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My De-Stress Routine

13 Tips for De-Stressing After a Bad Day

By Brittany JamersonPublished 6 years ago 7 min read
The book that I am currently reading. 

You know, sometimes you just have a bad day. You are frustrated, upset, sad, and you need to let it all out. But what are you supposed to do? Are you just going to mope around? No. As tempting as moping around and complaining sounds, there are much better ways to let it go. I certainly have had bad days. Just recently, it was my birthday. I had my night class to go to and it, unfortunately, had been a not so good day. Not at all what I wanted it to be. Your birthday is supposed to be filled with fun and surprises. Although I had a lovely celebration with loved ones earlier that day before, my actual birthday day just wasn't so fun. I can't even remember what exactly I was upset about, only the fact that I just needed some time to myself—time to unplug from the world. Even though I missed a night of class and even though I do not condone skipping school, I do agree that everyone has bad days and sometimes you just need time to chill out and calm down. I am so glad I did and felt so much more relaxed afterwards.

So let's just get into these 13 tips to help you de-stress.

#1: Cleaning

Some odd way that always helps me when I get upset or frustrated is cleaning. Something, anything. Doing dishes, picking up the living room, or scrubbing the bath tub—anything to keep my mind off of whatever is bothering me.

#2: Write in your planner.

Another tip is to write it down. Make a list of things you have to get done. Make a list of groceries you need to buy. Budget for the month. I use my planner for everything and I even have a separate section for writing down how I felt that day, what I did, what I accomplished and whatever else I need to write out. It helps a lot more than you know when you keep track of that stuff.

#3: Talk to a loved one.

This is probably the most helpful thing for me to do when I'm stressed out. I can usually talk to my sister or mom when I need someone to talk to. When I keep it all inside, I am more likely to get even more upset. It helps when I can talk to someone who's positive because then I feel better about venting. There's nothing worse than talking to someone who's only going to make the situation worse by being negative. Talk to someone who you know is going to listen respectively.

#4: Download a meditation app.

There are so many great meditation apps out there that are free. A lot of them have calming music and meditating prayers that can really help you relax. I've read reviews on a lot of them and they are worth downloading. Try one out and see which app works best for you. It's all about the breathing.

#5: Put on relaxing music.

Nothing is better than rocking out to your favorite song on a good day, so why not listen to calming music on a bad day? Put on some Beethoven, Mozart, or a nice orchestra. It will help you calm your nerves. Let it play in the background while you relax or try to get something done.

#6: Take a hot bath or shower.

This is a great tip for relaxing. Just imagine filling up the bathtub with essential oils, bubbles or herbs, and epsom salt is a great way to let it all go. Even if you're not the bath type like I am, take a hot shower. I don't always have time for a bath, but every single time I hop into the shower, exfoliate, use my favorite body soap, and stand under the hot water, I always feel better when I get out. It makes a big difference, trust me.

#7: Cozy PJ Time

Grab some cozy PJs and put them on. There is nothing like the feeling of cuddling up on the couch with some warm and cozy pajamas, especially in the winter time. Why not add some comfy slippers as well and you're good to go.

#8: Moisturize

Grab your favorite moisturizer and lotion up! I love all the varieties and different scents from Bath and Body Works. I also love the Jergen's moisturizing lotion. Make sure you buy lotion that has benefits for your skin and you'll be glad you did.

#9: Give yourself a facial.

There are lots of facial masks to choose from. My sister and I really like the Que Bella facials because of the many different varieties they have. Our favorite though is St.Ives. When you are looking for the right kind of mask or scrub, get one that doesn't make your face red afterwards. Some facials are really harsh on your skin. The sheet face masks may seem silly to use, but I've tried them a couple times. Those are the best to use if you have a big event coming up because they won't dry out your skin.

#10: Light a candle.

My favorite thing I do not just when I'm stressed out but pretty much any time I'm cleaning, having a good day, or just in the mood: I light my favorite candle. Can you think of the best place to get a candle? Bath and Body Works has the best kinds in all scents and sizes. They're not cheap and that's why you have to grab one or several when they do go on sale. When they are on sale, they are so worth it. Otherwise, there are tons of different other stores that carry very good smelling candles, even soy candles. Target has great candles, Wal-Mart has a great selection, and well-priced; even the Dollar Tree has good smelling candles. The Dollar Tree even has fun candles like Skittles and Cinnamon Roll and simple ones like Vanilla or Lemon. There are lots of choices here and anywhere you choose to go, so grab your favorite candle and light it up.

#11: Drink some hot tea.

I love this idea. I was just talking to my mom the other day about how stressful my day had been. The first thing she suggested I do was not only to take a hot shower, but to make myself a hot cup of tea. I love tea for all occasions, but it didn't even phase me that I should calm down with a cup of tea. It was perfect. There are so many kinds of tea that you can choose from and many are beneficial too. The best one for any occasion, especially when you are feeling sick, is the Traditional Medicinals brand organic echinacea. This is an immune booster and will do wonders for you. It's a caffeine free, herbal tea. It seriously is the best tea out there. Another kind of great tea brand is the Celestial Seasonings Fruit Tea Sampler. This herbal tea is also caffeine free. It's better to drink an herbal tea at night to calm you down and let yourself relax.

#12: A Healthy Snack

As tempting as it is to dive into the Doritos bag, the cherry chocolate chip ice cream tub, that Snickers bar sitting on the counter, or even a little bit of that raw cookie dough sitting in the fridge, this is not a good idea. It will make you feel worse. Trust me, I've been there. I will come home after a stressful night at school or I've been home all day busy with chores, the baby, laundry, blah, blah, blah. All I want to do is plop on the couch and take a nap to be honest. Well I know that's not going to happen. I could try a healthy snack while I at least try to catch up on my favorite show. Some examples are turkey, because turkey has healthy endorphins, banana and peanut butter, kettle corn style popcorn, celery and peanut butter. The varieties are endless. There are a lot of ideas Pinterest you can look up for a healthy snack or just Google it. You'll find something healthy that will satisfy your craving.

#13: Binge on your fave show or book.

Last, but certainly not least, is to cuddle up on the couch or bed and watch your favorite show or movie. You could even catch up on a book. Read a few chapters, watch a few episodes. It will help you unwind for the night. I love rewatching my favorite shows on Netfilx. Some of my favorites include Gilmore Girls, Switched at Birth, Drop Dead Diva, and there are a lot more. It's even better if you have someone to watch your shows with, or having some time alone is perfectly fine, too.

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it. I'll talk you next time. Bye!

self care

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