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Lost My Hair After Covid-19

By Lori Evans

By QuickCurePublished 10 months ago 3 min read

I never thought I would have to deal with hair loss at the age of 32. I always had thick, shiny, healthy hair that I loved to style and show off. But that all changed when I got the COVID-19 vaccine.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-vaxxer. I believe in science and I wanted to protect myself and others from the virus. I was grateful to have access to the vaccine and I didn’t hesitate to sign up for it as soon as it was available.

But a few weeks after getting my second dose, I noticed something strange. My hair was falling out in clumps. Every time I brushed my hair, washed my hair, or even touched my hair, I would see strands of it on my hands, on my pillow, on the floor. It was terrifying.

I went to see my doctor, who diagnosed me with alopecia areata, a type of autoimmune hair loss that can be triggered by various factors, including infections, stress, or vaccines. He explained that it was a rare but possible side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine, and that it was not permanent. He prescribed me some corticosteroids and minoxidil to help stimulate hair growth and suppress the immune system.

I followed his advice and hoped for the best. But nothing seemed to work. My hair kept falling out and I started to develop bald patches on my scalp. I felt depressed, anxious, and insecure. I hated looking at myself in the mirror. I stopped going out with my friends or dating. I wore hats or scarves to cover my head. I felt like I had lost a part of myself.

One day, I stumbled upon an article online about red light therapy for hair loss. It claimed that red light therapy was a safe and effective treatment that could help regrow hair by stimulating cellular activity in the hair follicles. It sounded too good to be true, but I was desperate for a solution.

I did some more research and found out that red light therapy was backed by scientific studies and FDA approved light therapy products. It involved exposing the scalp to low-level red or near-infrared light using a device such as a red light therapy hat or red light therapy head cap. The device could be used at home, without any pain or side effects.

I decided to give it a try and ordered a red light therapy hat online. It was easy to use and comfortable to wear. I used it for 20 minutes every day, along with my other treatments.

To my surprise, after a few weeks, I started to notice some changes. My hair stopped falling out as much and I saw some new growth on my scalp. The bald patches were filling in with short hairs that were all the same length. My hair felt thicker and stronger.

After a few months, my hair was almost back to normal. It looked healthy, shiny, and full of volume. I couldn’t believe it. Red light therapy had worked for me when nothing else did.

I felt like a new person. I regained my confidence and happiness. I started to go out again, socialize, date, and enjoy life. I received compliments on my hair from strangers and friends alike. I felt beautiful again.

I’m so glad I discovered red light therapy for hair loss. It changed my life for the better. If you’re suffering from hair loss caused by the COVID-19 vaccine or any other reason, don’t lose hope. There is a solution out there that can help you regrow your hair and restore your self-esteem.

Have you tried red light therapy for hair loss? What was your experience? Share your story in the comments below. You never know who you might inspire or help.


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