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Mango is a tropical fruit, either in summer or in winter are sold on the market, this kind of fruit is one of the fruits of people very like, so, the effect of mango, mango edible considerations, mango taboos do you all know, should pay attention when eating mango, next, apple green natural health experts are introduced one by one to you.

By HeatherPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Mango is a tropical fruit, either in summer or in winter are sold on the market, this kind of fruit is one of the fruits of people very like, so, the effect of mango, mango edible considerations, mango taboos do you all know, should pay attention when eating mango, next, apple green natural health experts are introduced one by one to you.

What not to do with mango:

Mango and garlic and other spicy food together with food, and onion, leek, wine, pepper, pepper, cinnamon, pepper, ginger, star anise, cumin and so on these relatively blunt food together with food, because eat more damage to the kidney, so must avoid.

Notes for mango consumption:

1. Mango leaves or juice will cause dermatitis for people with allergic constitution after eating, so pay attention to eating. According to the analysis of the taste of traditional Chinese medicine, mango belongs to the taste of the sweet, thirst quenching fruit. Pregnant women must first understand their own situation to eat, pregnant women for nausea can eat mango, raw food can stop vomiting, but the body has wet poison pregnant women will be careful, do not eat, otherwise it will affect their health.

2. Do not eat mango after a full meal. The stomach is full of food after eating fruit, which is not only bad digestion, but also affects the efficacy of food, so do not eat mango after a full meal. Mango is a few protein-rich fruit, eat more easy to satiate, can eat before meals.

Benefits of Mango:

Mango can treat human skin, digestive tract infections. Mango leaf extracts also inhibit pyococcus, E. coli, so mango has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Mango fruit contains mangiketone acid, isomangialic acid and other substances, can fight cancer, mango juice increases gastrointestinal peristalsis, has the effect of preventing colon cancer, so mango has the effect of anti-cancer.

Note, the effect of mango, mango consumption taboo is introduced here, I believe you all know, apple green natural health experts say eating mango for more information, don't blind to eat, such as: nature with wet poison, people with cancer, the crowd suffering from skin diseases, above all in detail can hope to be of help.

Can pregnant women eat mangoes? Benefits of mango for pregnant women

Can pregnant women eat mangoes? During pregnancy, there are many dietary restrictions for expectant mothers. So, can mangoes be eaten during pregnancy? Here, to tell you that pregnant women can not only eat mango, there are many benefits oh. Next, let's take a look at the benefits of mango for pregnant women.

Benefits of mango for pregnant women

Mangoes are rich in vitamin A, which can protect the eyesight of mother and baby, and strengthen the resistance to disease.

Mango can produce fluid to relieve cough, prevent vomiting seasickness and other phenomena. Pregnant mothers eat more mango, can reduce vomiting, loss of appetite.

Mangoes are rich in protein, which protects pregnant women's skin, moisturizes it and restores elasticity.

Mango sweet acid, cool non-toxic, with thirst diuresis and other functions.

Finally, here's how to pick a mango.

Mango shopping tips

A good mango will give off a good taste when smelled by the nose. Generally, the stronger the aroma, the better the taste.

Among mangoes of the same size, the heavier ones, the finer ones, the more moisture, are better to eat.

Mango into the food to choose plump fruit better, indicating that the fruit meat is small seed, more suitable for food.

Pedicle head part is relatively open, is a symbol of mango ripeness.

By gently pressing the flesh, a ripe mango will feel springy, like a peach, and too soft indicates overripeness.

Avoid mangoes with lots of black spots. A small number of spots on the mango is normal, but too many may indicate some damage to the fruit.

The bright color of mango is naturally top quality, and the skin is fine and smooth than rough better.

Although pregnant women eat mango is good, but also should not eat more oh.

The efficacy and function of mango

In our daily life, there are many times we inadvertently ignore mangoes. Little do they know the nutritional value of mango juice is very high. It has many effects and effects. Come together with Shenyang Hejiaxin Trading Co., LTD.

1. Mango has the effect of stopping vomiting and dizziness, and has certain curative effect on nausea and vomiting, Meniere's syndrome, vertigo and so on. In ancient times, no one who sailed across the sea did not carry some mangoes with him to cure the sickness of seasickness. Pulp or mango decocted water to eat, to suppress the nausea of pregnant women also has a good effect.

2. Anticancer effect. According to the modern dietary point of view, mango contains A large amount of vitamin A, so it has anti-cancer, anti-cancer effects.

3, beautify skin effect. Mango is especially high in carotene, which is good for your eyesight and moisturizes your skin, making it a beauty treat for women. Therefore, regular consumption of mango can play a role in moisturizing the skin.

4, prevention and treatment of hypertension, arteriosclerosis effect. Mango CONTAINS nutrients and vitamin C, minerals, etc., in addition to its anti-cancer effect, it also has the therapeutic effect of preventing arteriosclerosis and hypertension.

5, prevention and treatment of constipation. Mango juice can increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, so that stool stays in the colon for a short time, so it is of great benefit to the prevention and treatment of colon cancer. It has certain benefits for the prevention and treatment of constipation.

6. Bactericidal effect. The mango leaf extract can inhibit pyococcus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It also has the effect of suppressing influenza virus.

7. Brain health. Mango contains manGIferin, which has obvious effects of anti-lipid peroxidation and protecting brain neurons, and can delay cell senescence and improve brain function. It can significantly increase the activity of catalase and decrease the hemoglobin of erythrocytes. It also has the effect of eliminating disease and relieving cough, and has an auxiliary therapeutic effect on cough, phlegm, asthma and other diseases.


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