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Kiwi fruit

Kiwifruit is rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins and trace elements, especially vitamin C, vitamin A and folate. Kiwi fruit has a good name is "vitamin C king".

By HeatherPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Kiwi fruit

Kiwifruit is rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins and trace elements, especially vitamin C, vitamin A and folate. Kiwi fruit has a good name is "vitamin C king". So what are the efficacy and role of kiwifruit?

First, promote digestion

Kiwifruit contains edible fiber that can promote digestion, adsorption and removal of colonic endotoxin. It can prevent colon cancer, constipation and other gastrointestinal problems after eating. In addition, kiwifruit proteinase, like papain and bromelain, has the effect of promoting digestion.

Second, the beautiful skin

The antioxidant content of kiwi fruit can slow down the rate of aging throughout the body. These antioxidants scavenge cell-damaging free radicals, speed up keratinysis, tighten skin, and increase skin elasticity and thickness. Kiwifruit oil and kiwifruit seed oil are used in anti-aging products. This is because kiwi fruit is high in vitamins C and E, lycopene and other antioxidants.

Three, whitening anti-aging

Kiwifruit is rich in antioxidant components vitamin E and vitamin C, the main effect of vitamin E is to reduce facial wrinkles, delay the aging of the skin, vitamin C can be white beauty, accelerate the body toxin discharge; Therefore often eat kiwi can alleviate skin aging, whitening and beauty.

Four, prevent hair loss

The vitamin C content in kiwifruit is rich, the main nutrient in the hair is protein, and vitamin C plays an important role in the synthesis of hair collagen, which can not only reduce hair from free radical damage, but also promote hair, prevent hair from bifurcation, dry hair, dandruff and other problems.

Fifth, improve immunity

The high content of vitamins and other antioxidants in kiwifruit has been shown to regulate the immune system; The vitamin E found in kiwi fruit can boost immune system function and lower cholesterol. So eating more kiwi fruit can reduce inflammation and the negative effects of stress on the body, as well as increase the body's resistance to bacteria and viruses.

Six, regulate blood pressure

The high content of potassium in kiwifruit plays an important role in maintaining the body's water and electrolyte balance. Potassium plays an important role in maintaining your heart rate and, together with sodium, controls blood pressure balance.

Seven, cardiovascular regulation

Kiwi fruit is as useful as aspirin in treating cardiovascular diseases such as inflammation in the body and gastrointestinal bleeding without side effects. A study at the University of Oslo in Norway looked at people who ate two to three kiwifruit a day for 28 days and found that their blood clotting rate decreased by 18 percent and triglycerides decreased by 15 percent. Eating more kiwi fruit can prevent metabolic waste from being deposited on the arterial wall, which can effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Eight, anti-cancer

Kiwifruit contains anti-mutation component - glutathione, which helps to inhibit cancer gene mutations and lesions, and has a certain inhibitory effect on skin cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and other cancer cell lesions. In addition, the carotenoids and flavonoids contained in kiwi fruit have antioxidant action surface, which can protect DNA from free radical damage and prevent the growth of tumor cells by preventing DNA damage.

Nine, prevention and treatment of diabetes

Kiwifruit contains a large number of natural sugar alcohols, which can effectively regulate the sugar metabolism in the human body, more effectively regulate the hormone and nerve conduction effect in the cell, and has a unique effect on the prevention and treatment of diabetes and depression.

10. Adjuvant treatment of cataract

Kiwifruit is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which can accumulate in the retina and is good at preventing permanent blindness caused by worsening spots, helping to restore sight to those who have cataracts.

11, safe fetus

Kiwifruit are rich in folate, with one kiwifruit containing as much folate as four peaches. Folic acid is one of the essential substances to build a healthy body, which can effectively prevent neural tube malformation in embryonic development and relieve the worries of pregnant women.

12. Adjust the acid-base balance

Kiwifruit is a typical alkaline food, rich in minerals, can remove the acidic residues of metabolism in the body, help regulate the human body's acid-base balance, improve sleep, relieve cold symptoms, improve spirit, prevention and treatment of arthritis and osteoporosis.

13. Improve sexual function

The arginine contained in kiwi fruit has the effect of dilating blood vessels and has been used to treat male impotence. The zinc found in kiwifruit also helps boost the production of male hormones.

14. Help you lose weight

Kiwi fruit is low in sugar and high in fiber, which prevents sudden spikes in blood sugar and thus fat hoarding, so eating more kiwi fruit can help you lose weight.

Fifteen, kiwi edible matters needing attention

Kiwi in the vitamin C content is high, easy to coagle with protein in dairy products, so not only affect digestion and absorption, but also prone to abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, so try not to drink milk or other dairy products immediately after eating kiwi.

Children allergic to kiwifruit should not eat macaques; Children under the age of 5 are prone to food allergy, should not eat kiwi fruit; Children who are allergic to pineapple are often allergic to kiwi fruit.


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