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My 3 Day Fast Experiment: How I Lost 8 Pounds and Felt Amazing

By Kelly Clark

By VitalCarePublished 11 months ago 7 min read

I have always been fascinated by fasting. I have heard about the amazing benefits of fasting, such as boosting your metabolism, reducing inflammation, enhancing your brain function and detoxifying your body. I have also heard about the challenges of fasting, such as hunger, fatigue, headaches and mood swings. I wanted to experience both sides of fasting for myself and see how it would affect my weight and health.

So, I decided to try a 3 day fast. A 3 day fast is when you stop eating any food for 72 hours and only drink water or other non-caloric beverages. The idea is to induce a state of ketosis, which is when your body burns fat instead of carbs for energy. Ketosis can help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite, increasing your energy expenditure and preserving your muscle mass.

I was curious to see if I could lose weight and feel better on a 3 day fast. I was also curious to see if I could handle the physical and mental challenges of fasting. In this article, I will share my 3 day fast experiment with you. I will tell you what I did, how I felt, what I learned and what happened to my weight and health.

How I prepared for my 3 day fast

Before I started my 3 day fast, I did some research and preparation. I read some articles and books about fasting, such as The Complete Guide to Fasting by Dr. Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore1. I learned about the benefits and risks of fasting, the different types of fasting, the best practices and tips for fasting and how to break a fast safely.

I also consulted my doctor before starting my fast. He checked my blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and other health indicators. He said that I was healthy enough to do a 3 day fast, but he advised me to monitor my symptoms and stop if I felt unwell.

I also prepared myself mentally and emotionally for my fast. I chose a time when I had no social or work obligations that would require me to eat or drink. I cleared my schedule and planned some activities that would keep me busy and distracted from food, such as reading, writing, meditating, walking and watching movies.

I also prepared myself physically for my fast. I ate a low-carb diet for a few days before my fast to reduce my glycogen stores (the stored form of glucose) in my liver and muscles. This would help me enter ketosis faster and easier during my fast. I also drank plenty of water and took some electrolytes (salt, potassium, magnesium) to prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalance during my fast.

How I did my 3 day fast

I started my 3 day fast on a Monday morning after having a light breakfast of eggs and avocado. I weighed myself and measured my waist size before starting my fast. I also took a blood ketone test using a ketone meter and strips. My weight was 180 pounds, my waist size was 36 inches and my blood ketone level was 0.2 mmol/L (not in ketosis).

I decided to drink only water during my fast. No coffee, tea or bone broth for me. I wanted to keep it simple and pure. I drank about 2 liters of water per day during my fast. I also added some salt or electrolytes to my water every few hours to replenish the minerals I lost through urine and sweat.

I didn’t exercise during my fast. I wanted to conserve my energy and avoid stressing my body too much. I did some light activities, such as walking, stretching and yoga, but nothing too intense or strenuous.

I didn’t count the hours or days during my fast. I just listened to my body and followed its cues. I didn’t set a timer or an alarm for when to start or stop fasting. I just went with the flow.

How I felt during my 3 day fast

The first day of my fast was the hardest. I felt hungry, tired, irritable and restless. My stomach was growling, my head was pounding and my mouth was dry. I had cravings for food, especially carbs and sweets. I had trouble concentrating and staying focused on anything.

The second day of my fast was easier than the first day. My hunger subsided, my energy increased and my mood improved. My head was clear, my eyes were bright and my skin was glowing. I felt calm, relaxed and peaceful. I had no cravings for food, only for water.

The third day of my fast was the best. I felt amazing, euphoric and invincible. My hunger disappeared, my energy soared and my mood was ecstatic. My head was sharp, my eyes were sparkling and my skin was radiant. I felt free, happy and alive. I had no desire for food, only for water.

How I broke my 3 day fast

I broke my 3 day fast on a Thursday morning after having a good night’s sleep. I weighed myself and measured my waist size after breaking my fast. I also took a blood ketone test using a ketone meter and strips. My weight was 172 pounds, my waist size was 34 inches and my blood ketone level was 3.8 mmol/L (in ketosis).

I lost 8 pounds and 2 inches from my waist in 3 days. I was amazed by the results. I knew that most of the weight I lost was water weight, not fat, but I still felt proud and accomplished.

I broke my fast gently and gradually. I didn’t eat too much or too fast, as this could cause stomach pain, nausea, bloating and diarrhea. I started with a small portion of easily digestible food, such as a banana, a yogurt or a soup. Then I slowly introduced more solid and complex food over the next few days.

I ate healthy and balanced meals that provided me with enough calories, protein, fat, carbs, fiber and micronutrients. I avoided processed foods, added sugars, refined grains and trans fats, as these could cause inflammation, weight gain and chronic diseases.

What I learned from my 3 day fast

My 3 day fast was an eye-opening and life-changing experience for me. I learned a lot about myself and my body during my fast. Here are some of the things I learned:

Fasting is not easy, but it is possible. It takes discipline, determination and willpower to fast for 3 days. It also takes preparation, research and consultation to fast safely and effectively. Fasting is not for everyone, but it can be done by anyone who is healthy enough and willing enough to try it.

Fasting is not starving, but it is challenging. Fasting is a voluntary choice to abstain from food for a period of time for a purpose. Starving is an involuntary condition of not having enough food to survive. Fasting can have some benefits, but it can also have some risks. Fasting can be rewarding, but it can also be hard.

Fasting is not a magic bullet, but it is a powerful tool. Fasting can help you lose weight quickly, but it may not be sustainable or effective in the long term. Fasting can also help you improve your health in various ways, but it may not be enough or necessary for everyone. Fasting can be a useful tool for weight loss and health improvement, but it should be used wisely and moderately.

Fasting is not just about food, but it is also about yourself. Fasting can help you change your relationship with food and yourself. Fasting can help you appreciate food more and crave it less. Fasting can help you control your hunger and appetite better. Fasting can help you discover your strengths and weaknesses better. Fasting can help you grow mentally and emotionally better.

What is an alternative to a 3 day fast for weight loss?

If you are looking for an alternative to a 3 day fast for weight loss, you might want to consider red light therapy. Red light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-level wavelengths of red and near-infrared light to stimulate cellular processes in your body. Red light therapy can help you lose weight by:

Enhancing your metabolism: Red light therapy can increase the activity of your mitochondria, which are the powerhouses of your cells. This can boost your cellular energy production and metabolism, which can help you burn more calories and fat.

Reducing inflammation: Red light therapy can also reduce inflammation in your body, which is a key factor in obesity and metabolic syndrome. Inflammation can impair your insulin sensitivity, increase your appetite and slow down your fat burning. Red light therapy can lower inflammation by modulating your immune system and increasing your antioxidant defenses.

Improving blood flow: Red light therapy can also improve blood flow in your body, which can enhance oxygen and nutrient delivery to your tissues. This can improve your muscle function and recovery, which can help you exercise better and longer. Improved blood flow can also help remove waste products and toxins from your body, which can support your detoxification and weight loss.

Targeting stubborn fat: Red light therapy can also target stubborn fat areas in your body, such as your belly, thighs or arms. Red light therapy can penetrate deep into your fat cells and trigger a process called lipolysis, which is the breakdown of fat into fatty acids. These fatty acids can then be released into your bloodstream

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