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My Path to Wellness

Finding my way to a healthy body, mind and spirit

By Connie SahlinPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Sanskrit for Breath

My Path to Wellness

Finding my way to a healthy body, mind and spirit

This is the story of my chosen path to find my optimal health. It started when I was a child. My mom was obese, and when I was 5 she told me “you just wait, one day you will be fat like me.” I heard it as a threat. She was always in a moo moo dress and the kids at school would laugh at her as they would ask who's mom she was. I was walking home alone shortly after first grade started. Not because I wanted to, but I didn't want to listen to the kids making fun of her any more.

When we would get hurt, she would give us a ding dong or a twinkie. Once my dad saw this and put his foot down about not giving us junk before dinner, it changed to bananas or an apple. We got hurt much less after that. But I also learned that it was the kinds of foods she ate that made her fat. I didn’t want that for myself, so I didn't eat the fat off the meat, and I didn't eat the deep fryed foods she would make. She was from the south so that was here favoite. Lucky for me, the rule was if dad wouldn't eat it, we didn't have to, and he didn't like the deep fryed foods either. He was from Sweden and never had that kind of food there.

She left us when I was 11. I became the “woman” of the house by the time I was 12, after my older sister moved out. Being in charge of the food, I had to learn to cook. With much trial and error I became a purity good cook and would make healthy meals. At least as healthy as a 13 year old could. It was the 70’s and TV dinners would be served at least once a week. Canned soup and sandwiches was my go to. My dad soon tired of that and more complex meals soon became the norm.

I started saving my lunch money and going to the health food store for a snack after school. Sometimes we, my friend and I, would go to the little market for a giant dill pickle and some jerky. It was so good, and much better than anything the schools surved back then. That was me trying to be healthy(er). I would always opt to walk all or ride my bike even if it was a long walk to the beach, that was 10 miles each way. I didn’t want to get fat like my mom, as she cursed me to be.

When I was in my 20’s I took a nutrition class. I was a vegetarian at the time and wanted to learn all I could about health. My teacher didn’t understand much of being a vegetarian and said it was an unhealthy choice. I had to educate her on how a vegetarian can get complete proteins from non animal foods. I followed this diet until I fell down the rabbit hole and went vegan to micro raw foods and I even tried being a fruitarian for a time. After driving myself and my daughter crazy, I did go back to eating meat. But I still stayed eating healthy foods and not a lot of meat.

As I got older, now in my 50's, my system changed and I can't eat the same way I had been. I did always try to eat healthy but the sugar addiction I had as a small child never left and when I quit drinking at the age of 27, I started eating more sugar than ever before. This is a problem most have when they quit drinking alcohol, even if they didn’t already have a strong sugar addiction as I did. So now things had to change. I needed to take charge of my health. Getting gas after nearly every meal was making me not want to eat. I was never a big eater (keep in mind my mom being obese) but now I was down to one small meal each day. I had heard of Breatharianism and decided to learn more.

What is a Breatharian you may ask? There is a range of them, but most common is mostly living on Prana, Qi or life force energy as some call it, and very little food or even liquids. Not feeling like eating or drinking much throughout my life, this seemed the right choice for me. I have done 3 dry fasts so far. The first was planned for just one full day, but it turned into 2 days. The second I was going for 3 days and waited 3 ½ days before I had something to drink. I did eat that night too. Now, as of today I am on day 4 and still feeling good and strong. No sign of dehydration or detox illness. I have taken 2 nice dead sea salt baths with lavender to help with detoxing, as well as doing enamas to clean out residual crap. I ordered a cold press juicer and will be mostly having diluted juices and water with maybe 2-3 meals per week. The health benefits are many to this kind of lifestyle. They include a longer life, looking younger, weight loss, needing less sleep, less stress on the body, improved memory and mental clarity. As I work to improve my mental health, I think this will be a big part of my healing. I have had many shifts in the past few years, but I feel this one will be the biggest. I have noticed a big increase in my happiness and willingness to do things out of my comfort zone. I am looking forward to more improvements in my life each day.

Would I suggest this lifestyle to others? Only if you feel called to it and know that it is possible to go days or even weeks without food and water. If you're not sure, it can be dangerous. Always listen to your body. A little push is fine, but don’t lead yourself into a health crisis because someone else went 10 days with nothing so you think you can. You have to know you can. But I find it very freeing to know I don’t NEED to eat or drink anymore. With it being a choice, I am now better suited for a survival situation. And as an added bonus, you save lots of money and time. I am using that time to write.


About the Creator

Connie Sahlin

I am new to writing, at least for others to read. I hope that you will like some of what I write.

I am starting the next chapter of my life and putting myself out of my comfort zone, this is part of it.

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