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June 1, 2020

Card of the Day

By [email protected]Published 4 years ago 4 min read
Four of swords from the Witches Tarot Deck by Ellen Dugan, Illustrated by Mark Evans

The Four of swords up right-

To me the four of swords in the upright position, always indicates rest. This is a rest of the body, and the mind, what self care is all about. In most traditional decks this card has a man dressed as a knight either laying down at his own wake, or sick in bed. But in the witches tarot deck this card has a young woman standing with one sword while the other three are against the wall in the up right position and in her right hand and a few wands that are just branches. To me while the traditional meaning of rest, repose, and relaxation is here and is still being indicated that is what we need after the last week and weekend we have had. This card can also indicate a much needed break that is only temporary the purpose of the break is to bring forth healing.

You see this has to do with thoughts and actions. When you give your mind a break from your thoughts especially the ones that keep racing. You are able to think about what your heart truly desires. Then you are able to act on it. Swords correspond with the the energy of air, for me this card talks about a rest in communication of our thoughts and we are now just starting to act on our hearts desires.

The woman in the card always strikes me because she is wearing the colors of yellow and purple. Both of those colors work with the different body centers of our charkas. Yellow deals mainly with the solar plexus charka. It is about power yes but personal power, confidence, self respect and positivity, it represents fire. While the deep purple is connected to our crown charka it represents our divinity and deep connection to spirit.

It is the gate way to clarity, and where out wisdom and spiritual knowledge comes in to focus. For more information on the charkas and how you can develop or work on them please book an in-depth personal reading with me. I take appointments and I can do an email reading for you as well if you are not able to have a scheduled phone or video chat with me.

This is where, I usually tell my clients to take some time to self reflect quietly in some form of alone time for a small part of the day. The card in the upright tradition takes a bit of the themes of the hermit card which talks about going within to find your guiding light. But instead this card pushes you to go within first to confront the whelming thoughts. You must face and confront them first so you can regain peace and control later. Why?

Well is a way of taking over those racing thoughts by addressing them in a healthy way. So they no longer have control over you and you have control over them them, it takes the over whelming pressure and heat off your mind. That is why when I ever I see this card, I know I am doing too much, and that I need to take a break. Pre pandemic life, I would have processed things, and then planned a small outing with friends or if I could a weekend getaway. I would do that to re-emerse myself in the world to give my mind a break from the problem or issue I was facing. Usually when you do that you get the answers you seek. But with covid-19 we are having to re think how engage in outside distractions.

So in order to understand the four of swords better we have to understand why we are feeling disconnected. Also what makes use feel disconnected? What thoughts plague our minds to make use feel so over whelmed? We need to work on those thoughts and identify them and what part of the solar plexus they come from first. We have to do that before we can begin to address the deeper issues that steam from this.

Take some time to understand this journey of self exploration, journal it if you need to. Then when you have addressed the issues dip out of your journal and then rest. Give your mind a happy distraction by playing candy crush, taking a bath, watching a tv show for 30 minutes, give your self a self care day. Just make sure you are taking the time to be gentle with your self, and remember that what you think has power of you truly doesn’t. You have the power within yourself to decide any and all outcomes if you go within and listen to what your higher-self knows about the situation.

When you listen to your higher-self, you not only gain the clarity you need but you also have the benefits of healing the soul. In a way that seems counter intuitive when you go forward with listening to your soul needs and desires. In doing that you allow your thoughts to still and you just listen to your heart and this in turn brings a type healing to your will power. Remember the colors on the dress. This is about learning to have will power and digging deep to understand your self better.

I am wishing you to have a great rest of your day!


Lady of the Lake


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