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The Toll of the Pandemic

The stress being put on your mind and body

By Kristin WarePublished 3 years ago 3 min read


I know that when all of this first started we weren’t too worried about it. We have had so many viruses and illnesses come through before and we have managed to handle all of them more or less. However, this whole ordeal with covid-19 is starting to take a toll on everyone.


No matter what walk of life you’re from or what age you are everyone is feeling the stress that this situation is creating. Adults are worrying about their job security, young adults are worried about their college degrees, teenagers are going through a stressful time trying to survive high school during a pandemic. And our elderly and our at-risk individuals are just doing their best to survive. There isn’t a single person this pandemic hasn’t touched. Our minds and bodies are stressed from the physical impact of our daily lives morphing into something we don't recognize, while our brains are going haywire with the stress, depression, and fear that COVID keeps throwing at us. Since it isn’t any way for us to stop the events in our lives that are causing our emotions to go crazy, and all we can do respond in kind and do our best to adapt in whatever way we possibly can.


This term will be different for everyone who may come across this article and read it. But let me tell you at the start of this whole thing not taking care of yourself can sound great and let me tell you I’m 100% guilty of this! Getting sent home from college to sit in my house with nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no one to see sent me into a sadness and depression spiral that took form in me hibernating in my room in my bed watching Netflix and only coming out for food. I was miserable and I felt like crap because I wasn’t taking care of myself at all! Now like I said before self-care looks different for everyone. Self-care could be getting more sleep, drinking more water, exercising, taking your pills, making more time for your body and mind to relax by watching Netflix or taking a bath. Whatever it is, make time for yourself and don’t put it off. You’re under large amounts of stress under normal circumstances and life has gotten 100% more stressful and taking care of yourself is of vital importance. When your body is being put under more stress your body starts functioning in overdrive which means your immune system is even weaker and feeling the stress. This is not something you want to deal with in 2021 while trying to stay healthy. Never feel the need to put your mental and physical health at the bottom of the list of things you need to take care of. So go FaceTime your family, or watch your show, or treat yourself to a glass of wine you deserve it. I have found that spending time outside in the fresh air and sunshine has been quite beneficial for my overall mood whether I’m outside reading, walking, and or playing with my pets, the outdoors just can make me feel better! So do what is best for you and gives you any amount of joy you’re surviving a freaking pandemic for crying out loud!!!!

That is all I have, for now, I hope to come back with tips on how to manage your mental and physical stress soon. So if you have any tips please feel free to share them with me! I hope you all have a great day! If you are currently dealing with a load of snow and crappy weather you have my deepest condolences! Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read this!

P.S. You’re doing great keep it up!

Kristin Ware

self care

About the Creator

Kristin Ware

Just a stressed college student who likes to write who is trying to survive life!

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