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How to Protect Yourself Spiritually During Troubling Times

Love Yourself and Be Calm

By Sally HPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Being calm, logical and informed are the foremost tools to look after yourself.

Concern is healthy and warranted, but fear or hysteria is unhealthy.

So, take a deep cleansing breath and wrap yourself in the white light of the One Consciousness, the Source from which all comes from.

As we collectively raise our frequencies to 5-D or the 5th Dimension, our templates or blue-prints will be redesigned and the influx of Light will bring us the true belonging and connectedness that many seek.

What is Unknown is not automatically to be feared.

As a society and a civilisation we have emergency procedures or systems that are rolled out, so follow your Government’s directions, at times of collective trials.

There’s always a choice.

If you go to work, ask for Annual Leave or Leave without pay, or to work from home, if you can.

If you go to work, you could see if you can car-pool rather than use public transport, or move to a work location within walking or cycling distance, or to where a friend or a family member can pick you up from.

If there is overwhelming information around you that stresses you, here are some possible actions.

The Television and Radio News

Don’t watch them, don’t listen to them, or watch or listen to just one source. daily, or when you need to.

When you’re watching a TV programme with distressing adverts, mute the adverts and go to the Guide to minimise the visual OR mute the TV, or go to another Channel.

Or walk away for 4 minutes at least, to let the Ads run.

If you’re listening to the radio, turn the volume down when the news comes on.


Unlike or un-follow or use “Take a Break/ See Less of” on a mobile phone, to stop seeing posts of friends or groups or pages that you don’t like.

Bookmark the home pages of those for which you do like seeing their posts. Visit Facebook and other Social Media less, so you won’t see content which disturbs you.

In the workplace, if people talk about things you don’t like –

Walk away (go and get a drink or find something that you might have to do)

Put your headphones or earphones on ( plugged into your mobile device playing an audio )

Tell them that talking all morning or all afternoon, or all day, upsets you, so please don’t do it ( or ask your supervisor or manager or Human Resources manager to tell them )

By Sean O. on Unsplash

Use your time to reflect over the higher perspective about what is happening. If you are up to, the following sources may help.




Focus on the positive and on Isaac Robledo’s 7 thoughts.

The above is Screenshot from Amazon’s free preview of Isaac Robledo’s book “7 Thoughts To Live Your Life By”

Surround yourself with high vibes –

Calming music – audios and YouTube videos, such as: Solfeggio music, Medicine Woman and other songs by Medwyn Goodall, meditation videos, music and apps for your phone.

Use the Violet Flame to take away trauma, worries and anxieties and transmute them, and the Emerald Ray for healing, and White Light to seal your aura.

Patricia Cota-Robles talks about the current global opportunities, and gives healing activities, at:

Era of Peace

Boost your immune system

The following resources may help.





Reach out for genuine positive support. Let others know how you feel.

Love yourself by thinking positive thoughts and about what you appreciate, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. You can use a mantra such as:

Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

Picture Earth surrounded by cleansing, spiritual emerald-violet Light or White Light.

Use all these practices together, and remember that we are all spiritual beings.

We are all sparks of the One Consciousness, of the Cosmos or Divine, and as such you and I or We can commune with the fabric that all is made from.

YOU have the power to focus on your well-being and on that of the whole Cosmos. You may be interested in my Open Letter to our World Leaders, at the link below.


By kazuend on Unsplash

Namaste: I see the Divine Within You, See it Within Others


About the Creator

Sally H

I love reading, writing, researching, and supporting others. I run several WordPress blogs and have an academic background in the Biological Sciences and in Social Research. I also review non-fiction books.

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