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Taking Care of Your Mental Health

During a global pandemic

By isabelle parsleyPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

I am sure that this something that is on everybody's mind right now. How do I take care of myself when the world is basically falling apart around me? When so many people in the American population just blatantly disregard science in the face of death. Empath's are struggling during this pandemic, everyone is struggling. This is something a vast majority of us have never faced before. Isolation. The separation of us from our loved ones, from our friends.

A lot of Americans are just spitting in the CDC's face, thinking oh it's not going to happen to me, I can hang out with my friends if I want. But the truth is about these people is that they are so SO scared of spending time alone with themselves that they rather face a global pandemic.

SO how do we take care of ourselves? How do we take care of each other while faced with this separation? We talk to one another, we open up with others in ways we haven't done before, because we have never been in this spot before. We find a new routine. Whether you wake up at 7 and take a walk and make breakfast. Or if you wake up at 12 and just throw on a tv show and make lunch. It doesn't matter but a routine is key to having positive mental health. Now I could sit here and tell you how exercise does wonders for your mental health which it does, but I understand if its not your thing. I was so stubborn on the issue for so long, untill I started going to the gym weekly and saw the difference. But then gyms closed,

Another big thing is we turn off the news and we enjoy this time off and this time for reflection that we would have never had before. Now I am not saying remain completely ignorant to what is going on in the world, we all have social media we see it. But the news is negative, when you are alone with your thoughts for days on end do you really want to be thinking about all the messed up stuff going on in the world? Stay informed but not too informed, don't let the information fester. Find ways to live your life while remaining in the comfort of your home.

Find a new hobby! This one has been quite expensive for my husband and I because we can never seem to finish a project and we are constantly going from one thing to the next, but it doesn't have to be expensive for you! Teach yourself some basic home renovation skills! Paint your walls, add some crown molding or just decorate!Teach yourself how to sew or crochet or whatever your heart desires! If you already have a skill, better yourself! Make an Etsy and sell your art to the world. My husband and I renovated half of our house, started a Youtube channel, a tiktok and our now trying to become internet influencers. Whatever you choose it doesn't have to be life changing, just find something you love to do and do it. The satisfaction of creation, of bettering yourself, expanding your mind, it's nothing but positive vibes.

There are another million things I could suggest to taking care of your mental health, eating right, cutting out sugars or carbs or fast food, but I won't over do it, I think you get the point. Taking care of your mental health is so important, now more than ever. Take care of yourself and take care of the people you love.

mental health

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