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Rise and Shine

Morning Rituals to Jumpstart Your Day

By Muhammad MohsinPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

For many of us, the simple act of rising from our beds in the morning can be an ordeal. The allure of a few more minutes under the cozy covers often makes it a daily struggle to embrace the day ahead. It's a challenge that many can relate to, but there's a science-backed solution that can transform your morning routine: having something to wake up for.

The Role of Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation, the internal drive that propels us towards our goals, is a powerful force that helps us overcome morning inertia. It's the inner voice that reminds us of the purpose behind our actions, even when we don't feel like it. Psychologist Dr. Julie Smith points out the strength of intrinsic motivation, saying, "Intrinsic motivation is really powerful in helping us to do things when we don’t feel like it because we can tell ourselves that we’re on the right path." This inner compass guides us when our intrinsic motivation is aligned with our values and purpose.

The Reality of Extrinsic Motivation

While intrinsic motivation is a force to be reckoned with, it may not always be readily available. In situations where our daily tasks don't align with our passion and purpose, extrinsic motivation becomes vital. Extrinsic motivation is the external incentive or reward that encourages us to act.

This is where the concept of a morning ritual comes into play. Sleep scientist Vanessa Hill highlights the significance of creating something enjoyable to engage with in the morning. She shares her personal ritual, "I’m obsessed with coffee, so as soon as I wake up, I’m excited to go make it." It's this burst of excitement that extrinsically motivates her to start her day.

Find Your Morning Incentive

We are all unique, and what motivates one person may not work for another. However, the key is to discover something that excites you about getting out of bed, no matter how trivial it may seem. Hill offers a few examples to get you started: a morning cup of coffee, a delicious breakfast, a daily crossword puzzle, or even a morning run. The reward you choose should resonate with you and make you eager to begin your day.

Eliminate Negative Morning Influences

Incorporating an enticing morning ritual is just one side of the coin. The other is minimizing negative influences that tempt you to stay in bed. For many, the smartphone is the prime culprit, leading to an early morning dive into the endless scroll of notifications and social media updates. To counter this, consider removing your phone from the bedroom to prevent this snooze-button sabotage.

Understanding Your Sleep Habits

If you consistently struggle to rise in the morning, it might be worth assessing your sleep habits and determining your chronotype. Identifying your chronotype, whether you're a night owl or a morning lark, can help tailor your sleep schedule to better suit your natural rhythms.

A Morning Ritual: A Powerful Tool

Embracing a morning ritual is not a shortcut or a way of taking the easy route—it's a strategy that leverages the power of psychology and neurobiology to guide your behavior in a desired direction. Whether it's a steaming cup of coffee, a delightful breakfast, or a brief morning run, your chosen incentive has the potential to become a catalyst for a more energetic, productive, and fulfilling day.

In conclusion, the path to conquering your morning challenges lies in the creation of a morning ritual that motivates you to rise with enthusiasm. So, greet the day with a smile, a sense of purpose, and a little treat that kickstarts your journey towards an invigorating morning routine.

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About the Creator

Muhammad Mohsin

I'm a writer weaving words into worlds, an artist, singer, poet, storyteller and dreamer. Let's explore new dimensions together through the power of storytelling

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  • Jamil Ashraf7 months ago

    This is a wonderful article. I liked reading it

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