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How Your Family Can Elevate Your Health & Wellness

Tips on Wellness for Your Family

By Rayanne MorrissPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The image source is Pexels.

Being healthy and staying healthy is every family’s goal. However, most families never get to make the sweeping health improvements usually because of how they approach the undertaking. As you may have realized, it’s not enough to ask everyone in your family to start jogging or meditating to lose weight and de-stress. Actually, many people find many health-boosting activities frustrating and unnecessary. To achieve positive changes, you need a different approach to the “normal” health and wellness activities. Keep reading to learn how to get your family to elevate its health and wellness more sustainably today.

Eat healthier foods, but don’t go on a diet

One of the biggest mistakes people make while trying to lose weight or improve their physical and mental health is adopting the various overhyped diets. Unfortunately, medical professionals are finding most of these diets very ineffective in the long term. According to the National Institutes of Health, for instance, dieting is one of the reasons people gain weight.

Therefore, instead of going on a diet, encourage your family to tweak their foods and replace unhealthy foods with healthier foods. For instance, instead of eating processed snacks, you can eat unprocessed nuts to boost your metabolism, lose weight and increase the nutrients necessary for fighting heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Other foods you can increase in your diet are low-sugar fruits, such as berries, complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal and whole grain rice.

Sleep earlier

Sleep deprivation is one of the largest triggers or causes of poor brain health, stress, poor appetite, weight gain, diabetes and many other physical and mental issues. Although most of us know that we should get between six and eight hours of sleep every night, we usually fail to reach that goal because of our daily schedules, gadgets and other factors.

To sleep more, make sure you avoid electrical devices for up to 2 hours before bedtime, and maintain a regular bedtime. You can also try taking a warm bath just before you go to bed, and take a melatonin supplement to help you sleep faster.

Find enjoyable ways to de-stress

Stress is one of the reasons people are struggling with heart problems, ulcers, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome and even obesity. On top of that, stress can lead to poor concentration, low confidence and decreased productivity.

Normally, professionals often recommend meditation, mindfulness, regular exercise and other activities that have been proven to help people manage stress. However, people are different, and you have to allow them to use what works for them. There are many other ways of de-stressing, such as listening to relaxing music, spending time with a loving pet, consuming full spectrum CBD oil and reading a good book. If someone in your family enjoys these activities more than meditation, then encourage them to do them. Instead of introducing a single technique for the whole family, let everyone experiment with different techniques and then practice what works for them regularly within a set period of time.

Read nutritional labels

Whether or not weight loss is your family’s main goal, you can improve everyone’s health and wellness tremendously by cultivating the habit of reading product labels. This is because it helps you know the number of calories and the types of nutrients the product has. Reading the labels can assist you avoid unhealthy foods, such as those that contain high sugar, low protein and low fat.

Start a family garden

Gardening is one of the best ways of getting more vitamin D, which helps in boosting the immune system and bone health. The activity can also be a great form of exercise for families. All the squatting, bending, pulling, twisting and so forth works many types of muscles in the body, improving stamina, muscle tone and weight.

Another aspect of health and wellness that people often ignore is emotional intelligence. Studies show that participating in group activities, such as group exercise and gardening, can help people develop their emotional intelligence (EI). A person with high emotional intelligence is usually great at building and managing healthy relationships. A little more EI in your family wouldn’t hurt, would it?


Although it may seem daunting, your family members’ health and wellness can improve without too much effort. Of course, there are many things you can do to get there; however, to be on the safe side, start with the methods we’ve discussed above.


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