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Naps are healthy, Oversleeping isn't.

Sleeping too much can be an excuse for you to tune out of the real world, but is it really worth wasting your days?

By AllshewriitesaboutPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Naps are healthy, Oversleeping isn't.
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Last year felt like a disaster and it was puzzling at the same time. I’ll give credit that half the year was productive and progressive, until the last couple of seasons. I managed to sleep all day long just gazing out the window waiting for some type of signal for help. The excuses I made were ridiculous and as much as I told my significant other, my family, or my friends that I was going to do whatever I needed to do “tomorrow,” I never did or would just push it until the end because I would prefer to sleep it off than to be awake in this reality. Everyone’s been there, but to keep doing it for months, was causing a lot of reasons why my mental health was not okay which also follows with my physical well-being. However, this year is going to be my year to focus and to grow personally while also taking my business to go to the next level. I was just writing in point form what my New Years' resolution will be this year and here are some things I want to point out for you.

Be consistent

It sounds so simple and easy, but it’s the hardest trait that I’m unable to grasp. One month my rhythm is there and my life seems to be in line, but next thing you know I’ve fallen off the yellow brick road and decided to switch my course to the left. I’ve made a list to be more specific with this goal such as tracking and writing down in my weekly journal (10mins a day), waking up and sleeping around the same time, going to the gym at least 4 times a week, and focus on my work 5 hours a day when I’m working from home. To emphasize working from home, everything is a distraction and I’m always wandering off doing something else. Being consistent will show healthy progress.

Take my relationship to the next step

Currently in a long-term relationship and I’m not getting any younger. I can’t delay time, unfortunately, but personally, I need to start accepting him into my family (vice versa) and treating him as my family, not just some guy passing by. Thinking about marriage and kids was surreal back then, but now, it’s closer than ever. I created a timeline back in my early 20’s & this is around the time that I set myself to have this idea of having my own family. I’ve been terrible to him the last few months of 2021 and it’s because I’m really scared. Beyond any doubt, it’s out of my comfort zone and as much as I love new things in life, this is all new to me and this will be one of the biggest challenges yet for the year.

Don’t abandon my new business career

I absolutely enjoy my new career and I’ve only created my business last March. I always wanted to try being an entrepreneur and here I am, doing it. I was growing slowly over time, but that last few months of the year took a toll on me and as previously mentioned, I was having excuses left & right. Last year was more of trying to figure out location, figuring out what works and what doesn’t work, etc. Now, I have a better understanding of what I should be managing and working on. No more slacking because I also found someone who has the same values & goals as me to help each of our businesses grow together. Together, we decided to make our dreams even bigger and I can’t wait until it’s set & stone.

I believe making New Year's Resolutions is hard. I never took it seriously until I really started to understand my self-worth and my goals of where I want to be. Being consistent takes practice while creating a healthy routine for yourself, and some days it will be hard to get out of bed, but make sure you have just the right amount of sleep to keep your energy alive. As for relationship goals, the best advice I’ve been following since I was a child is, don’t let your anxiety get the best of you before you go to bed. Letting in negative thoughts for the night only clouds your mind temporarily and communicating what you’re feeling will surely be a better night's rest. Furthermore, conducting a new business while working at home can be distributive. However, being organized is the key to avoiding your mind from doing something else, and having a clean room will create a clear mindset.

Sometimes, people won’t realize the importance of resolutions until they see the value of goal setting and learning to be persistent in life. Regardless of what your resolution is this year, I hope you’ll be able to succeed even further and hope that my article can give you an idea of what will be a good focus for you this year.

Happy New Years Everyone! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the content. Greatly appreciate any tips or likes to help support my writing. :)

self care

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Creator | Lover | Explorer

You don’t have to give up, you just have to put yourself first

New journey as a beginner writer

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