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Making Magick Wherever You Are

About my cozy space

By Taejiana ZhanePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Artwork by me.

Things that live on my dresser.

My personal space has always been somewhere so sacred to me. As an introvert with a generalized anxiety disorder and Complex PTSD, it is essential. I have always needed a place to escape to when I became overwhelmed. I have not always had that, though. There were many times growing up that my family and I did not have a home. That’s not what this is about though.

This is about how I have learned how to make magick no matter where I am and what horrible living situation I might be in. How in doing so, I got myself to where I am presently. I didn’t know that’s what I was doing, at first. I have always had a strong sense of self, even when I don’t think I do. And even when I feel drowned out by the trauma. Even in what felt like the worst situations. I was able to create some magick to help me cope. Making magick wherever you are, means working with what you have. When I was little this meant making art to hang up on the bare walls of my room. It meant hand sewing clothes for my dolls with whatever scrap fabric I could get. Now it means making orange garlands to hang up in my room. Now, it means reminding myself daily of my worth and importance.

My affirmation board.

I currently live in my best friend's basement. Long story short, COVID. This basement is where I spend almost all of my time. I’ve learned a lot about myself during the time I’ve spent down here, enjoying my solitude. My whole space directly reflects who I am. I’ve spent a lot of time curating a loving and healing environment for myself. I wanted to be able to look around my space and feel joy because of what I saw. No matter where I look in my room, I see something that can put a smile on my face. I always feel so grateful that my space reflects me so deeply. And I feel proud that I have been able to create the space I’ve always wanted.

Views from the floor; where I do yoga.

It helps me to have separate areas in my space to do things. I have an altar table that I might sit at for a morning journaling and tarot session. With a hot cup of tea, of course. I will also meditate here sometimes.

My altar table.

I have a table that I use for drawing, painting, sewing, and work. This is where I work on all of my projects. This is also where almost all of my writing happens.

My favorite place to get things done.

The biggest thing that makes my space so magickal is the love that I pour into it. Which is a direct result of the love that I pour into myself, first. I love to have cute, authentic little decor in my space. Art made by other people, and even myself.

The coziest spot in my room, and my favorite place to read.

Magick in my daily life looks like candles and incense. I like for my space to smell like warm spices. It looks like tending to the lovely green plants I’ve placed everywhere. It looks like poetry books and crystals and a yoga mat that never gets put away. Making magick where I am means having a basket overflowing with different kinds of tea. Along with an electric kettle so I don’t have to leave my room to make any. Magick in my space is spending hours painting and creating. It looks like an affirmation board that reminds me that I am lovely and full of light. That I am capable of anything. It’s journaling and many tears. It means appreciating all of the beauty that surrounds me. It also looks like caring for and tending to my space. It sounds like my parakeets chirping as I play my favorite music. It sounds like jazz and pianos in the background. It is gratitude.

My parakeets Perri (Left) and Sky (Right)

*see basket of tea in the bottom left corner

My favorite colors are earth tones so it only makes sense that I am surrounded by greens and browns and deep oranges. I find these colors help reduce my anxiety. They’re calming and they help me feel at home. I’ve always wanted a home. Somewhere safe where I could freely be myself. As I‘ve spent more time alone, learning how to be a friend to myself rather than an enemy; I learned that I could be my home. By being comfortable in my skin. Sometimes by just being. It doesn’t have to be an external place. Or another person. Why wouldn’t I want to be my own home? My mother would always say “You came into this world by yourself and you’re going to leave by yourself”. I think it used to hurt my feelings when I was a child, but I understand it now. Mostly. I currently interpret it like this: It’s okay to have external things, places, and people that feel like home; but you are your first home. Your most permanent home in this life.

*see yoga mat that never gets put away

Home is where my plants are. Where my books are. My art supplies. Where my erratic little parakeets are. Where my tea is. My sewing machine. Where I am. You don’t need a lot of things to make your space more magickal. Yes, some plants and DIY decorations might help but all of the magick you need resides inside of you.

Current reads. Artwork by Peyton Osborne @spacevaluee on instagram.


About the Creator

Taejiana Zhane

Artist, Writer, Poet, Empath, HSP, Plant lover, Healing Enthusiast, 🏳️‍🌈

aries ☀️, scorpio 🌙, aquarius ⬆️

and here you are living

despite it all

- rupi kaur

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