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Coconut -- scientific name :(CocosnuciferaL.) belongs to the palm family, plant tall, tree shape, 15-30 meters high, strong stem, ring leaf mark, base thickening, often fascicled small root.

By HeatherPublished 2 years ago 3 min read


Coconut -- scientific name :(CocosnuciferaL.) belongs to the palm family, plant tall, tree shape, 15-30 meters high, strong stem, ring leaf mark, base thickening, often fascicled small root. Petiole stout, inflorescence axillary, fruit ovoid or subglobose, fruit cavity containing endosperm that is "pulp", embryo and juice that is coconut water, fruit and fruit period mainly in autumn. Coconut is a general term, divided into coconut king, coconut, hairy coconut and other categories, the fruit appearance is also completely different.

Coconut water and coconut meat contain a lot of protein, fructose, glucose, sucrose, fat, vitamin B1, vitamin E, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium and so on. In every 100 grams of coconut, energy reaches more than 900 kilojoules, protein 4 grams, fat 12 grams, dietary fiber 4 grams, in addition to a variety of trace elements, carbohydrate content is also very rich.

Coconut taste sweet, flat, into the stomach, spleen, large intestine; Pulp has the effect of reinforcing deficiency and strengthening, invigorating qi and dispelling wind, eliminating malnutrition and killing insects. Long-term eating can moisturize the face, strengthen people's strength and tolerate hunger, and treat children's desiccating and ginger worm diseases. Coconut water has the effect of nourishing, clearing the heat and quenching thirst, treating the summer heat of thirst, thirst lack of body fluid; Coconut shell oil to treat ringworm, cure bayberry sore.

When the coconut is a little more mature, the skin into brown yellow, called the coconut emperor, in addition to drinking coconut water, coconut meat can be dug out to do coconut, coconut silk, coconut cake. Many people believe that the coconut King is the essence of the coconut. The coconut king is just an older coconut with a mostly brown skin. Coconut water is relatively richer than coconut.

What are the nutritive value and effect of coconut and action?

The nutritional value of coconut is containing protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, trace elements, and so on. Its efficacy and role are to produce fluid and quench thirst, nourish skin, clear heat and relieve heat, and prevent constipation.

Is the nutritive value of coconut to contain richer protein, adipose, sugar, vitamin B? , potassium, magnesium and other nutrients needed by the human body, especially coconut water is rich in minerals potassium, magnesium and so on, and the electrolyte composition of our body's intracellular fluid is similar, so drinking coconut water helps prevent cell dehydration in summer. The fat content of coconut meat is relatively high, protein is relatively high other fruits, energy reached 240 kcal per 100 grams above, so coconut meat can effectively supplement energy and protein. The effect and function of coconut have the function of producing fluid and quenching thirst, nourishing the face, clearing heat and relieving heat, preventing constipation and so on.

Coconut is a kind of sweet and sweet fruit, coconut meat and coconut water are loved by people. Coconut nutrition is rich, traditional Chinese medicine thinks coconut water can cure thirst, eliminate edema, in addition to rheumatism, to heat of summer heat, thirst, lung stomach heat, irascibility exuberant person is more appropriate. Drinking coconut water in moderation in summer is a great way to beat the heat, as well as boost energy and electrolytes. Because of its high sugar content, coconut water should be consumed with caution by diabetics. In addition, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold menstrual period women should drink less or not drink.

Although some of the ingredients of coconut have played a role in modern research, they have limited amounts and effects. Food and foodstuffs are not used to treat diseases and cannot replace medicine.

The dietary contraindication of coconut crowd: the person of inside body hot SHENG should not often eat coconut. If you sleep poorly for a long time, like to eat fried food, easily lose your temper or dry mouth, remember not to eat more coconut.


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