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Manifesting Serenity

"Sleep Resolution Challenge" by LC Harrison aka Amy Chris Keiper

By Amy Chris Keiper aka LC HarrisonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Serenity is the state of being at peace, relaxed, and calm.

The intention realized is a better way to view a goal rather than through the pressuring guise of a disempowering resolution, that somehow isn't reached. With the intent to restore, and add more serenity into my days, I am focused on doing things I love to alleviate stress, and adding varied meditative or mindful actions into my routine. I am setting aside time for journaling, enjoying music, meditation, and dance therapy. I believe obtaining serenity is one of the best ways to bring restfulness and peace into your life.

Every morning I meditate and pray, say affirmations, and list my blessings in what I am grateful for. I consider my dreams and visualize joy in my life. I then reflect with my personal "sacred" tea time, meditatively and allow my mind to be still in the moment very mindfully. I find tea calms and soothes my nerves. It has long been a goal, and this year it is my intent to pursue dance therapy as part of my mornings, which would add mindfulness and exercise into my day. As a ballerina, I have always found bar work to bring mindful movement and calm to me. The stretching and flexibility training would be fantastic for my injured joints and tense muscles. Eventually, adding some Tai Chi and Qi Gong into my mornings would be an ultimate goal. Each step I take will help align my body and spirit, and strengthen not only my serenity but also my physical condition, all while promoting beautiful peace into my day and life.

I often journal, and recently I have tried working with affirmative statements, writing out my goals, dreams, and plans as if they are, and writing out my intentions as a way of prayer. I intend to continue this process this year, and allow it to bring me more serenity as I move forward with all my projects this year step by step. I would love to add more of my art creating into my days not just as art therapy, but I have found expressing myself through creative art enables me to work through my emotions in a way that my poetry does not express. It is also my intent to continue my blogs and sharing my poetry more throughout this year, which was something I used to do and would love to return to as it brings my spirit so much peace to share and inspire others.

There is just nothing as special to me as music, it at times is the only thing that brings me peace. When I play my woodwinds, they become my breath, and this year I intend not to neglect that part of my life. So often, when I am extremely emotional or stressed I abandon my music, almost as if I am punishing myself for my struggles. From some hearing issues and sensitivities that I have, I have always had an extreme dislike for silence. Music is a constant beat in my life, like my heartbeat. I love to take time to spin favorite vinyl albums and meditate to various favorites. I have music for every mood, occasion, and task and it brings me great serenity.

Overall, this year it is certainly my goal to restore serenity into my life, after all the chaos, stress, tumbling and pain, there is no better intent than for peace to heal, and overcome all my struggles at least for my mind, heart, and soul. I believe, that with serenity, my goals will be reached, and my struggles will resolve, leaving me with the end result of true joy doing what I love, sharing and inspiring others along the way, and keeping serenity as a good friend.


About the Creator

Amy Chris Keiper aka LC Harrison

I am a gothic Horror/Fantasy writer and poet, entertainer, musician, artist/designer, metaphysician & Minister (Reverend, Priestess).

"Without knowing imagination, sometimes doesn't it seem overbearing to believe in magic," ACK.

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