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The Fastest Way To Gain Weight: 10 Tips to Help You Bulk Up Quickly

For some people, gaining weight is easy- losing it is hard. for others it's just the opposite. either way gain weight

By AJ CRYPTOPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

The Fastest Way to Gain Weight: 10 Tips to Help You Bulk Up Quickly

For some people, gaining weight is the easy part—it’s losing it that’s hard. For others, it’s just the opposite. Either way, gaining weight can be tough if you don’t know how to do it quickly and effectively without harming your health in the process. Fortunately, there are several ways to gain weight that are both healthy and easy to follow.

Here are 10 of the fastest ways to gain weight safely so you can achieve your desired physique as quickly as possible.

1) How Many Calories Do I Need?

As you begin your quest for weight gain, it’s a good idea to first figure out how many calories you’re consuming each day. If you find that your calorie intake is already at or near your recommended daily allowance, you might have some difficulty adding weight unless you start eating a lot more than normal or increase your activity level.

That doesn’t mean it can’t be done – there are definitely strategies for gaining weight quickly. But make sure you’re doing everything in your power before considering them!

2) Eat Carbs Before Exercising

To gain weight quickly, you must consume a lot of calories, and one of the best ways to do that is by eating carbohydrates before exercising. Carbohydrates give your body energy and help it burn fat more efficiently during exercise.

During a workout, when your body uses stored carbohydrates as fuel, it will also use fat stores at an accelerated rate. This means that after exercising, you’ll be using stored fat for energy instead of returning right back to old habits.

If you need help figuring out how many carbs you should eat before working out or how much food you should eat during exercise to lose weight safely but quickly, consult a nutritionist first; they’ll know better than anyone else how much you can handle without causing harm.

3) Eat Protein Post-Workout

Eating protein post-workout is a great way to fuel your muscles and get them ready for their next workout. After all, muscle mass is one of three components that make up lean body mass. The more lean body mass you have, the higher your metabolism will be.

In addition, eating protein after a workout gives your body time to absorb nutrients and encourages growth through recovery. Post-workout meals should contain approximately 20 grams of protein or .7g per pound of your body weight, spread out over 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day.

4) Know Your Fats

In a perfect world, you’d be able to gain weight by consuming all of your daily calories in one meal. Of course, that’s not possible. Instead, focus on eating more—and healthier—fats throughout your day, since fat takes longer to digest than other nutrients.

Some great choices include avocado and nuts like almonds or walnuts. Healthy fats provide satiety without making you feel stuffed and are often high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Nuts are also a natural source of vitamin E, which helps combat inflammation and promotes fat loss around your abdominal region. Meanwhile, avocado helps control blood sugar levels and keeps hunger at bay.

5) Eat Small Meals Throughout the Day

The best way to gain weight is by creating a calorie surplus. This means eating more calories than you burn each day. The most effective way to do that is through small meals spread out over your day.

If you pack in too many calories at one sitting, your body will store those extra nutrients as fat instead of burning them for energy or muscle-building purposes. Aim for three full meals and two smaller snacks per day if you want a speedy gain in mass.

6) Eat at Least 1 Gram of Protein Per Pound of Bodyweight per Day

If you’re trying to bulk up, aim for at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight each day.

This can be hard when you first start working out because your body is depleted of protein stores, so it takes some time for them to build back up. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds and want to bulk up with 20 pounds of muscle in a year, you should eat 150 grams of protein per day (20 x 7 = 150).

If you are serious about bulking up or just getting started on a weight-gaining program but don’t know how much protein is safe for your body and lifestyle, check out some common myths about high-protein diets.

7) Get Enough Sleep Each Night

Sleep is essential for recovery, growth, and overall health. If you're not getting enough sleep every night, it can impair your strength gains in several ways.

First, it interrupts your sleep cycle and limits your body's ability to produce testosterone—which helps build muscle—while you rest. Second, your body actually uses more calories when you're sleeping than when you're awake so that precious time spent snoozing provides an opportunity for a quick energy fix.

Finally, insufficient sleep has been linked with increased cortisol levels (cortisol is a stress hormone known to cause fat storage around your belly). To gain weight safely but quickly and keep it on overtime try sleeping eight hours a night regularly.

8) Drink Plenty of Water (1/2 your body weight in ounces per day is recommended for newbies, although more may be needed depending on how much you sweat during exercise. )

When you’re trying to put on muscle, you must watch your calorie intake. Muscle is made up of both protein and water, so you need plenty of water to help your body build new tissue.

Water also helps transport nutrients throughout your body more efficiently, which is vital for muscle recovery. When you don’t get enough fluids while training and eating right, fat can often be substituted in place of muscle mass. And that’s not what we want when bulking up! Read More Here!

9) Use Supplements if Needed

If you’re worried about putting on fat, it’s not necessarily a bad idea to use weight-gain supplements. Just make sure they aren’t packed with sugar and other filler ingredients that do little but add extra calories.

Add muscle fast by supplementing your diet with protein shakes; many bodybuilders swear by them—particularly if you work out regularly and don’t want your muscles turning into fat when you stop exercising. But again, if all you need is a few more calories here and there, it’s best to get them from whole foods first, rather than dietary supplements.

10) Get Professional Guidance

If you're trying to put on muscle fast, you're going to need a plan. A good way to figure out what that plan should be is by getting advice from professionals. Consult with a trainer or nutritionist who will take a look at your diet and exercise regimen, assess where you are now, and help you create an ideal path forward.

They'll give you goals based on your body type and any other factors like prior injuries or medical conditions that could impact your training and nutrition. And if working one-on-one isn't in your budget, many gyms offer free nutritional classes so you can get started on a healthy path quickly.

the fastest way to gain weight

First and foremost, if you want to gain weight quickly, you’re going to need a surplus of calories. Most experts recommend consuming 500-750 extra calories per day, above what you burn through physical activity. This means eating an additional meal or two—ideally four total meals each day—while eating healthy foods at regular intervals.

The type of food consumed is also important for gaining weight; prioritize healthy proteins and fats like nuts, eggs, fish, and avocado oil. Remember that when it comes to gaining weight quickly, energy intake matters more than energy expenditure. It’s your body that determines whether or not you gain weight (or fat), so make sure you pay attention to what it’s telling you!

How do skinny people gain weight fast?

To gain weight fast, eat often. Frequent feedings help you pack on pounds because your body is continually breaking down and building new proteins, which means your metabolism is consistently burning calories.

In fact, research shows that animals that gorge themselves eat more but don't gain extra weight—they just get fatter—because they have a slower metabolism than their counterparts that eat less frequently. If it sounds like eating all day isn't healthy, it's not: It has been linked to cancer and diabetes in humans and promotes weight gain in animals.

But as long as you're following a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and veggies—and limiting meals containing empty calories like sugar-sweetened beverages—frequent feeding won't hurt you if you're underweight or normal weight.


1. Eating a healthy diet is a great way to gain weight; you should eat lots of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. It’s best to base your meals around fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats—this will ensure that you’re getting all of your essential nutrients.

Not only will eating a nutrient-rich diet help you gain weight but it’ll also aid in muscle growth by helping fuel and recover from your workouts. 2. Eat every 3 hours if possible; even small snacks can add up over time, so be sure to take advantage of each meal opportunity. 3.

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