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What is the prime age for a girl to have her first "period"?

How tall can a girl grow after she has her period?

By Lhasa GermanyPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

For many parents with daughters, there are always various problems, for example, as girls grow older, they will encounter menstrual problems when they reach puberty, which is also a top priority for parents.

When girls reach a certain age, they will have their first menstrual period, and their hearts will change a lot at this time.

After girls enter puberty, parents should observe their physical changes, especially the arrival of the first period, too early or too late will have an impact on the body. So in the end, how old is it better for girls to have their first period? Let's learn more about it.


About the first menstruation of a girl

How tall can a girl grow after she has her period?

Girls can still grow taller after they have their period. How tall they can grow varies from person to person, and there is no specific standard. Because height is not only affected by the first menstruation but also related to other factors, such as nutritional factors, genetic factors, and so on.

Generally, before menstruation, adolescent girls will experience a rapid increase in height, with an average annual growth rate of about 9cm.

After the first menstruation, the growth rate slows down slightly. Determine is to come to the first menstrual period, usually to appropriate exercise, and to pay attention to a nutritional diet, to ensure adequate nutrition, to help children grow taller.

Is it normal for a girl to have an irregular menstrual period?

Doctor: It is normal for girls to have irregular menstruation for the first time, so you can observe it for a while.

When a girl has her first menstruation, the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian reproductive axis is not fully established, and the normal menstrual cycle is not fully established, so irregular menstruation may occur in the early stages. As the reproductive axis matures, menstruation will gradually become regular, usually in about 2 years.

In summary, it is normal for girls to have irregular periods for the first time, so there is no need to worry too much. If the menstruation does not reach a regular state in about 2 years, you should promptly consult a hospital to perform an ultrasound examination of the uterus and annexes, sex hormone examination, basal body temperature measurement, etc. to clarify the causes of menstrual disorders, and carry out corresponding standard treatment according to the causes promptly.

How many days is it normal for a girl to have her first menstrual period?

The first menstruation of a girl usually takes less than a week. If it takes more than a week, it may cause anemia and infection, and you need to see a doctor for treatment.

If a girl has her first period, it may be irregular, with time variations and a small amount, it is okay, just observe it, but a large amount must be corrected and treated. Within three years of menarche, a girl may not have regular periods, but this is usually fine.

However, the amount should not be too large and the time should not be too long. If the amount is large and the time is long, it may cause anemia and infection, which needs to be treated by a doctor. If you have had irregular periods for more than three years, you should consult a doctor for a check-up.


What is the prime age for a girl to have her first period? For the sake of your child's health, parents are advised to know early

Under normal circumstances, the best age for a girl to have her first period is between 12 and 16 years old. It is not normal to have a period before the age of 10 or to have no period over the age of 16.

A girl who has her first period before the age of 10 is considered X premature, while a girl who has her first period over the age of 16 is considered X late.

Both X-premature and X-late maturity can affect a woman's health and are most beneficial only when controlled within the optimal time frame.

X precocious puberty will make the girl's body overdeveloped and prone to the problem of delayed height development, and will also lead to early breast development, which will easily increase the girl's psychological stress and affect her studies and daily life.

If the first menstruation is too late, you should consider the possibility of "stone girls", who do not have menstruation.

Therefore, it is not a good thing that a girl does not have her first period at a normal time, and parents should take their children to the hospital as soon as possible for a checkup to see if it is due to a medical condition.


What should parents do when a girl gets her first period?

1. Pay attention to your daughter's psychology

Girls' physiological knowledge is also described in textbooks, but little girls in adolescence are more sensitive inside.

If the child can not realize that this is what every girl has to experience, that only they are in such a situation, will be easy to have psychological pressure.

It may create an inferiority complex, for example, worrying that other students will know she has her period and will be embarrassed to go to the bathroom at school and unwilling to change her sanitary napkin.

So the mother can use her own experience of having her first period to let her daughter know that menstruation is something that every girl has to go through.

2. Calm your child's emotions

Most children may feel very uneasy inside when facing their first menstruation, so the mother should do a good job of psychological guidance for her child.

You can tell your child congratulations when he or she gets his or her first period and tell him or her in a normal tone of voice and with a stable emotion that you will grow up.

Menstruation is a normal stage of female body development, do not feel embarrassed, and do not deliberately avoid it, the mother should remember to tell the child these contents.

3. Help your daughter choose the right sanitary napkin

Girls who have just had their periods have the most urgent need for sanitary napkins. At this time, parents can tell their children the criteria for selecting sanitary napkins, and tell them to keep a good record of their monthly physiological periods and prepare sanitary napkins in advance to put in their school bags.

It is time to change the bathroom during menstruation to keep it clean and hygienic to avoid germs. Many girls have no concept of how often to change sanitary napkins and simply believe that they only need to be changed when there is more blood.

The best time to change sanitary napkins should be in 3 to 4 hours, which is the parents must do a good job of reminding their children to be replaced promptly.

4. Do not let your child eat cold and salty things

Eating cold food or drinking cold drinks during menstruation can affect the contraction of the uterus and make the discharge of salty menstrual blood poor, leading to problems such as dysmenorrhea.

In addition, during menstruation, due to the imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, water and sodium retention, and excessive antidiuretic hormone. Many women tend to become irritable and anxious, and if they eat overly salty food it can aggravate water and sodium retention, leading to headaches, edema, and other problems.

Conclusion: The first menstruation, meaning the onset of puberty, little girls will have doubts about their development psychology, often secretly on to learn about the relevant knowledge. But online information, is mixed, children are young, and it is difficult to distinguish between the truth and false, the mother must be timely and correct guidance.


About the Creator

Lhasa Germany

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