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5 Proven Ways To Burn Fat Quickly And Naturally (Without Killing Yourself In The Gym)

All of us want to burn fat quickly and naturally, right? It’s not easy, but with these 5 proven methods, you can burn fat fast in the comfort of your own home. What are you waiting for? Get started today!

By AJ CRYPTOPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
5 Proven Ways To Burn Fat Quickly And Naturally (Without Killing Yourself In The Gym)
Photo by Total Shape on Unsplash

1. Consume Green Tea

A cup of green tea before lunch and dinner can speed up your metabolism and melt off those extra pounds. Green tea speeds up your metabolic rate, helping you burn calories more quickly, explains David Nieman, Dr.PH., director of the human performance laboratory at Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C... Steeping green tea is also a good idea because it’s a diuretic that causes you to lose water weight (from bloating).

One study found that people who took in four cups daily weighed 6-1/2 pounds less than those who didn’t—and two cups three times per week has been shown to cause a 32 percent increase in a fat burn over time.

2. Eat Lean Protein

When it comes to weight loss, eating protein is a must. Not only does it make you feel fuller longer and reduce appetite, but it can also boost your metabolism.

Studies show that people who eat more protein lose more fat--especially belly fat--than those who don't. Protein is key to feeling satisfied and preventing overeating; plus, studies show that lean meat can increase metabolism by as much as 15 percent for three hours after consumption—allowing you to burn an extra 150 calories or so.

3. Exercise More

By Alexander Redl on Unsplash

Want to burn more fat? Exercise more. It’s that simple. Most people think about eating differently and cutting out a food group as their way to losing weight, but it’s rarely that easy.

If you want to improve your body composition, which is just a fancy way of saying change your body composition so you have less fat and more muscle, you need to exercise. But even if you don’t care about improving your body composition, regular exercise will still improve your health in many other ways, making it well worth it in that regard alone.

4. Do Interval Training

Interval training isn’t just for people who want to run a marathon. You can do interval training workouts in virtually any type of cardio workout, from running to cycling to spinning.

With interval training, you alternate intense bursts of activity with short periods of rest; examples include sprinting as fast as you can for 10 seconds and then pedaling slowly for 30 seconds or less, or jogging for 30 seconds, followed by 20-second intervals of walking or light jogging.

Interval training helps maximize your caloric burn during workouts and increases your endurance in exercise by gradually building up your cardiovascular capacity over time. Plus, it’s fun—which is always an added bonus when it comes to exercise!

5. Use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is often maligned by nutritionists, but a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that people who ate 2 tablespoons of coconut oil daily for 12 weeks lost an average of 4 inches from their waistlines without making any other changes to their diets. Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides, which are used by your body more efficiently than other forms of fat and do not negatively impact cholesterol levels.

And these fats may also help you lose weight! How? Well, coconut oil increases metabolism slightly and boosts satiety so that you eat less overall. Be careful with how much coconut oil you add to your diet—too much can make it difficult to digest and may cause diarrhea or loose stools in some people.

how to burn fat fast at home

If you’re looking to burn fat fast and get into shape, there are tons of workout routines and diet plans that promise quick results. But which one is best? What does fat burning zone even mean?

We break down all of these questions and more. Below, you'll find proven techniques for losing weight fast without killing yourself in the gym, as well as general nutrition tips to maximize your results—both in terms of health and weight loss.

how to get your body to burn stored fat

Eat more protein. It may be hard to imagine eating more than you already do, but adding a little bit of lean protein to each meal is a great way to boost your metabolism and burn fat faster.

Studies have shown that people who add just 12 grams of whey or egg protein per day—which comes out to less than an extra half-ounce of meat—to their diet see a 75% increase in fat burning, an 11% increase in muscle mass and improvements in muscle tone, according to researchers at Penn State University. Add 3 ounces of grilled chicken breast, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, or one block of tofu per day to get started.

How to get your body to burn stored fat

What if I told you that you could get your body to burn more stored fat and less of what you eat each day? What if I told you that your body was designed to burn off excess calories first before it tapped into stored fat?

Wouldn't it be amazing if there were ways to make your body work better, including burning off more fat without killing yourself in the gym? There are several ways to get your body moving in a way that promotes weight loss. One really helpful one is walking at a brisk pace.

In fact, it’s easier on both joints and muscle tissues than jogging or running. You can walk just about anywhere; there’s no need for specialized equipment like treadmills or expensive memberships at an exercise club.


Don’t get trapped in the zone. It's common to fall into an unhealthy cycle of exercise, which is why we want to emphasize that it's important to rest, recover and refuel after intense exercise.

Working out shouldn’t be your way of coping with life—so take care of yourself even if it means taking a break for a day or two. Exercise should be about achieving health, not body image.

For people who are very fit already, it's easy to think working out hard is simply part of living a healthy lifestyle—but remember that you can still overdo it, and as soon as you do you’ll feel it! Stay vigilant and guard against too much work


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