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The apples, history, properties, and relationship with energy centers.

Can you understand which organs benefit from its color?

By Christodoulos PeratikouPublished 5 months ago 10 min read
Photo by John Finkelstein: https://www.pexels.com/photo/red-apple-1630588/

The apples, history, properties, and relationship with energy centers.

Can you understand which organs benefit from its color?

Apples are among the most popular fruits worldwide. The apple is the fruit of the Malus domestica tree, belonging to the Rosaceae family, originating from Central Asia, where it is cultivated globally today. There are approximately 2,000 varieties of apples worldwide, varying in size, color, texture, and taste. Some marketed varieties include:

• Red Delicious: Large-sized fruit with a deep red color, known for its particularly sweet taste and firm skin.

• Fuji: Large-sized fruit with red skin displaying discreet stripes of yellow-green. It's one of the sweetest apple varieties, favored especially for raw consumption as a dessert.

• Golden Delicious: Medium to large-sized fruit with a yellow-orange color.

• Firiki Variety: Found in mountainous and semi-mountainous regions of Greece. Firiki is a small to medium-sized fruit, cylindrical in shape, with a greenish-yellow color.

History of the Apple

Apples have been known since prehistoric times, when only wild sour apples existed. The apple tree originally came from Eastern Europe and Southwestern Asia, spreading to more temperate regions. The Romans adored apples and were the first to cultivate them. By the 1st century BC, they were cultivating at least 12 different varieties throughout the Roman Empire. The apple has always been surrounded by myths and carried complex symbolism. In the Old Testament, Adam ate the apple from the Tree of Knowledge and was expelled from Paradise. For the ancient Greeks and Romans, apples were aphrodisiacs, while for the Celts, sour apples were a symbol of fertility. The apple retained its symbolic value even in the Middle Ages, and today, this is reflected in various customs and games.

The famous 19th-century apple grower, Englishman Thomas Laxton, crossbred hundreds of apple varieties, many of which still exist today and bear his name. The Pilgrim Fathers introduced apples to the New World, planting seeds they had brought from England. They became so popular that in the 18th century, John Chapman cultivated orchards with apple trees over an area of 10,000 square miles in North America, using apple seeds discarded from cider mills.

A year later, apple cultivation spread to Australia when Samantha Smith planted the first Granny Smith apples in her garden in Sydney.

What does an apple contain?

An apple contains only 50-80 calories, yet it's exceptionally rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and dietary fibers. Specifically, it contains:

• Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a potent natural antioxidant capable of protecting cells from damages that lead to certain diseases, while also boosting the immune system's defenses against infections.

• B-complex vitamins. These vitamins aid in the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular systems, participate in nutrient absorption, contribute to energy production, and help in the creation of red blood cells.

• Vitamin A and beta-carotene. Vitamin A and beta-carotene (also known as provitamin A) play a role in skin protection, good vision, and reinforce the immune system. Beta-carotene is also a powerful antioxidant.

• Vitamin E. Vitamin E possesses antioxidant and anti-thrombotic properties, contributing to healthy skin.

• Vitamin K. Vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting and contributes to bone health.

• Flavonoids. Flavonoids have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-thrombotic properties, contributing to the proper functioning of the body.

• Dietary fibers. Dietary fibers positively impact proper intestinal function and aid in preventing the onset of various diseases.

Eight Impressive Health Benefits of Apples

1. Apples can reduce high cholesterol and blood pressure. Enjoy a juicy apple, and it might help you maintain your health. "Studies have linked apple consumption to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, which may be related to the benefits of reducing cholesterol from soluble fibers found in apples," says Anzlovar. According to the University of Illinois, plant-based soluble fibers help prevent the accumulation of cholesterol on the lining of blood vessels, thus reducing the frequency of atherosclerosis (limited blood flow to the arteries due to plaque buildup) and heart diseases. It may also help lower blood pressure levels: A previous review found that higher intake of soluble fibers was associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. Previous research shows that regular consumption of apples (or pears) was associated with a 52% lower risk of stroke. Additionally, a study published in February 2020 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming two apples a day helped study participants lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

2. Consumption of foods rich in plant fibers, including apples, can aid digestion You might have heard that plant fibers are good for digestion - and what you've heard is true! According to the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, both types of plant fibers (soluble and insoluble, meaning they cannot be absorbed in water) are important for digestion. And you're in luck - apples have both types, according to the University of Illinois. Soluble plant fibers help slow down digestion, allowing you to feel fuller and also slowing down the digestion of glucose, which helps control your blood sugar. Meanwhile, insoluble plant fibers can help move food through your system and aid in constipation and regularity, according to Harvard. Make sure to eat the apple's peel, as it contains a large portion of its insoluble plant fibers, according to the University of Illinois.

3. Apples can support a healthy immune system Who doesn't want a stronger immune system? Apples can be a significant tool in supporting your immune system. According to earlier research in animals, a diet rich in soluble fibers helped convert immune cells that were pro-inflammatory into anti-inflammatory and supportive of the immune system. Another study in animals, published in May 2018 in the journal Immunity, found that a high-fiber diet helped protect mice from the flu. (It's not clear if these effects would translate to humans, however.)

