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Meeting my Twin Flame - The big "fight" between your Mind and Soul.

One thing I can say is when you finally meet your Twin Flame, your Soul has finally arrived HOME.

By Twin Flame Journey & Spirituality Published 2 years ago 5 min read


After our first meeting with my twin flame, we texted daily, and I felt a connection I had never felt with anyone. And as a matter of fact, I have never texted with any stranger - it is just not my kind of a thing.

There was just this instant connection. Even though we didn't know each other and somehow had very little in common(I will explain our differences in another blog post). Plus, here comes the best part - We didn't even speak the same language, yet, we both understood each other in any way possible.

There are a couple of terms I would like to explain because this will help you( who are going through this journey) understand this journey better.

3D Physical person - so here is the thing, our Soul chooses this body and journey. You are your body, mind, and Soul. They all are separate.

Your Soul - Your Soul is not your EGO. Your Soul is the little inner voice inside of you that your EGO tries to quiet. Remember that your Soul has been in many forms and lifetimes here on planet earth or some other planets.

Your EGO - is your personality, pretty much what you think defines you - what you like, what you do not like. For example, what type of religion, lifestyle, personality, career, life role, etc. It is fragile and greatly impacts fear, fight and flight position. Ego is not bad, but it can harm your Soul's journey. Think of a second; who would you be if....?

Mind - your mind is somehow a best friend with your EGO. Your mind helps you to operate in this 3D world. It stores the information and tries to help you enter this 3D world. Once again, your mind is not a problem if you can align it with your mind, body, and Soul.

There hasn`t been a single day since our seperation that I do not ask myself: why i need to go through this?

Yes, I find myself missing this 3D connection. I felt like something was left unfinished.

Although at the same time, in my mind, I knew that I had to meet him so that my awakening journey could start.

What happened WHEN WE MET AGAIN IN 3D?

We had been texting for quite some time, mainly about work, and few personal questions, etc. So we had this instant connection; when I wanted to text him, he did and reverse. And as a matter of fact, for the first time in my life, I was not shy to text a guy or saying what I actually felt. There was no "wall" in between, and the words just came out without even thinking if it was okay.

So suddenly, out of nowhere,the Universe played a game that he needed my help. Or more like I all of a sudden felt like I need to help him.

So again, I didn't know him; we had been texting only about 2-3 weeks. So he was pretty much a stranger, I didint know much about him.

And then there I am, saying, "if you need a lift home, I can drive you home. "

Today, I can see and understand this connection much better if I look back on all the signs that Universe gave me. I honestly didn't pay much attention during the "bubble phase". Back then, I had no idea Twin Flames existed and I was unaware of the term.

We were "closer" to each other when we met again. I felt this "energy" immediately. I did not understand what it was, but it was from the moment I met him in 3D.

This "energy " was so intense,but my mind was blocking it in anyways possible.

We both didn't understand how there was an instant connection. The connection where you feel like you have known this person forever. Yet your brain ( mind) is like nothing makes sense here. He was not physically my type at all. And his religion was completely different; he was raised very differently than me. He didn't speak much English. Yet, we had such a similar mindset - so many weird things in common. My whole body, Soul, felt more alive than ever before.

This feeling was like you had arrived home after a very long time—the sense of excitement, feeling so comfortable, so zen, and bliss. Yet, at the same time, you feel so happy to be back at home. And it is not your mind that feels it; it is your BODY or inner self.

Because my mind was fighting with me, I could not understand why I am felt so happy, so energized, with someone we do not even speak the same language. But now I know in Soul's world, there are no words. There is energy, there are signs, and there is divine timing.

This journey is going to break you. But I believe it will be for good.

Yet, We could understand each other without talking to each other.

Also, we could feel each other's energies. And feelings those energies is scary. Not in a bad way, scary. It is so intense that your mind starts fighting with you.

Until today or before meeting my twin flame, I never told anyone how I felt about them or if I had feelings (at the beginning, not even my husband).

But with my twin flame, I was so honest from so beginning. I could tell him that I felt strange energy that I had never felt before. And he said the same thing.

We both couldn't understand how it is possible to feel what we felt. He, at the time, was 27 years old; me on the other hand,over 30, married, have two kids, and a great husband. Nothing in this "picture" made sense, yet I felt more "Home" than I had ever felt before.

Today I know that spirit guides sent him as a sign that this is what it means to LOVE. Love the life, love yourself, love the Universe and growth.

It's somehow in a painful way. But which birth has ever been non-painful?

In my next blog posts, I will share how the Universe showed us the Shooting stars and how "LOVE & HAPPINESS" is the key to life.


About the Creator

Twin Flame Journey & Spirituality

Sharing how my Twin Flame and Soul Realigment changed my life.

It is still on going process, so many thing can change in time and Universe.

Sharing this to help others to find their way and realise that this is your Soul`s journey.

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