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Nurturing Minds & Balancing Roles

My Unique Morning Routine as a Teacher-Mom.

By Beckie MayPublished about a month ago 3 min read
Nurturing Minds & Balancing Roles
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

As a dedicated teacher and hands on mom, finding harmony in my daily routine has become essential to my well-being. Balancing the demands of shaping young minds in the classroom with the joys and responsibilities of motherhood requires a carefully crafted morning ritual. Over time, I’ve developed a personalized approach to my mornings that allows me to thrive in both roles while prioritizing self-care and family time.

My day begins with the soft melody of my alarm, gently rousing me from sleep. Before I even step out of bed, I take a moment to practice mindfulness meditation, centering myself for the day ahead. This brief pause helps me cultivate a sense of calm and focus, setting a positive tone for the hours to come. It’s also the quietest time of the day for me before the house awakes from its slumber.

As I make my way to the kitchen, I reach for the blender and gather an array of fresh fruits and vegetables for my morning smoothie. With a whirl and a buzz, I blend together a nutritious concoction of leafy greens, berries, and almond milk — a vibrant burst of energy to kickstart my day.

Click here for some of my favourite recipes.

My morning routine wouldn’t be complete without taking a moment for personal reflection through journaling. As I sip on my nutritious smoothie, I pick up my journal and jot down my thoughts, dreams, and intentions for the day. This practice of self-reflection allows me to gain clarity, set goals, and express gratitude for the blessings in my life. Whether it’s jotting down ideas for upcoming lessons or reflecting on moments of joy with my family, journaling serves as a powerful tool for self-discovery and growth. It’s a simple yet transformative practice that sets a positive tone for the day ahead and helps me navigate the challenges and triumphs of being a teacher-mom with grace and resilience.

In addition to journaling, incorporating daily affirmations into my morning routine helps me maintain a positive mindset for the challenges that lie ahead. Whether it's facing a tough classroom situation or balancing the demands of work and family life, affirmations serve as powerful reminders of my strength, resilience, and worthiness. Each morning, I take a few moments to recite affirmations that resonate with me, reinforcing beliefs such as "I am capable," "I am enough," and "I am making a difference." These affirmations not only boost my confidence and self-esteem but also help me approach the day with optimism and determination. By starting the day with a positive mindset, I'm better equipped to tackle whatever obstacles may come my way, knowing that I have the inner strength and positivity to overcome them with grace and resilience.

Before heading off to school, I treasure the opportunity to share a leisurely breakfast with my family.

Of course, navigating the intricacies of being a teacher and a mom simultaneously comes with its fair share of challenges. From managing classroom dynamics to tending to the needs of my own children, there are moments of chaos and uncertainty that require patience and resilience. However, by approaching each day with a spirit of flexibility and grace, I’ve learned to navigate these obstacles with confidence and composure.

In the end, my morning routine as a teacher-mom is about more than just checking off tasks — it’s about setting the stage for a day filled with purpose, passion, and connection. By prioritizing self-care, organization, and quality time with my loved ones, I’m able to strike a harmonious balance between my career and my family life, ensuring that both thrive in equal measure. And as I step into the classroom each morning, fueled by love and dedication, I’m reminded of the profound impact I have the privilege of making on the lives of my students — a responsibility that fills me with gratitude and joy.


About the Creator

Beckie May

I'm Beckie, and I'm here to bring you some wellness and positivity. As a busy single mom who works full-time, my main priority is my family's health.

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