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Pumpkin, does it nourish the liver or hurt it?

High transaminases, 5 dishes may need to eat less

By Diane DoraPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

High transaminases are an important indicator of impaired liver function. This is because transaminase is an enzyme that is essential for the liver to function properly and is found in the liver cells.

If liver cells become necrotic, toxic, or inflamed, a large amount of transaminase will enter the bloodstream, causing abnormal transaminase levels in the blood.

As the saying goes, "medicine is better than food". In the past two years, with further research on vegetables by experts at home and abroad, it was found that pumpkin is not only nutritious.

And long-term consumption also has health and disease prevention and treatment functions, then, eating pumpkin is liver or liver injury? Why not take a look?


About pumpkin

Pumpkin efficacy]

1. Prevention of diabetes

Pumpkin is rich in cobalt, which can promote human metabolism and promote the body's hematopoietic function. It is also involved in the synthesis of vitamin B12 in the body, which is an essential trace element for human pancreatic cells and has a certain curative effect on the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

2. Protect the gastrointestinal mucosa and promote digestion

Many people must have heard the saying that eating pumpkin can nourish the stomach, and many people often drink pumpkin porridge to protect the stomach and intestines. Pumpkin is rich in pectin, a substance that has a good protective function for the gastrointestinal mucosa.

3. Prevention of stroke

Older friends can usually eat more pumpkins because pumpkins can also prevent strokes. Because pumpkin contains a lot of linseed oleic acid, soft fatty acid, stearic acid, and other glyceric acid, which are good fats.

4. Promote growth and development

Because pumpkin is rich in zinc, zinc is involved in the synthesis of nucleic acid protein in the body. It is also an inherent component of adrenocorticotropin, which is an important substance for human growth and development.

[Pumpkin acid-base properties].

Pumpkin is a weakly alkaline food.

Generally speaking, everyday food can be roughly divided into acidic and alkaline foods. From a nutritional point of view, a reasonable combination of acidic and alkaline foods is a guarantee of good health, and generally alkaline foods include vegetables, fruits, and legumes.

Nutrition physicians introduced pumpkin as an alkaline food, the older the pumpkin, the less water it contains. It contains a lot of sugar, has fewer tendons, and has a thick and solid taste.



The occurrence of liver disease is not "silent", 3 kinds of abnormalities do not ignore

1. yellow skin

People who have never suffered from hepatitis, have early symptoms of liver disease patients as chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, liver pain, extreme weakness, and then suddenly appear yellow eyes and skin. Then it indicates acute jaundice type of hepatitis. If jaundice appears in patients with chronic hepatitis, it indicates aggravation of the disease.

2. Loss of appetite

People usually blame the loss of appetite on gastrointestinal diseases, but in fact, loss of appetite is likely to be related to liver disease. This is because the liver can secrete bile, which has the role of digesting fat.

If the patient has liver disease, the liver function is reduced, the ability to secrete bile is affected, and fat cannot be digested properly. This leads to symptoms of loss of appetite, and in severe cases, nausea and vomiting may occur.

3. Yellowing of urine

If the color of urine remains brown or dark yellow, it is important to pay attention to it. This is because the liver cells are damaged and the body's bilirubin concentration increases and the bilirubin will flow out through the body's metabolic system.

Frequent and abnormally dark urine means that the bilirubin content is high. Therefore, it is important to be alert to the risk of liver damage.


Pumpkin, is it good for the liver, or is it harmful to the liver?

As for whether eating pumpkin is good or bad for the liver, this issue should be analyzed dialectically, for people with poor liver function. If you eat pumpkin often, it is easy to increase the burden on the liver and damage liver function.

For some people with a healthy liver, appropriate consumption of pumpkin can also play a role in nourishing the liver to a certain extent, and the absorbed nutrients will not cause liver damage.

For some people with elevated transaminases, it can also be used appropriately, as long as attention is paid to control and measurement, it will not have much effect on the liver. However, it should be noted that old pumpkins that have been put away for too long are not suitable for people with bad livers.

This is because the sugar in pumpkins that have been put away for too long will combine with other substances to produce anaerobic enzymes that will affect a liver repair. But if it is a normal fresh pumpkin, you need to eat a small amount, it will not hurt the liver.


Doctor's tip: high transaminases, 5 dishes or need to eat less

1. unripe tomatoes

When choosing tomatoes, be sure to pay attention to try to buy fully ripe tomatoes. If you find that the tomatoes are green on the outside, it is best not to buy any more.

Green tomatoes contain lycopene, a toxic substance that can easily cause damage to liver function and can also directly damage liver cells and disrupt liver function.

Unripe tomatoes

2. long-soaked mushrooms

Like some mushroom food, the nutrient content is very high and has a certain tonic effect, conducive to personal health. But must pay attention to ithas, chrysanthemum mushroom food generally needs to soak to be able to eat.

But must pay attention to, and control the soaking time. If the soaking time is too long, it is easy to produce aflatoxin, which is also a very strong carcinogen.

It can also stimulate liver cell damage and increase the risk of liver cancer, so this is something you should really eat less of and get rid of it quickly.

3. Sprouted potatoes

Potatoes are an affordable and versatile vegetable that can be used as both a vegetable and staple food. But potatoes are not easy to store and can easily sprout.

Studies have shown that when potatoes are sprouted, their entirety can breed lobotoxin, a substance that is toxic to the liver and can lead to food poisoning after ingestion.

Sprouted potatoes, many older people do not want to throw them away, and often peel off the sprouted part to continue to eat. This practice is very undesirable, do not care.

Sprouted potatoes

4. zucchini

In the usual production of zucchini, be careful not to cook at high temperatures, because the impact of high temperatures will release a large amount of acrylamide. This substance is also a very strong carcinogen, it will lead to an increased risk of liver cancer.

So, like this zucchini is also to pay attention to control the intake, usually when the product should also control the temperature to avoid affecting health.

5. not blanched spinach

Spinach is rich in nutrients and tastes very good, usually eat a little spinach to get enough nutrients for your body. The fact is that it is best to blanch spinach before eating it.

This is because spinach is rich in oxalic acid, which can cause calcium to be consumed and used to form a calcium deficiency after it enters the body. It is also possible to cause a certain stimulation and burden to the liver cells, and after blanching the oxalic acid is weakened.


About the Creator

Diane Dora

man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make it drink.

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