit the gym to get fit and lose weight. You can slim down and strengthen your body without leaving the house. In fact, research shows that diet is more important than exercise for weight loss — even leading experts to dub it “the new cardio.” That doesn’t mean hitting the track isn’t beneficial; it just means that focusing on what you eat is more likely to help reduce your waistline than sweating at the gym several days a week. Let us take you through why and how you can achieve this without stepping foot in a gym.

Most people who try to lose weight focus on exercise, but research shows that diet is more important than exercise for weight loss. In fact, people gain more weight over time as they exercise more. This is partly because it’s easier to overcompensate for regular exercise by eating more. This happens because when you exercise, you burn calories and increase your metabolic rate. However, the calories you burn go right back into your body as glucose, which helps you create energy by metabolizing carbs, fats, and proteins. This means that while exercising burns more calories while you’re doing it, the effect wears off once you’re done. This is in comparison to eating, which keeps metabolizing calories all day long. This means that while exercise is great for long-term health, it’s not as good for weight loss.

Healthy eating is a must for weight loss. This means eating a healthy, low-calorie diet that’s rich in protein and fiber. A low-calorie diet means eating fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. This isn’t a short-term diet, but a lifestyle change where you consume fewer calories than you burn to lose weight. The easiest way to start a low-calorie diet is to focus on eating more protein and fiber, while cutting down on carb and sugar intake. Protein and fiber are great for weight loss, as they help you feel full longer and eat fewer calories. Carbohydrates are processed quickly, causing blood sugar spikes that prompt you to eat more. While your diet needs to focus on low calories, it also needs to be rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. The easiest way to do this is by eating more fresh fruit and vegetables.

Skipping meals to lose weight is not a long-term solution and can actually lead to weight gain. Skipping meals causes your blood sugar to drop, which prompts a fight-or-flight response that makes you crave sugar. This is why you often see people craving sugary snacks or chocolate shortly after skipping a meal. The drop in blood sugar means that your body pulls energy from your fat stores to make up for the missing energy it needs to function. The drop in blood sugar also triggers your brain to release hormones that make you want to eat more to make up for the missing calories in your diet. Dieting or skipping meals can also lead to suppressed growth hormone, which can make you less likely to lose weight. In short, skipping meals to lose weight is a short-term solution that can have long-term negative health effects.

If you’re not sure where to start when trying to lose weight without exercise, make moving more a default part of your day. Walking to a colleague’s desk instead of emailing them, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and parking farther from the store can be easy ways to move more. You can also exercise without actually exercising. Most people who exercise regularly at the gym don’t realize that household activities can be exercise, too. For example, mowing the lawn, raking leaves, gardening, vacuuming, and washing dishes can all be moderate exercise. While these activities won’t burn as many calories as actual exercise, they are much better than doing nothing. Even small movements like tapping your foot while you’re on the phone or walking while you’re on the phone can help you burn more calories without realizing it. Even if you can’t move more, you can still lose weight.

So bottom line is Exercising is great for your health, but for weight loss, it’s more important to focus on your diet. Start eating a healthy, low-calorie diet rich in protein and fiber, and you’ll shed pounds without ever stepping foot in a gym.

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About the Creator

Samira Tasnim

Content writer and marketer.

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