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Leaders, Please Speak to Your Soul

Now, Do It

By Sally HPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Dear World Leaders,

Now is the time to realise that YOU are a soul or a spark of the Spirit embodied in human form.

Now is the age for humanity to stop manufacturing divisions and profits and power plays and to remember that you are a part of one Consciousness.

Please: Speak to your Soul

Life is amazing, and together people can work together to support each other and the environment, if you only choose to do so.

Why choose division and fear and confusion?

You know and understand that we are not meant for this.

Your Soul realises that human beings have to come together and look at the basics and at our natural resources and our physical environment.

Soul understands that without a healthy environment the continuing well being of human beings is in jeopardy.


It is there – in the thoughts that your personality conjures up when you hear people around you cry out for real reductions in emissions around the globe, for climate health.

It is around when you meet around the board-room table, thinking about economic deals and jobs your way, and you pound out your vibe that it’s Your Way or the Highway.

The Soul is still there when you gather with your advisers and choose to look at the surface, and sweep away under the carpet the connections that make us human.

Soul is saying give Life a Chance.


  1. Start real long term commitments to renewable energy resources and reducing carbon emissions.
  2. Start spending money resources on science and technology that keeps human beings and other beings well.
  3. Start supporting affordable health care despite the effects or changes it may have on pharmacists and business.
  4. Start making equal health-care and care of the environment priorities.
  5. Start realising that we’re all in this together

Your SOUL knows that YOU cannot continue to chase the mighty dollar or a phantom Power that is not even real, when the praise and respect and affection of your people whom you are charged with supporting is really truly not there because you choose to divide all on Earth, and to put YOUR choices for the Economy over health and the environment.

Please OWN UP to the fact that you need to be better Leaders!


Dear World Leaders, it’s time to stop being boys with your toys.

Dear World Leaders, it’s time to get REAL and to acknowledge the oneness that we live.

Soul says that it’s time for the WORLD TO SPEAK UP.

The time has come when people around the globe will not rest until YOU have listened to us and have addressed the people’s concerns.

Make no mistake, we are all Souls having human experiences, and you are called to find and use your LIGHT to look after our environment and our social and physical and emotional needs.

Make no mistake YOU are capable of REAL GREATNESS if you let it be.


Leaders, Please Speak to Your Soul

It will tell you that you have been living a lie.

It will tell you that we all need to join together and to work together fluently without tit-for-tat or “I’m better than you” or “We want more.”

Soul will tell you how to Live better if you reach in and dare to look for it.

And OUR souls are telling you Be Ready

For know this now, that billions of Souls around the World are right at this moment communing with or meeting your SOULS to ask them to rise to the opportunities.

You know what is right and what to do. Our Souls will not rest and we will not let up, we will find ways to ask your personalities and your inner sparks, your timeless Souls which know that we MUST work together to restore our climate and our environment, and to share and collaboratively use our mental abilities and ideas for ALL.

REAL Power comes from Kindness and True Genuine respect, understanding and collaboration with everything, from our Souls.

Speak to your Souls while you can and spread Happiness and Health globally for all. Now Do it.


About the Creator

Sally H

I love reading, writing, researching, and supporting others. I run several WordPress blogs and have an academic background in the Biological Sciences and in Social Research. I also review non-fiction books.

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