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Importance of Alone Time

Benefits of Quality Time Alone

By Bia Published 4 years ago 3 min read

Something I never understood was how individuals have the need to be out and socialize with others, because I was always one who enjoyed being alone. However, after some time of growing and coming across a diverse group of people throughout my lifetime, I finally realized that there is importance to both socializing and alone time.

Are you someone who does not like to be alone? Or are you someone who enjoys being alone? If you are an individual who hates being alone, then hopefully along the way of reading this you’ll start to feel more at ease about spending some time alone, and by the end of it, you’ll understand the importance of being alone. Now if you do enjoy spending time alone, maybe you already understand the importance of it, or you will learn a couple things along the way. Sounds bizarre to hear, but it is very important to spend some quality time by yourself.

I myself enjoy spending quality time on my own, and I have listed 10 reasons as to why I enjoy it:

1. It allows me to recuperate myself and all of my thoughts.

2. I am able to express any type of emotion I may be feeling without having to worry about anyone judging me and knowing that I am alone.

3. I can think as much as I want without any distractions or having to stop

4. It is my way of finding peace within myself.

5. I am able to meditate and realign my chakras.

6. I can freely dance and sing to loud music.

7. It allows me to manage my time wisely to get a lot of things done.

8. It helps me build and strengthen my mentality.

9. It has helped me find my true self by doing what I want to do.

10. Privacy is the biggest thing for me.

In this generation it seems that we are expected to stay connected due to all the new smartphones and exposure to social media. Which has led to individuals not being able to spend time alone. It has become uncomfortable and lifeless for many.

There are two types of solitudes which are authentic and inauthentic solitude. The difference between the two is that with authentic solitude it is the ability to reach any type of psychological needs. Such as anything that has to do with autonomy, building confidence and just having the freedom to do any type of activity without the need of approval from anyone else. Self-care falls under this category. Many individuals find these things to be rewarding mentally. It is a way into self-reflection, which then leads to insight and a better understanding of oneself. Inauthentic solitude can be very unpleasant. It can be defeating and demoralizing. This can lead to reminiscing over stressful scenarios or engaging oneself into negative self-talk. This state of mind is what we all should try to steer far away from.

Fortunately, the importance of alone time does not cancel out the desire for healthy relationships and normal day to day social interactions. The value of solitude is not really something that is to be questioned because no matter what, extroverts also need alone time for the benefits of resting and just being alone. Too much interaction with others can cause fatigue. If you are not someone who has really been a fan of alone time, hopefully after getting through reading this you have gained the thought to give it a try and maybe make it part of a daily routine. There are many benefits that should be taken into consideration.

self care

About the Creator


Health- Fitness- Writing

Instagram: @Ebaybia

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