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Mirror Dragon Tarot Part 16

Reading for 12-8 thru 12-15-19

By Victoria LaPointePublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Reading for 12-9- thru 12-15-19

The Center card this week is The Devil.

With this card at the center, we will likely be faced with aspects of ourselves that we generally do our best to hide. On an astrological note, Chiron, which has been in retrograde since July 6th 2018, goes direct on December 12th. When planets go through major directional shifts - like retrograde movement - their influence becomes stronger as they shift. The planet Chiron represents the archetype of the wounded healer. We all have wounds and to the degree that we can face and accept them we can intentionally heal them. Therein lies the challenge, to heal them we have to acknowledge them. The Devil, as undesirable and shame inducing as he can be, can easily put us in a position to meet our “dark side” face to face. With our old wounds up at the surface along with all the emotions that go with them, we’re in a perfect position to look the painful past in the face and make a final decision to heal and forgive. While we work to maintain the walls and dark corners where we hide our fears and pain, that pain is allowed to fester and grow. Then when we pull up the courage to rip away the walls and bring in some light to address the damage beneath, we get the chance to see what’s there at the core. In this way we can see what we’re dealing with and decide on a course of action. Finding forgiveness in yourself here is key. As we begin the healing process, it’s important to remember to focus on not only those involved in sparking the pain in the first place but - more importantly - ourselves. When we come to the resolution that we no longer choose to hide or cover the hurts we often feel ashamed of - whether we feel that we should have been stronger or smarter than to allow them to happen or not - we can see them clearly. It is then that we realize that those things that seemed so terrible have become beasts without teeth. When we recognize that the chains we thought would hold us forever are not locked. We can see the way out. The fact that the exit was always there but eluded us becomes clear.

The West card is the 10 of Wands.

As we head into this week of revelations, we can feel the fire of our Will and our deepest desires pushing us to get real, get down to the nitty gritty. Our own ideas and plans that have been waiting in the wings are now demanding attention. This fiery insistence keeps pinging on those newly exposed raw nerves of emotion and nudging us to confront things we see as needing change. Our Passions are high and our intent to clear out the clutter, burn off the chaff and get to the root of what needs to happen may well push us over the threshold that’s kept us from making noise or rocking the boat. As I said above, the influence of the Devil’s energy may put us in the frame of mind to just say to hell with this, I need to be heard. This is the sort of situation that can be mitigated by keeping in mind the idea of forgiveness and release. Much can be accomplished when we’re able to let go of the old slights or slurs. Really, how long do we want to hold on to anger about who got more attention from mom or dad or how betrayed we felt by the date that wasn’t or the job that was but ended up a disaster? In using this up close and personal time to burn away the slights, find the disappointment, fear or betrayal at the center and embrace the child that’s still hurting, we heal the deep wounds we’ve been keeping locked up inside and release the creative, playful child we’ve kept quiet.

The East card is the Universe.

Ah, the light at the end of the tunnel. Though the week may be challenging with confrontations or “get real” conversations, once the air begins to clear and the old issues reveal how silly, petty or groundless they are we find that we can see So much farther than before. The Universe represents All Things Made Manifest. As opposed to the Fool which represents pure possibility, The Universe allows us to see the reality and manifestation of all that was possible. Now that the air has been cleared we can see what’s really there and just how doable it is or, by contrast, how unnecessary it is.

In conclusion;

This week offers us the opportunity to get to the heart of things. Along with the expected stress of this busy time of year a planetary influence gives us a clear push to uncover the painful experiences in our pasts in order to clear out and heal pockets of poison that, if allowed to remain hidden, can continue to wreak havoc with our truest and most powerful selves. Emotions running high may trigger confrontations that we haven’t wanted to deal with, but when we confront the untruth or baseless accusation and the initial hurt reveals itself we get the chance to replace the hurt with self worth, clarity and a renewed sense of acceptance. Once the emotional mists (or ashes) dissipate, we can see how much more available our dreams are. Possibilities take on a solidity and resonance that show us the ways to manifest what we desire and deserve.

Have an honest week.



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About the Creator

Victoria LaPointe

I'm an intuitive Tarot card reader. It's my day job and I love it. My journey began in 1977 when I had my first card reading. I was astounded and inspired so I bought my first deck, began to learn and I'm still astounded and inspired.

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