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Tarot Keyword Quick Guide

Keywords for all 78 Tarot Cards in Upright Position

By Char WilcoxPublished 4 years ago 6 min read
Let the Journey Begin, Start Somewhere!

Let the journey begin....

Tarot CHEAT SHEET Keywords

by Char Wilcox

This is a quick keyword cheat sheet for new and experienced tarot readers. These are the same keywords that I use in my livestreams on YouTube and by request, I am sharing them with you.

These are keywords for the upright positions of the 78 tarot cards.

In this first part we will start with numbers

Ace: New beginnings, solo start

2: Communication, partnerships

3: New enterprises or loss, group or social settings

4: Bring safety and relief from problems

5: Desired challenge or cause from loss

6: Turning points, conclusions, regrouping, victory

7: review, revision, uncertainty, confusion, decisions

8: freedom, action needed, letting go, cutting loss, re-doubling efforts

9: holding the fort, situations - comfortable or not

10: End of the cycle, success or fail, outcomes


Swords represent Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Swords are air energy challenging our THOUGHTS and the way we think.

Ace: Cut out, learn a truth, own the truth, communication, clarity

2: Confusion, blind in a situation, defensive

3: Heartbreak, sadness, betrayal, loss of something loved

4: Rest, growth, hanging up swords, retreat

5: Sharp conflict of energy, fives mean change, mid-cycle

6: Moving away emotionally but there is still baggage

7: Deceit, something being taken, lying, stealing

8: Feeling trapped, bound, stagnant, can't see clearly

9: Heavy weight on mind, daunting, restless, worry, almost done the cycle

10: Completion can't hurt more than now, the end, relinquish complete control

Page of Swords: Full of hope, immature, fresh & new

Knight of Swords: Rushing, very fast, unafraid, quickly

Queen of Swords: Communication, cut out certain situations, people, or things

King of Swords: Blunt, standoffish, not afraid of anyone or anything


Wands represent Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Wands are fire energy, making us take ACTION on career, projects, passion and our will.

Ace: Olive branch, wave your wand, action in the wind

2: Options, decisions, acting on an option or not acting, perspective

3: Waiting on something someone, what path to take, something to come back, stand still

4: Foundations, weddings, joining good twinflame/soulmate reunions, building a foundation

5: Confusion, chaos, argument, conflict, self conflict

6: Victory and success, achieving goals, success on the home front

7: Challenges, obstacles, fighting through them, keep going

8: Communications, things coming at you, alot at once, projects and ideas

9: Working through the hardships, what to do with all the eights, almost the end of the cycle, work through it

10: Burdens, carrying it all, doing all the work, too much or too intense

Page: Proud, creative ideas, action, goal oriented

Knight: Rushing, easy come easy go, charging

Queen: Passionate, sensual, attractive, inner and outer beauty

King: Passionate, sexual, magnetic, action, a good leader


Cups represent Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. Cups are water energy, making us FEEL the EMOTIONAL part of life with love and relationships.

Ace: Ever flowing, emotional, everything in your hand, and offering

2: Mutual love, very equal, fairness

3: Gathering, reunion, a lesson to learn, ready for harvest

4: Not receptive to offers, options, opportunities, not everything is for you

5: Self pity, focusing on negative, grief, see the positive change

6: Solid, fun card, no water in these cups but earth friends and neighbors happily

7: Illusion, fantasy, dreaming, materialism, lower to something not for you , looking for something to fill your Cup with

8: Self discovery, walking away, moon phases, leaving empty cups behind

9: Satisfaction, cups are all there, wishing, almost at the end of the vision

10: Emotional satisfaction, abundance that you want, happy moment, complete completion

Page: Immature, lucky, something already manifested, an offering

Knight: Love, emotional, investment and energy , things coming towards you

Queen: Vulnerable, intuitive, emotionally invested and balanced, empathetic, owning her vulnerability

King: Openly emotional, love, gratitude, supportive

The Suit of Pentacles

Pentacles represent Virgo, Taurus & Capricorn. Pentacles are Earth Energy focusing on the Physical aspects of life. Grounding, money, work.

Ace: Resources coming your way, abundance, growth in a useful way,

2: Balance, juggling, Infinity, staying stable in turbulent water

3: Hard work, teamwork, working together, volunteer

4: Holding on, materialistic, saving for solid ground, not wanting to let go, withholding resources, blocking flow

5: Feeling left out, change, feeling that nobody cares, charity

6: Balance, give and take, being worthy of gifts

7: Looking at the work you've done, what has been done already, getting ready to harvest

8: Working hard, becoming expert, trying to stabilize, learning, practice

9: Abundance, job well done, self earned accomplishment, self love

10: Abundance in all forms of life, rich in aspects of life

Page: an offering, being careful with money, a little luck

Knight: Very slow, looking out for the long term, making things last, slow and steady

Queen: Caring, Generous, good achiever, proud of accomplishments, stable, down to earth, secure and confident

King: Commitment, good leader, strong father figure, things grow around this person, plan for the long haul

The Major Arcana

The Major Arcana talk to us about what WE need to do, our balance on the spiritual side of things. Where the Minor Arcana are more the physical action cards.

Think about the lesson or the work needed in these cards.

0: The Fool: New journey, start or finish, right before the first step

1: The Magician: magic, Infinity, magic under foot

2: High Priestess: the universe has your back, inner knowledge

3: The Empress: Fertility, bounty, abundance, motherly creation

4: The Emperor: Power and healing, intellect, father, leader, order and stability

5: The Heirophant: Longevity, honor, spiritual justice, advice, counseling, traditional religion

6: The Lovers: Fertility, spiritual choice , simplicity, human love, commitment

7: The Chariot: Triumph in the mind, movement, personal power, manifestation

8: Strength: Strength within, strength in faith, self control, strength for healing

9: The Hermit: Silent wisdom, meditation, inner wisdom, inner light, retreat from distractions

10: The Wheel of Fortune: Inner voice and cycles, working with the energies of the season, good luck, random occurrence

11: Justice: Justice, ancient powers, integrity, legal matters, karma, consequences

12: The Hanged Man: New truth, perception, initiation, transition, surrender to experience

13: Death: Shedding old, resurrection, destination, rest, transformation of cycles

14: Temperance: new dreams, realms, perpetual movement, cycles, spiritual healing , material nature , moderation restraint and tact

15: The Devil: Temptations, light in the dark, addictions, overcoming dark, not in your best interest , overindulgence

16: The Tower: Kaboom, life death and rebirth, upheaval, change of plans, what has remained

17: The Star: Wish, inspiration and hope, inner peace, healing and serenity

18: The Moon: Intuitive guidance, cycle, time, wishes granted, personal cycles, unveiling of truths

19: The Sun: Joy, dreams, accomplishments, nature and art, grow, dreams, clarity that brings joy

20: Judgment: New depths of creativity, look within, eternal life, making positive change, heading a call

21: The World: New opportunities, rebirth, victory, success, end of a cycle , the world is at your fingertips

Let the cycle begin again...


About the Creator

Char Wilcox

I'm your average Canadian girl, having the time of my life saying YES to experiences and going on some great adventures.

I'm currently a Livestream host who also practices Metaphysics & Energy Healing.

Love what you do & do what you love.

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