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The Habit of Familiarity and How to combat it

We are every day betrayed by the blank state of the customer. the commonplace accessories . . . . weigh us down. by Llewelyn Powys, Earth Memories

By The Celtic SpiritPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

To my Celtic folk, magic wheeldiers, and pagans of all kinds Welcome!

I know as I type this the election night is commencing and as the dark November days draw in, our working lives begin similarly to draw close about us, I have no idea where the majority of my readers are but for ones who work the office life that daily round begins to grind: the very position of a desk or a table, the same blank faces on the street, the systematic regularity become like the beat of hammer, emphasizing how very dull and ordinary every day seems.

How do we keep our lives fresh and sparkling with energy when we hit the dull beating of the drum?

it's hard to go back to some sense of normalcy after all that has happened and I know when you see how not just in my "tiny town" in the bay area but across the USA we take for granted what we have maybe just in our backyard.

As a Wiccan I find it kind of hard to find true untouched nature that doesn't have a sign next to or gate fences around it.

but there are many different

1 Learn how to make a alter:

I know seems like I am pushing pagan worshipping very early but hear me out. As we are all learning or beginning to do alter and setting up for the new season an alter with you favorite things is just a reminder that not everything will stay the same and celebrating and remembering things coming is a great way to keep those memories alive when you are young

2 Learn some new spells

As this is the new year and we are only 4 days into it looking at something new may be the perfect thing to do in the New year

3 Practicing spells you already know

I Know I Know, This sounds super similar to learning a spell but also hear me out. I still might not know my audience that well yet, but out there in the world, there are casters, witches, warlocks, and wizards ( not here to stereotype for I am including them all) who know what they are doing, how they are doing, and at what types to do spellwork, but sometimes you may get rusty (eh?) none the less, practice makes perfect just don't exhaust yourself.

4 Tarot

When I first started learning about magic and the energy in the world I was immediately drawn to tarot it seemed impossible to me that you could predict the future or even specific events about what could happen just by looking at already predetermined cards, and I love doing it still. But what I want to say about it is either learning or doing it for yourself is perfect with The New Year and Samhain energy flowing.

5 Blessings

I couldn't forget this, as this is the beginning of a New Year thanking or blessing our previous year is the best time to both rest and relax your spirits and the spirits to come in the New Year.

6 Go Take a Hike

No Seriously, Finding a way to break out of the office and breath in that fresh clean pine trees, or see spuirrels, moose, bears, deer, and many more of natures beautiful creatures. As well as maybe even doing all the other things on this list may be the greatest things you can.

7 Pick up a new Book

As in my last article, I did mention some books I, listed that I either glanced( copied) at or even read and got ideas, as you can do the same.

To name a few I have read are

- "The Celtic Spirit" by Caitlin Matthews

- Llewellyn's Sabat Essentials

for Solo Practioners reading The Books by Scott Cunningham

But as I leave you I would like you to answer this

What are your strategies for coping with the habitual? and How can your own routines be either revived or enlivened?

Have a great day and Ill see you next week



About the Creator

The Celtic Spirit

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