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The body appears this 5 performance, or diabetes is "worsening"

Is diabetes contagious?

By Lhasa GermanyPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

The formation of diabetes can have a great impact on human health. Many people who develop diabetes are not aware of it and therefore do not take measures to improve it, potentially bringing negative effects as their blood sugar continues to increase, so many complications may come to them.

The fastest-growing country with diabetes today is India, followed by our country, and the third is the United States.

The United States currently has about 20.8 million diabetics, or 7 percent of the population, 95 percent of whom are type 2 diabetics, and about 6 million of whom do not even know they have diabetes.

And China's diabetic patients currently occupy the top of the world, about 120 million people, the number of people with abnormal blood sugar reached 264 million, and the direct threat of diabetes reached 664 million!

Diabetes itself is not terrible, the terrible thing is that it can lead to a variety of complications, such as diabetic foot, diabetic eye disease, and so on. Therefore, people with diabetes should actively control their blood sugar, carefully observe their bodies, and be alert if abnormal symptoms appear, most likely caused by high blood sugar.


How much do you know about diabetes?

[Is diabetes contagious?

People with diabetes must have many questions in their minds about the disease in their ordinary lives. Can diabetes be contagious to people around you too? Diabetes is not a contagious disease. It is not contagious from or to others like influenza or hepatitis B. You will not catch diabetes from contact with a diabetic, even if it is close contact.

The presence of several diabetics in the family is not the result of contagion, but rather the inheritance of a family member's predisposition to diabetes (i.e., inheritance of a mutated gene, clinically known as diabetes susceptibility).

In addition, family members have similar poor living and eating habits (e.g., unreasonable living habits, unscientific dietary structure, poor mental attitude, lack of necessary exercise, etc.) and this is the result.

[Will diabetes become uremia?

Doctor: Diabetes is likely to turn into uremia.

Diabetic patients who have poor long-term blood sugar control and cannot be treated actively and effectively will cause a variety of complications that will damage the kidneys and cause diabetic nephropathy.

The appearance of diabetic nephropathy will cause a gradual increase in proteinuria, accompanied by edema and hypertension symptoms. If the disease is not effectively controlled, with the gradual progress of the disease, there may be damage to kidney function, causing an increase in blood creatinine and urea nitrogen, long-term damage to the kidney parenchyma, which will eventually lead to chronic renal failure, and even develop into uremia.

Therefore, diabetic patients must pay attention to the need to actively control blood sugar to prevent complications in various systems and organs, so as not to cause serious consequences.

[Can diabetes be completely cured?

Diabetes mellitus may be completely cured. Diabetes is usually treated by medication and blood sugar control through diet and lifestyle management.

If diabetes is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, you usually need to control your diet, such as changing your habits of eating sweets, eating relatively large meals, and unbalanced nutrition.

And regular rest and rest, adherence to exercise, do not stay up late, and life habits gradually adjusted to a healthy way, although the blood sugar is relatively high, but may not need to be treated through drugs, but through lifestyle treatment.

Lifestyle treatment is the cornerstone of treating diabetes. In the clinic, if the patient is young, new, and has an unhealthy lifestyle. The management of lifestyle to control blood glucose to the normal range does not require medication and can be considered a cure for diabetes.


If your body shows any of the following 5 signs, or if your diabetes is "worsening", you must be alert for complications

1. Extreme thirst

"Three more and one less" is a typical symptom of diabetes, but this thirst can be relieved by drinking water.

If you find that your thirst has increased and you need to drink a lot of water every day to quench your thirst, you need to pay attention to this.

While drinking large amounts of water, sugar lovers will experience dehydration symptoms, while their blood sugar will also rise, and they may also develop diabetic ketoacidosis, a complication that can be life-threatening once it occurs.

2. Numbness of the limbs, sensory impairment

If a diabetic patient is sedentary for a long time or has temporary numbness in the limbs due to temporary ischemia, it will not affect health.

However, if the limb pain sensation is abnormal, such as burning pain, twisting pain, or even pins and needles and flashing pain and other quiet situations. It is very likely that the condition has worsened and has involved peripheral nerve endings, so you need to go to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible.

3. Vision loss

Diabetes can affect the body, and if you have noticed that your eyesight is declining, your diabetes may be worsening. Because the process of elevated blood sugar can affect a person's eyes, the possibility of retinal lesions is very high, which is a negative result that can come from uncontrolled blood sugar.

If you find that you start to lose your vision in a short period and your vision becomes blurred, it means that the condition may be deteriorating and there is a possibility that complications from diabetes are coming to your doorstep.

You need to control your blood sugar reasonably, and only when your diabetes is improved will your performance of declining eye function improve, preventing your vision from continuing to decrease and affecting your life.

4. High foam in the urine

If there is a lot of foam in the process of urination, you need to pay high attention to the existence of this phenomenon not exclude that it is related to diabetes. Because in the process of diabetes development, the kidneys of patients will also be damaged.

If the influence of high blood sugar leads to the hardening of the blood vessels in the kidney area, kidney health ma affected.

Many people have proteinuria in the process of urine excretion, which is clearly characterized by a lot of foam in the urine and does not disappear easily. When you notice this phenomenon, you should not ignore it and reasonably control your blood sugar, and your blood sugar will return to a stable state

5. Chest tightness and weakness

Diabetic patients are prone to cardiovascular diseases, and if patients have complications such as diabetic coronary heart disease, they may suffer from chest tightness and fatigue due to reduced heart function and poor blood supply.

Therefore, if patients often feel this way, they should be vigilant and control their blood sugar to stabilize it and prevent their hearts froheartstinuing to be damaged.


Extension: Diabetes afraid to eat fruit? Regularly eating these 4 kinds of fruits can effectively lower blood sugar

1. Poppy peaches

Poppy peaches can reduce the body's absorption of fat, have the effect of reducing blood lipids and cholesterol, and have a preventive effect on hypertension, atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular diseases. Also can protect the liver and lower blood sugar.

2. Kiwifruit

Kiwifruit contains a large number of natural sugar alcohols inositol, which can effectively regulate sugar metabolism, regulate intracellular hormones and the conduction effect of nerves, and have a unique effect on the prevention of diabetes and depression.

Kiwifruit has anti-diabetic potential, it contains chromium, which has medicinal value in the treatment of diabetes. It stimulates the secretion of insulin by isolated groups of cells and, therefore, lowers the blood sugar of diabetics. Its powder is mixed with bitter melon powder to regulate blood sugar levels.

3. Cherry

In everyone's impression, cherry is a sour and sweet fruit, and the sugar content of 100g of cherry pulp is generally around 8g. Since cherries belong to a class of fruits collectively, people with high blood sugar should avoid varieties that are too sweet when choosing cherries.

The effect of cherries on blood sugar is that they can secrete a component similar to insulin, which can play a role in the treatment of high blood sugar.


4. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is cold, it has the effect of stomach and throat. And some studies say that grapefruit has anti-inflammatory effects that can help the body inhibit viral infections.

In addition, grapefruit also contains insulin, which can help diabetics lower their blood sugar and protect their cardiovascular system. For obese diabetic patients, you can often eat some grapefruit.


About the Creator

Lhasa Germany

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