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Simple Exercises to Reduce Thigh Fat

Those with pear-shaped bodies often develop extra thigh fat

By SisiphoPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Simple Exercises to Reduce Thigh Fat
Photo by April Laugh on Unsplash

While the risk of fat accumulation in this region is lower than that in the belly, it may still be uncomfortable, particularly in the summer. You cannot target-train your thighs or any other portion of your body, but you may lose thigh fat rapidly by following a strict workout routine and a balanced diet.


If you want to shed weight, you need to make two modifications to your general eating habits: a healthier diet and frequent short meals. Your diet should mostly consist of nutrient-dense, low-calorie meals. Complex carbs, fruits, vegetables, and high-quality proteins are essential for weight reduction. If you often eat three substantial meals a day, consider splitting them in half. Smaller meals spaced out over a few hours can keep your metabolism running smoothly and curb your hunger.

Cardio workouts


Cardio is essential for thigh fat reduction. Since it burns calories and the majority of cardio activities engage the lower body, it has a few advantages. You may simultaneously tone your thighs and shed fat thanks to this. Running, stair climbing, jumping rope, elliptical training, and brisk walking are a few examples of aerobic workouts that might help you lose thigh fat. Five days a week, try to get in at least 45 minutes of cardio.

Exercise Intervals

By bruce mars on Unsplash

You may use interval training to intensify your preferred cardio exercise. You switch between high and low intensities every few minutes rather than maintaining a mild to moderate pace throughout the exercise. Faster fat burning than exercises done at a steady pace is achieved by raising your heart rate before rapidly lowering it multiple times. At least 30 minutes of interval training should be performed four or five days a week.

You may use interval training to intensify your preferred cardio exercise.

You switch between high and low intensities every few minutes rather than maintaining a mild to moderate pace throughout the exercise.

Knee exercises

Exercises for the thighs won't burn as many calories as cardio or interval training, but they will make them seem leaner. The finest exercises for your legs are plie squats and wall squats since they train every major leg muscle. A wall squat is an example of an isometric exercise in which your body stays still the whole time. Your knees should be bent at a 45-degree angle as you lean back against the wall. After holding for 30 seconds, take a break. 4 sets of 10 repetitions should be performed. Plant your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and plie squat with your hands on your hips. Push yourself back up to the beginning position after bending your knees and lowering your buttocks until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Do four 10-rep sets.

Exercises for the thighs won't burn as many calories as cardio or interval training, but they will make them seem leaner.

Push yourself back up to the beginning position after bending your knees and lowering your buttocks until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Increase the electrolytes you consume.

Electrolytes like calcium, magnesium, and potassium are common in many nutritious foods that may already be in your diet. You may have seen them in sports drinks.

They all compete with salt, particularly potassium. Your body will retain less salt if you have more [electrolytes], according to Moskovitz. It aids in maintaining a steady fluid balance so that your body can flush off water retention.

Bananas, yogurt, and dark leafy greens are all great suppliers of different electrolytes. Moskovitz advises everyone to strive for nine servings of fruits and vegetables each day, with two to three servings of fruit (half a cup) and the remaining servings (four cups) of vegetables (one cup raw or one-half cup cooked).

Reduce your carb intake.

Carbohydrates are converted by your body into glycogen, which is then stored in your liver and muscles along with water. In other words, your body stores more water the more carbohydrates you consume. It explains why many individuals discover they drop a few pounds quickly while following a low-carb diet. It's mostly water weight, claims Moskovitz.

She advises consuming 75 to 100 grams of carbohydrates a day at the very least, however some individuals may need much more depending on their height, weight, and level of exercise.

Just remember to eat some whole grains as they are a great source of antioxidants, phytonutrients, folate, iron, magnesium, and satisfying, heart-healthy fiber. Consult a dietitian if you are unsure about your carb sweet spot.


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