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Superheroes are Welcome Here

BTW - You are the Superhero

By Jenna W.Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Everyday Superheroes

It’s not a job, it’s more than a career, it’s a passion. A passion to be part of something greater. My passion lead me to design a program implementing my formal education, life experience and deep desire for longevity, health and wellness into a Lifestyle Concierge Service. Cookie-cutter programs will never work when you are aspiring to be the best version of self and to be a part of something greater. When you’re looking to level up a take control of how you show up for yourself, professionally and in your personal life, it’s time to take on game changer strategies.

This is where my Concierge service becomes part of the strategy. My day in and day out, and appointment from appointment is chronically changing to support the needs and desired outcome of my clients. Redundancy is not in the strategy. The desired dedication to achieve optimally every day, requires flexibility in the programs I offer. An appointment could look like teaching breath-work and meditation as means of greater insight and focus when making crucial decisions. It could be working with an individual on their tight tissue and scar tissue so they may be spy as their bodily vessel is essential for making trigger decisions or movements. Or, it could be my unique service that aids the body in purification with the results of beautification. Which some refer to me as the “Secret Beauty Weapon.”

In my twenty years of experience as a Wellness Practitioner I have truly listened to the unique needs and health enhancing aspirations of my clients. My programs are designed on supporting research of scientific studies implemented with time honored practices designed for an individual to develop rejuvenation, fluidity in the mind and body through proper nourishment, breath, mindfulness and movement. My 100% personalized care and programs embrace the authentic self while providing care so individuals may navigate with great focus, strength, vitality and movement in their bodies.

Our personal rhythm is powerful and has the capacity to change how we navigate in our bodies in this journey and life. When we harness this power, we truly become empowered. Small changes make significant difference and vibrate through our entire being like pebble dropped in a pool of water, a ripple expands throughout. Our journey begins with intention translated into movement within so we may flourish throughout.

When you honor yourself as a unique individual with insight and gifts to support the community and the wellbeing of others, it’s is the personalization of self care and support that allows for an individual to take every aspect of their being to the next level. They are accountable and show up for themselves. This is a game changer. As individual becomes empowered, and radiate vitality, their mental, physical and confidence levels functioning at a higher level.

My personalized programs of nourishment for their body type, personalized meditations, workouts and personal care sets people up with confidence to be empowered not only as a leader of themselves but for whatever position they hold. The confidence and vitality ripples through their lives into others.

It is with blessing, everyday, I can help people feel better, move better, breath better and provide tools for self-care.

When we feel we are functioning optimally and have filled our cup, it overflows into all areas of our lives. It’s a butterfly effect! I love to think of the chain of events that change when people feel elevated and become a place of personal success and inspiration for others!

I love my job, career, passion because I can provide the tools for people to become healthier and happier and the Superheroes of their lives! The better they feel and strive, the more inspired I too become to up my game not only for my clients but for myself.


About the Creator

Jenna W.

Writing is one of my favorite forms of creative expression. I was first published at 14 and continue to enjoy storytelling and producing educational pieces as well. Thanks for your interest & taking the time to read my words!

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