4. Apples are diabetes-friendly fruits If you have type 2 diabetes, consider adding apples to your diet. Surely, it's a fruit, but it's a common misconception that individuals with diabetes can't eat fruits. In this case, the soluble plant fibers in apples can help slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and may improve blood sugar levels, notes the Mayo Clinic. Additionally, according to Mayo, a healthy diet that includes insoluble plant fibers may initially reduce the chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

5. Antioxidants in apples may play a role in cancer prevention While there's no surefire way to prevent cancer, apples might contribute to fighting these diseases. Apples can reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer, which researchers speculate are related to the antioxidants found in apples. Previous research shows that apples have a high content of antioxidants that have been proven to limit the growth of cancer cells.

6. Consuming apples may support weight loss A diet rich in fruits (and vegetables) can help you maintain a healthy weight - or lose weight - according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Because apples are packed with dietary fibers, they rank high on this list. Plant fibers slow down digestion and the rise of sugar in the blood, keeping you full and less likely to overeat. According to this study in The Lancet, individuals who consumed the most plant fibers had significantly lower body weight. Previous research shows that overweight women who ate three apples a day lost 1-22 pounds after 12 weeks. With only 95 calories for a medium-sized apple, this fruit is one you'd want to have on hand when the craving for sweets hits.

7. Apples may help in preventing Alzheimer's disease It's time to start eating more apples and other flavonoid-rich foods like berries and tea. Research published in August 2020 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that adults aged 50 and older who included just a small amount of flavonoid-rich foods like berries, apples, and tea in their diet had 2 to 4 times more chances of developing Alzheimer's disease and related types of dementia over a 20-year period compared to individuals who consumed more flavonoid-rich foods.

8. Apples can help keep your gut healthy Gut health is a serious modern concern these days, and consuming apples can be a way to help your digestive system. Apples contain a type of starch called pectin, which is a prebiotic. Prebiotics are important as they help feed "good" bacteria in your gut, according to the Cleveland Clinic. They also boost immune function, stimulate hormone production, and help your body absorb certain minerals (like calcium and phosphorus), among other benefits."

What is the relationship between the color of the apple and the chakras?

Anthocyanin is an antioxidant found in large quantities in red apples. It's what gives them their color and has many beneficial properties for our health. It protects against prostate cancer, increases sperm production, and its mobility simultaneously. It also protects the heart, prevents vessel closure, reduces blood clotting, and much more. Our reproductive system energetically corresponds to the first energy center, which is red. Is this a random fact? Certainly not.

Moreover, Eastern alternative medicine, to complement the technique of finding organs that benefit from fruits based on their color, discovered that red corresponds secondarily to the heart, yellow to the stomach and pancreas, green to the liver, and blue to the kidneys.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that give apples their green color. Studies have shown that consuming foods rich in these substances can help reduce the risk of heart diseases like myocardial infarction and stroke. Therefore, the green color represents the heart center and corresponds to the organ of the heart.

Additionally, the above antioxidants help in:

• Protecting liver cells from free radical damage

• Reducing inflammation in the liver

• Improving bile production

The green color of the apple thus demonstrates the fruit's beneficial effect on the liver.

How to Choose a Good Apple

Always choose apples that are not bruised. If possible, smell the fruits to test their aroma, and gently press them to ensure their flesh is firm. Don't be fooled by the color of the apple skins. Often, some bright red, glossy apples can taste bland and have a soft texture. Red and Golden Delicious apples are among the sweetest, while Braeburn and Fuji apples have a slight tartness. Gravenstein, Pippin, and Granny Smith apples are the most tart but maintain their texture better when cooked.

Normally, the apple season is in autumn and winter, but they are available year-round either from countries in the southern hemisphere or stored in refrigeration under specific conditions for several months. There are even summer varieties available abroad, ripening mostly in July. Greek apples mainly consist of Firiki and Delicious Pilafa. We import apples from various countries. The first ones come from Italy (red, yellow, and green) in early winter. From February onwards, we import from America (red and yellow), and from April until summer from Chile (red and green). However, we also import apples from Turkey and occasionally from France.

How to Preserve Them

Apples continue to ripen after being picked, which can alter their color and texture. For a short period, store apples in the refrigerator in an open bag. To preserve your own apples, it's better to wrap them individually in newspaper and place them in a single layer on a tray. Store them in a cool, dry, dark place and check occasionally for any spoilage. A spoiled fruit can affect the others, so it should be removed immediately. Storing apples in the refrigerator (2-4°C) helps minimize the loss of nutrients.

Recommended Consumption Method

Apple skin is unusually rich in nutrients, so even if your recipe requires removing it, leaving it on will provide unique benefits. Ideally, choose organic apples to avoid issues related to pesticide residues and other forms of contamination on the skin. If you can't get organic apples and are willing to accept some concentration of pesticides by consuming the apple skin, make sure to thoroughly wash the entire apple under running clean water while gently scrubbing the skin with a natural brush for 10-15 seconds. To prevent apple browning when slicing it for a recipe, add the slices to a bowl of cold water with a tablespoon of lemon juice. For future use in recipes, place apple slices in the freezer after properly storing them in plastic bags or containers. Apples can be eaten raw, cooked, or used in desserts. You can add apple slices to fruit salads or green vegetable salads. You can grate apple and combine it with cabbage. They go into smoothies or diced into yogurt. You can make apple pie or apple tart. Apple juice, cider, and apple brandies like Calvados are the most well-known beverages made from apples."


About the Creator

Christodoulos Peratikou

I am a school teacher and a writer.I like meditation and i have tried a variety of techniques thirty years now. I also like spending some time playing in the garden and growing plants,flowers and taking care of trees.

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