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My life in the last four months of Covid19

By leon baileyPublished 4 years ago 5 min read
checking everything out!

WOW, these last four months have been strange, stagenent, trying, amusing. While the guys called CHOP invaded the east police precinct in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle, WA I have been invaded by these crazy, nasty, harmful, arrogant, great, smooth, helpful, handsome feelings and thoughts of my life since the last four months of my life since covid19 has come into play. Covid19 has been like a sheer blanket covering and hindering me with these rules of not being able too move around and get medial issues taken care of has made me crazy, nasty, harmful and arrogant with pain humiliation, sadness and fear, because I do not feel that there is anything being done with this virus mess. I do not have the virus myself but I did find out that my niece was sick with covid19, my sister told me this just last night, she is a great young lady that has made it through the bullshit and has come out on the upside and is doing swell so, I guess I can say for her something has been done about her and her life of covid19 I am very happy for her. I am sure that she is going to do well in her new life my pain still haunts me each day of my life I will be more than happy when these rules are taken away and we can roam freely again. Now a new day has come maybe after seeing someone close to me come out on a new day after contracting this virus mess I can see more hope and inspiration for myself I can feel hope, desire, drive and a feeling that I can have some light at the end of this path of my life. There have been other things that have been bothering me during this time of hinderous and rules hopefully we can get things going again in this new lifetime, for everyone. I have too add more to this story,I am kind of surprised because I did not know that there was a word limit to these stories of mine. Well,I am kind of awestruck because the other things that I wanted to add is for my next story but oh okay. Before I received the information about my niece I was not in a great mood about this covid19 monster, I was a skeptic that this virus was even real however, I got information that it is most aussured very real and potent, I have not yet chatted with my niece on her condition of this virus, the information that I did get was that she was housed in a medial facility in Tacoma, WA, for a time period of when she caught this virus until she had deleted this virus from her mind, body, and soul. This was very interesting news too me and for me because, as I said before I did not think or feel that this was a viable medical situation. if you had a weak immune system you could get sick from whatever, however she got sick from the virus is what my sister told me and she had to be placed in a medical facility for a couple of months until she was well enough too be released on her own medical physical merits, she is now living with a long time friend in her house and is getting just perfect for the time being. I would love to talk too her and get her take on her situation and experience with this new virus monster which, has been dubbed Covid19, and very fast and definitive title that I my add. It did not take to long for the medical and news officials to give this virus this name. To me it's like this name was hand picked from its original name and that it fits so very strangely, medically and scientifically, for me it's not just a RANDOM ACT OF VIRUS, this is something that was created and completed and put forth throughout the community. Now, for all of us that still have doubts about the origin or the timing and use of this virus, we will just have too wait for a couple of years until some information leaks out of China, so that we can be amazed at the arrogance of mankind in this country and other countries, in fact just think about it, was this the full affect of this virus, was it at its strongest potent ability or was it at its weakest potent of ability. Now, we will never know because, we will not get too know when this virus was truly created, some people think that it's a new creation and some folks that I have chatted with think that this virus was created fifty years ago but, has been tweaked over the years to become what it has become in this day and age. Who were the true receivers of this tragic killing machine and are we as a world of persons so fortunate that, only a few have caught this virus. When, I say a few I mean percentages of people in the world to, the amount of persons that have come into contact with this virus, it's just a strange situation that we all have been forced into, like sardines in a can of water and vinegar, we are subjected to the medial and scientific and governmental officials too be eaten, judged, poked, proded, inspected and either tossed and thrown away or shelved for later use. I am tired of being put on hold, by this virus and by this government, it is high time that we get on with our lives as before, I need medial treatment also, I am personally tired of not getting my needs met and frustrated that the hospitals are not able to handle both, virus patients and non virus patients. I am happy for my niece and all of the people that have battled and won over this virus okay, now, can we just move on along and get the medical world unstuck on covid19 and get back too helping the rest of the sick, invalid, mentally and medically harassed persons in this world, such as me and a couple of other people that I know that are ready for a conclusion of this DAMN COVID19 MONSTER!


About the Creator

leon bailey

I hope that I can add my dog to my profile image, my dog is a vocal or pictorial part of my life, she is happy, hot, and exciting just like myself.

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