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I'm done

so over it

By Jasmine HarrisPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
I'm done
Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

I'm over it. I'm done working a job I hate. I'm done working for someone who couldn't do my job half as well as me. Even drunk I could still outwork them. Why am I forcing myself to work for people who don't care?

I'm tired of being overwhelmed, underpaid, and underappreciated. There is absolutely no good reason for me to stick it out at this job. I will figure something out. I always do.

I know that there are people who will get angry that I just walked out. Some might not understand. However, I'm trying to do what's best for me. And what's best for me is to leave. I need to focus on maintaining my mental health. I can't do that working this job.

The money might be good but the hours are terrible. I never get to see my child. Why would I want to work a job to provide for my child if every time I go in I want to harm myself? No job is worth that. No job is more important than my family.

I would rather work a job that makes me happy and pays less. Rather than working a job that is destroying me and pays a lot. I know my worth and I refuse to be put in a position where I feel less than.

Do I have a solid plan yet? No, I do not. But I'm working on it. I know that I'm going to anger some people with my decision to quit. It's a risk that I'm willing to take. This is something I need to do.

I'm sick of hearing people say, "do what's right for you" and then get mad when you do just that. I've been people-pleasing for far too long. It's about time I started doing right by myself. I'm never going to please everyone and that's ok. I'm trying to do what I need to do to properly take care of myself. If people can't understand that then they can leave.

The way I see it everyone can accept my decision or not. the choice is theirs. I'm done letting everyone else's opinions decide what I should do. They aren't living my life. So why should they get to make these choices for me? I understand them wanting to help. But forcing me to stick with a job that is just continuously getting worse is not the right choice for me.

I need support right now not judgement. If some judgment is all they have then they can keep their mouths shut. I will figure this whole thing out. With or without anyone's help. I'm not trying to make things more difficult. I'm trying to figure out a way to make things better. It might not be very easy. I might hit a wall or 2. I will get through it no matter what.

I am turning over a new leaf. I am starting over workwise. I'm still young. I still have time to figure out what I'm doing. There is absolutely no reason for me to be stuck working a job I hate. My life isn't over. In fact, my life is still in a way very new. Why should I worry about a career so much right now? Who am I helping by working a job that is destroying my mental health?

There is plenty of time to get things done. Plenty of people go through this. This is not the end for me. In fact, it's just the beginning. There are better things out there for me.

self care

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